Goals and Analytics

Project Outcome:

This project aims to improve goal progress tracking and data collection within the MTSS component for all students.

Key Features:

  1. Goals and Analytics Overview:

    • Users can view all classroom goals (Classroom Goals and Analytics) and individual student goals in one place.

    • Users can escalate student goals for more intensive support and manage the goal lifecycle (e.g., mark as "master" or "archive").

  2. Data Express Integration:

    • The existing Data Express feature remains available, but the same data entry will now be possible directly within the Student's Goals and Analytics page for a better user experience.

  3. Naming Changes:

    • The "Learning Plan" on the Student Dashboard will be renamed to "Goals and Analytics."

    • A new "Classroom Goals and Analytics" page will be added to the Classroom Dashboard, showing all classroom goals with links to individual student goals.

Project Phases and Deadlines:

Phase 1 Acceptance Criteria

Deadline: End of Q4 24' (12/31/24)

Phase 2 Acceptance Criteria

Tentative Deadline: End of Q1 25' (03/31/25)

Phase 1 Acceptance Criteria

Deadline: End of Q4 24' (12/31/24)

Phase 2 Acceptance Criteria

Tentative Deadline: End of Q1 25' (03/31/25)

Goals & Analytics Page should contain:

  • Current Tab

    • Left Side

    • Top Goal Name Container

    • Goals and Objectives Panel

    • Data Collection Panel

Goals & Analytics Page should contain:

  • Inactive Tab

Goals and Analytics Classroom Page:

  • Display the number of total skills being tracked in the class (e.x., "20 Skills") at the top.

  • Provide a searchable list of students in the class with the following columns:

    • Student Name: Display full names (e.x., "Cameron Davis").

    • Number of Goals: Show the count of goals for each student.

    • Data Last Collected: Display the last date when data was collected for the student.

    • View Button: Include a clickable "View" button that allows the user to view detailed data for that student.

  • Goals and Analytics Classroom Page:

  • Adding Intervention Strategies to Skills Goals/Objectives in Admin Portal and connecting to Goals & Analytics  

    • Skills need to be added as a Subject/Domain and add relevant metadata for dynamic filtering

  • Dev needs to add goals for skills interventions (600+) to Admin Portal:  

    • Dev would need to do a mass import of goals and follow Admin Portal upload process

  • Adding Math, ELA ,Behavior & SEL goals to Goals and Analytics Page  

    • Escalation of goals to Intervention Plans, IEP, 504 etc. 

  • Customization of Goals for Skills, Math, ELA, SEL and Behavior 

  • Connecting Behavior tracking tools to Goals and Analytics Page  

  • Component permissions for Goals and Analytics

  • Work Areas:  

  • Connecting existing goals for Math, ELA, Behavior and SEL to Goals and Analytics goal bank (to allow data express tracking functionality)  

  • Duplicating functionality of behavior tracking, to Goals and Analytics Page to allow tracking for Behavior goals  

  • Creation of components in Jrich to switch features on/off  


By consolidating all goals into one place, users will have a more streamlined experience managing student goals.