Student License Overage Reporting - All Components

We need to update the logic for counting against SEL and Mental Health Student Licenses and informing Account Owners of overages.

Jrich - Mental Health Components


  • We will replace the existing Mental Health Lesson components with a single component called Mental Health Lessons.

  • Once the user adds this component, they will need to select which topics show for each grade band.


Business Rules

  • For existing accounts, we will take the total # of mental health lesson licenses from all grades. For example, if a district had 10 licenses for Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12, we will show 40 licenses for the new component. If a district has 100 licenses for All Grades, we will show 100 licenses for the new component.

  • This component will control the total number of students who may have a mental health video/activity/resource assigned.

  • For existing accounts, we will default to the topics previously selected for each grade band (if at all possible)

  • For new accounts, we will default to all topics for all grade bands.

  • The topics selected will dictate which lesson areas will show for each grade band in the lesson library.

  • It is possible to select no topics for a grade band.

Email Alerts for Overages

Report Design

  • The report will contain columns for:

    • District Acct ID

    • Level 1 Acct Name

    • Level 2 Acct ID

    • Level 2 Acct Name

    • Level 3 Acct ID

    • Level 3 Acct Name

    • Num SEL licenses allocated (See field definitions in Business Rules)

    • Num SEL licenses in use

    • SEL Num over limit

    • Num MH licenses allocated

    • Num MH licenses in use

    • MH Num over limit

    • Num Skills licenses allocated

    • Num Skills licenses in use

    • Skills Num over limit

    • Num BEH licenses allocated

    • Num BEH licenses in use

    • BEH Num over limit

  • Sample Report



Business Rules

  • This should be a scheduled job to provide reports to account owners (PSDs) every Monday.

  • Each account owner will receive a report that only contains the accounts that are assigned to them. For example, Deirdre Metcalf will not see Emily Brown’s accounts.

  • The report will contain accounts where at least one building has exceeded their allocated number of student licenses in use for either SEL or Mental Health or Both. This means that a district that has unlimited SEL and Mental Health licenses would never appear on the report.

    • When at least one building exceeds their allocated licenses, all level 1-2-3 accounts within its hierarchy will appear on the report.

    • For example, if Building A has 10 licenses allocated and 11 in use, and Building B has 10 licenses allocated with 5 in use, then both buildings A & B, plus their parent account would appear on the report.

  • Angela Smith-Pagliaro ( will receive a report that contains data for all accounts that qualify under any DEP (Sandy, Elise, and Meghan; PsdIds: 14, 15, and 17).

  • Susan Parrino ( will receive a report that contains data for all accounts that qualify under any EM (Deirdre, Emily, Kelly, Sandra P.; PsdIds: 11, 13, 16, and 18).

Field Definitions:

  • Num SEL licenses allocated

    • Num SEL (non PD) licenses allocated to the account in JRich.

  • Num SEL licenses in use

    • Num of distinct active students that have been assigned a SEL activity, video, quiz, or SEL assessment.

  • SEL Num over limit

    • Num SEL licenses in use - Num SEL licenses allocated (do not show negative numbers)

  • Num MH licenses allocated

    • Num MH (Non PD) licenses allocated to the account in JRich.

  • Num MH licenses in use

    • Num of distinct active students that have been assigned a MH activity or video

  • MH Num over limit

    • Num MH licenses in use - Num MH licenses allocated (do not show negative numbers)

  • Num Skills licenses allocated

    • Total number of IEP products (Academic, Ability, Inclusion, Transition) licenses that are allocated to the account in JRich (Sum).

      • Does not include VBMAPP

  • Num Skills licenses in use

    • Num of distinct students that have complete abilities, inclusion, or transition assessment, have at least 1 lesson on the LP, have at least 1 Skills data point, have been assigned at least 1 abilities activity. (does not have to have all of the above, just one of the above.)

  • Skills Num over limit

    • Num Skills licenses in use - Num Skills licenses allocated (do not show negative numbers)

  • Num BEH licenses allocated

    • Total number of behavior tracking licenses allocated to the account in JRich

  • Num BEH licenses in use

    • Num of distinct students that had at least 1 behavior plan, or one behavior data point collected in the time frame.

  • BEH Num over limit

    • Num BEH licenses in use - Num BEH licenses allocated (do not show negative numbers)



  • Users will continue to be able to use the platform and all components regardless of allocation overage. - EXCEPT FOR VBMAPP, which should remain unchanged

  • For the first two weeks after the overage is reported on the email report, end users will not see any difference in platform functionality.

  • 15 days after the overage is reported, TMs will see an error message when attempting to assign any SEL or MH component if they are in excess of their allocated licenses.

  • Design for error message:


Business Rules

  • We will no longer enforce license allocation limits. Teachers and students will be able to have full access to their components regardless of whether they exceed the limit. - EXCEPT FOR VBMAPP - We will continue to enforce those license limits.

  • Once this process begins, we will continue to allow customers to exceed their allocated licenses for two weeks after they are first reported on.

  • Week 1: the district appears on the email report.

  • Week 2: the account owner is working with the district to clean up licensing. There is no change in platform functionality for end-users.

  • Week 3: (15 days after report) We will no longer allow new licenses to be assigned unless they are below the allocation limit.

    • At this time, any student can still access and complete any activities, quizzes, assessments or videos that have been previously assigned to them. Teachers will not be able to make assignments to new students unless they are within the licensing allocation limit. Instead, they will receive an error message (see design)

    • For example, if an account has access to 100 licenses, the first 100 students that had an item assigned can keep using as normal, and teachers can continue to make new assignments for them. The remaining students that were assigned something in the past can still complete those assignments, but they cannot be assigned new items unless they are within the license allocation limit.