SEL Grade Level Content

SEL GenEd content will be available and sold by grade level content. As such, we need to filter by individual grade levels in the Library and Resources areas.



  • We will set one # of SEL Student Licenses per account level (not by grade band or grade)

Business Rules

  • For existing accounts, we will combine the total number of licenses for all grade bands to create the new # of licenses for SEL
  • The # of SEL student licenses determines the number of students who may have SEL quizzes, lessons, or assessments assigned.


  • Under the category, SEL General Education, we need to change grade bands to individual grade levels for:
    • Academic Connections
    • Activities
    • Home Connections
    • Lesson Plans
  • We should show grades:
    • PK
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12

Business Rules
  • Clicking on a specific grade will pull content for that grade level
  • SEL Special Education will remain in grade bands.

Lesson Library

  • Under the lesson type, SEL, we need to remove the filter for SEL Grade Group and instead show the filter for Grade

  • We should show grades in the grade drop down menu:
    • All Grades
    • PK
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
  • Selecting a grade will display the names of the lessons for that grade in the lesson display area
  • On the Lesson display area, show a column for Lesson Type and a column for Grade.
    • Lesson Type will state General Education or Special Education
    • Grade will display the grade or grade band associated with the lesson

Business Rules

  • Teacher Type
    • User settings
      • If a teacher has been set to General Education in account setup, they will only have access to General Education SEL Lessons
        • General Education should be the only teacher type available under SEL Teacher Type
      • If a teacher has been set to Special Education in account setup, they will only have access to Special Education SEL Lessons
        • Special Education should be the only teacher type available under SEL Teacher Type
      • If a teacher has been set to General Education & Special Education in account setup, they will have access to both general education and special education SEL lessons
        • By default, SEL Teacher Type will show All Teacher Type
        • Menu options for SEL Teacher type will be:
          • All Teacher Type
          • General Education
          • Special Education
    • All Teacher Type
      • Selecting this option will display both general education and special education lessons
    • General Education
      • Selecting this option will display General Education Lessons only
    • Special Education
      • Selecting this option will display Special Education Lessons only
  • Grade
    • We will show all grades in the drop-down, regardless of user settings
    • Selecting a grade from the menu will display lessons associated with that grade
      • General Education
        • Selecting Grade 1 from the drop-down will display Grade 1 lessons only
      • Special Education
        • Selecting Grade 1 from the drop-down will display PK-2 lessons only
      • If SEL Teacher type is set to All Teacher Type
        • We will see Grade 1 General Education lessons and PK-2 Special Education lessons
    • Students may only be assigned a lesson/quiz for their grade level. Meaning, if a student is in Grade 3, they can only be assigned Grade 3 content for GenEd or 3-5 content for Special Ed
    • In the student-specific library, we should only show the student's grade in the grade menu. For example, if my student is in Grade 3, grade 3 should be the only grade visible.
  • Lesson Display Area
    • General Education Lessons
      • We will show the lesson type as General Education
      • We will show the grade level for the lesson (i.e. PK)
    • Special Education Lessons
      • We will show the lesson type as Special Education
      • We will show the grade band for the lesson (i.e. PK-2)
    • If a student previously mastered a PK-2 Gen Ed lesson (let's call it Lesson A), we need to show a mastery symbol next to the new Lesson A
    • If a student was previously assigned a PK-2 Gen Ed lesson (let's call it Lesson A), we need to show the new Lesson A as assigned

Learning Plan


  • If a SEL Lesson was previously added to a student's learning plan, we will need to replace this information
    • Add new grade level lesson to student's plan

Business Rules

  • If a First Grade student previously had a PK-2 lesson on the current/future learning plan (let's call it Lesson A), we now need to add the new 1st grade lesson to this student's current/future plan



  • If a SEL quiz was previously assigned to a student, we must replace it with the new grade level quiz.

Business Rules

  • If a First Grade student previously had a Pk-2 quiz assigned, we now need to assign the First Grade Quiz to the student.
  • We need to show deleted quizzes in the Quiz Report.

View Progress


  • If data was previously collected on a SEL Lesson, we must show all graphs & progress reports for the deleted lesson

Business Rules

  • We will show deleted lessons in View Progress

File Cabinet


  • If a SEL graph or progress report was previously saved to the file cabinet, we must show the deleted lesson in the file cabinet

Business Rules

  • We need to show deleted lessons in the File Cabinet.

Training Center


  • The SEL Training Center Modules will link to lessons for each grade level for GenEd and each grade band for Sped
  • The list will be long, so we should show a scroll bar
  • We will list like this:
      • PK-2
      • 3-5
      • 6-8
      • 9-12
      • Grade 1
      • Grade 2
      • Grade 3
      • Grade 4
      • Grade 5
      • Grade 6
      • Grade 7
      • Grade 8
      • Grade 9
      • Grade 10
      • Grade 11
      • Grade 12

Business Rules

  • We will display lessons based on teacher settings. Meaning, if the teacher is set to General Education, they will only see the General Education Lessons in the drop-down. If the teacher is set to special Education, they will only see Special Education Lessons in the drop-down. If the teacher is set to both General Education and Special Education, they will see all lessons in the drop-down.
  • Clicking on a lesson category, will take users to the teach section for that lesson. For example, clicking on PK under General Education, will take users to the teach section for the PK GenEd lesson.