Permissions | Intervention Tracking | MTSS Suite

Description: We need to add a permission setting for Intervention Tracking

User Stories:

  • Given I am a setting up my users, I want to know which roles have access to create and view intervention plans, so I can ensure my users have the proper level of access

  • Given I am creating a custom role, I want to choose if the role should have access to create or view an intervention plan, so I can ensure my users have the proper level of access

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 7, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 6, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 5, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role Case Manager, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role Multi-Account Lead Teacher, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role Lead Teacher, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role Teacher, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role Multi-Account Teacher, I will have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 2 (Para), I will have permission to View Plans

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role, I will not have permission to Create/Edit Plans and View Plans by default. This needs to be added.


General Concept


  • Add a permission header called Intervention Tracking

  • Under this header, add 2 settings:

    • Create/Edit Plans

    • View Plans


Business Rules

  • Create/Edit/View Plans allows users to create new intervention plans, and edit existing intervention plans. By default, the following roles will have permission:

    • Role 7

    • Role 6

    • Role 5

    • Multi-Account Lead Teacher

    • Case Manager

    • Lead Teacher

    • Teacher (Role 4)

    • Multi-Account Teacher

  • View Plans allows users to view intervention plans, but not create or edit plans. By default the following roles will have permission:

    • Role 7

    • Role 6

    • Role 5

    • Multi-Account Lead Teacher

    • Case Manager

    • Lead Teacher

    • Teacher (Role 4)

    • Multi-Account Teacher

    • Role 2 (Paraprofessional/1:1 Aide)

  • As a note, family members (parents) will only be able to view reports once a user has shared it with them. They will have access to nothing else at this time.

  • Custom roles will need to have this permission added by a user editing the role settings.