Account Settings | Intervention Tracking | MTSS Suite

We need to add a place to manage settings for Intervention Tracking. Users will want to manage the list of district approved interventions.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to view and manage the list of interventions, so I can ensure we are implementing district-approved interventions

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an admin user at an account where MTSS Intervention Tracking has been allocated, I will see the Intervention Settings in Account Setup

  • Given I am an admin user at an account where MTSS Intervention Tracking has NOT been allocated, I will NOT see the Intervention Settings in Account Setup

  • Given I am an admin user at the parent account level, I will have the ability to add, remove, and edit interventions

  • Given I am NOT an admin user at the parent account level, I will NOT have the ability to add, remove, and edit interventions

  • Given I have made a change to the interventions, these changes will apply to all child accounts

  • Given I have removed an intervention, this intervention will no longer show when adding a new intervention to a plan

  • Given I have removed an intervention, this intervention will not be removed from any existing plan where the intervention has already been added

  • Given I have removed an intervention, this intervention will still show in my admin reports if it has been used in at least 1 plan

  • Given I have edited an intervention, those changes will apply when adding a new intervention to a plan

  • Given I have edited an intervention, no changes will apply to the plan where that intervention has already been added

  • Given I have edited an intervention, I will see both the old and new versions in my reports


General Concept


  • Under Account Setup → Account Settings, we will add a section for Interventions

  • The user will see headers for ELA, Math, Behavior, and Social

  • Clicking on one of these headers will display the list of interventions for that category

  • The user will then see the list of all interventions for that category. For example, if the user has clicked on ELA, we will display all ELA interventions

  • For each intervention, we will list the relevant tiers and grade levels

  • The user may filter the list by clicking on tier or grades filters

Business Rules

  • Interventions will show to admin users if they belong to an account that has been allocated MTSS Intervention Tracking

  • We will default to ELA

  • Lin to provide list of default interventions (content delivery date TBD)

Edit Existing Interventions


  • The user can click the edit button if they wish to make changes to the existing intervention.

  • This will put the intervention into edit mode. The user may now change the name of the intervention, adjust the relevant tiers, adjust the relevant grades, or click the X to remove the intervention

  • If the user chooses to remove the intervention, they will see a confirmation message. Clicking confirm will remove the intervention

  • Once the user clicks the Save button, the intervention will be saved and no longer show in the edit state

  • If the user clicks Discard changes, no changes will be saves and the intervention will no longer show in the edit state

  • If the user attempts to leave without saving changes, we will show a confirmation message. If the user clicks Take me back, they will return to the edit screen. If they click Leave, they will leave the screen without saving changes

Business Rules

  • Only admins at parent account may edit intervention list.

  • Changes made impact all child accounts

  • Tier and Grade menus are multi-select

  • If a change is made to the intervention, it will impact NEW plans only. We should not make changes to any existing plans using that intervention.

  • We will continue to report on both the old and new intervention in admin reports. Treat this almost like deleting one intervention and adding a new one.

  • Removing an intervention will not remove it from any reports. It will only be removed as a default intervention when creating a new plan

Add New Interventions


  • The user can add a new intervention by clicking the Add new intervention button

  • From here, the user will see a place to enter the intervention name, tier level, and grade level. Clicking the X will remove the intervention

  • If the user chooses to remove the intervention, they will see a confirmation message. Clicking confirm will remove the intervention

  • When the user clicks the Save button, the intervention will be saved and no longer show in the edit state

  • If the user clicks Discard changes, the intervention will remove that intervention

  • If the user attempts to leave without saving changes, we will show a confirmation message. If the user clicks Take me back, they will return to the edit screen. If they click Leave, they will leave the screen without saving changes

Business Rules

  • Only admins at parent account can add new interventions

  • Tier and Grade menus are multi-select

Remove All Interventions


  • The user may remove all interventions for that category by clicking the Remove all button

  • Clicking this will result in a confirmation message

  • Clicking Confirm will remove all interventions from the list

  • Clicking Cancel will not remove any interventions

Business Rules

  • Only admins at parent account can remove all interventions

  • We will remove all interventions for the category selected (i.e. ELA)

  • Removing an intervention will remove it from the list when creating a new plan. It will not remove it from any existing plans or reports