View Plans | Classrooms | Intervention Tracking

We need to create a series of screens where users can access all of the Intervention Plans each student has and create new Intervention Plans that include supporting documentation, options for note taking in a log format, communication between educators and customization to meet the students' learning needs.

User Stories:

  • As an educator, I want to view intervention plans for students by subject area, so it is easier to find what I am looking for

  • As an educator, I want to create a new intervention plan, so I can address my student’s needs

  • As an educator, I want to update an intervention plan, so I can keep my student’s plan up to date

  • As an educator, I want to print an intervention plan, so I have a hard copy in my classroom

Acceptance Criteria:

  • If an intervention plan is is the In Progress or Pre-Planning state, then it will show under the Current Intervention Plans heading.

  • If an intervention plan has been Archived or Mastered, then it will show under the Archived Intervention Plans heading.

  • If multiple intervention plans are contained under the Current or Archived Intervention Plans heading, those plans will list with the most recent end date first and others follow from most recent to least recent.



General Concept


  • When the user clicks to View a student’s plans from the Intervention Plan Home Page, they will have the option to select from one of the subject areas

    • ELA

    • Math

    • Behavior

    • Social Emotional

  • For each subject area, the user will see a button to click to create a new plan. Clicking this will take the user to the create plan screen

  • The user will also see a list of any intervention plans current saved in the Pre-Planning or In Progress states

  • Below this, the user will see a list of any mastered or archived plans


  • Clicking the print button will print the selected plan

Business Rules

  • We will list ALL plans that have ever been created for this student

  • Users with permission to Intervention Tracking → Create/Edit Plans will see the Add Plan button

  • Users with permission to Intervention Tracking → View Plans will see all plans listed, but will not be able to edit or create new plans

  • Current Plans will list any plan in the In Progress or Pre-Planning state

  • Archived plans will list any plans in the archived or mastered state

  • Date will show the most recent date range on the plan (schedule)

  • We will show plans with the most recent end date first in the list