Intervention Plan Home | Classrooms | Intervention Tracking

We need to add a section in Classrooms for Intervention Plans. This will be how teachers access their intervention planning tools.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to access my Intervention Plans area, so I can view, create, or edit my students' plans

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user belonging to an account where MTSS Intervention Tracking has been allocated AND I have permission to Intervention Tracking → View Plans, I will see Intervention Plans on the Classroom Home and in the drop-down nav

  • Given I am a user belonging to an account where MTSS Intervention Tracking has been allocated BUT I DO NOT have permission to Intervention Tracking → View Plans, I will NOT see Intervention Plans on the Classroom Home and in the drop-down nav

  • Given I am a user belonging to an account where MTSS Intervention Tracking has NOT been allocated AND I have permission to Intervention Tracking → View Plans, I will not see Intervention Plans on the Classroom Home and in the drop-down nav

  • Given none of my students have been updated yet/plan created, they will show as Tier 1

  • Given a student has a Tier 2 or 3 plan started, they will show as Tier 2 or 3




  • On the Classroom Home screen, we will add Intervention Plans as a navigation option

  • We will also add Intervention Plans to the nav drop-down from all classroom screens

Business Rules

  • Intervention Plans will show if the user belongs to an account where MTSS Intervention Tracking has been allocated AND the user had permission to Intervention Tracking → View Plans

Intervention Plans Home Screen


  • When the user clicks on Intervention Plans, they will be taken to the Intervention Plans home screen.

  • Here, they will see graphs representing the number of students at Tier 1, 2, and 3 for ELA, Math, Behavior, and Social Emotional skills

  • Below this, the user will see a list of all students in the class and their tier level for each subject area. Clicking View will take the user to the student’s plan area

  • The user may also click on the Reports button to be taken to a reporting area that details plans that are due for review, student on/not on track, and list of interventions



  • Clicking Export will export the table to excel or CSV

  • Clicking Print will print a PDF of the Intervention Plans screen



Business Rules

  • By default, all students in the class will be set to Tier 1 for all subject areas

  • If the student has a current plan In Progress, we will list the Tier selected for that plan. If the student has more than 1 plan in progress for a given subject area, we will default to the highest Tier selected

  • Users with permission to Intervention Tracking → Create/Edit Plans will see the reports buttons

  • Users with permission to Intervention Tracking → View Plans will see the View button