Major or Minor Incidents

We need to include a way for users to categorize the incident type they are recording as a Minor or Major Incident.


Incident Report

User Story

As a teacher user I need a way to categorize the level of incident so that it can be reported correctly on our required state forms.


  • User sees the drop down on the Incident form to select the level of incident.

  • To select a category for the incident, the user clicks on the category drop down field and makes a selection.

(Incident Type Section from Incident form)


Acceptance Criteria

  • Major and Minor Incidents are part of Incident Settings and are by default required fields but can be removed.

  • Given the user has clicked inside the category field, the drop down will show two options: Minor Incident, Major Incident.

  • Given the user has selected an Incident type, then the category field is a single select and a selection must be made.


Incident Settings

User Story:

As administrator who is responsible for selecting the fields for the standard incident report for the district or organization, I need a way to select whether the incident is a minor or major incident


  • User sees the checked category field below the incident field

  • The user can unselect if they do not want to include the category in the incident report


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a role 7 user or highest district user clicks on the incident settings, the user will see the checked category below incident field and will see the field in the Create or View incident report

  • Given a role 7 user or highest district user clicks on the incident settings and unchecks category below incident field, the field will be removed from the Create or view versions of the incident report


View/Print Incident Report

User Story:

As a user with permission to view/print report, I need a way to share the category of the incident


  • User sees the category below the frequency field in the view/print report if it remains checked in settings and the user adds the category


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a user with permission to view report has indicated the category of minor or major incident, the user will see category in the view/print report version