Incidents by DOW and TOD

We need to add day of week and time of day admin reports for incidents. We will later add in TOD and DOW to classroom and student reports as well.


Erin Hornbeck: Just at admin level or need to see this on individual student level as well?

Design Link:



User Story

As an admin, I want to see the frequency and type of incidents happening on each day of the week and by time of day so that I can share data with the state and make a plan to reduce the number of incidents.




  • To view incidents by day of the week, user clicks on drop down and selects View by Day of Week.

  • To view incidents by time of day, user clicks on drop down and selects View by Time of day.

  • Given admin user has removed Time of day from Incident settings, then Time of day will not show in the View by dropdown.


Acceptance Criteria

  • We will add a View by field that contains the following:

    • View by Grade

    • View by Gender

    • View by Race / Ethnicity

    • View by Education Classification

    • View by Day of Week

    • View by Time of Day

  • Given admin user has removed Time of day from Settings for Incidents, then View by Time of Day will not show in View by field. (See image: Incident Settings)




DOW Admin Reports-Demographics: Student

User Story

As an admin, I want to see the frequency and type of incidents happening on each day of the week so that I can share data with the state and make a plan to reduce the number of incidents.





  • To view a specific time for all the days of the week, the user clicks on Occurrences and selects the time range they want to see.





Acceptance Criteria

  • If the user selected a Saturday or Sunday when creating an incident report, then the graph will include those days of the week. (See: Create Report)

  • The Occurrences drop down is a single select with a default setting of All times of day.

  • The filter for Occurrences contains the following:

    • All times of day

    • 7:00 am - 7:59 am

    • 8:00 am - 8:59 am

    • 9:00 am - 9:59 am

    • 10:00 am - 10:59 am

    • 11:00 am- 11:59 am

    • 12:00 pm -12:59 pm

    • 1:00 pm - 1:59 pm

    • 2:00 pm - 2:59 pm

    • 3:00 pm -3:59 pm

    • The bars in the graph will show all the incidents that happened between the time frame selected on the Occurrences drop down.

User Story

As an administrator I want to filter the student population so that I can see more specific information about frequency, type, and times incidents are happening on a selected day so that I can make data driven decisions that promotes equity.


  • To view a detailed report for a specific day, user clicks or hovers on a bar in the graph.

  • To remove the detailed report, user clicks on the X in the upper right hand side of the report.





  • All selected tags will show on the top of the report.

  • The report will be a table list with the name of the student, total incidents, and incident types.

  • To export the report, user clicks on Export.

  • To print the report, user clicks on Print.



  • If the user clicks on Print, a PDF preview screen will open to show the Print view of the report.




Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a user has hovered or clicked on a bar in the graph for a specific day, the report containing the results of their filtering selections will show for that day.

Report Content (See image: Report View)

  • The report title reads: Incident Report: [day user hovers/clicks]. (See image: Report view with the title- Incident Report: Mondays)

  • Given user has selected a date range, then the date range is included on the upper right side of the report and the results of the report include data collected from that date range.

  • Given filter selections have been made for any of the following: Grade, Incident, Location, Action, EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, Occurrences then the report will show the tag selections at the top left in the above mentioned order.

  • Given a filter selection was not made, then the tag will not show on the report.

    • Given a filter selection was not made, then the report contains the results of the default setting for that filter.

  • See: EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, GIEP for filter contents and default settings.

  • Given more tags were selected than what can be shown on the first line of the report, then we will show the additional tags selected in a second and if necessary third line.

  • We will show a table of the list of specifics students, total incidents for the student given the selected time frame and filters, and the incident types.

    • Students with the most incident reports will be on the top of the list and the students with fewer incident reports will be on the bottom of the list according to numerical order.

    • If there are the same amount of incident reports for multiple students, we will default to listing the students in alphabetical order.

  • The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters. and the table list from the report. (See image: Print View Demographics Students)

DOW Admin Reports-Demographics: Totals

User Story

As an administrator I want to filter the student population so that I can see more specific information about frequency, type, and times incidents are happening on a selected day so that I can make data driven decisions that promotes equity.



  • When admin click on the Incident Reporting section in the demographics tabs, and selects Day of week from the drop down, they will now see EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, Occurrences filters added to the Demographic: students and Demographics: Totals pages


  • The user hovers or clicks on bar on the graph to view the report.

  • To remove the detailed report, user clicks on the X in the upper right hand side of the report.

  • All selected tags will show on the top of the report.

  • The report will be a table list with the number of incident reports and incident type for the given selections.

  • To export the report, user clicks on Export.

  • To print the report, user clicks on Print.


  • If the user clicks on Print, a PDF preview screen will open to show the Print view of the report.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for filters and reports as above for Day of Week.

  • Given user has hovered over or clicked on a day and is viewing the report, they will see the title showing: Demographics: Totals (See image: View Report)

  • We will show a table of the list for the number of incident reports for an incident type in the given time frame and filters selections.

    • Incident types with the highest number of incident reports will be on the top of the list and the incident types with fewer incident reports will be on the bottom of the list according to numerical order.

    • If there are the same amount of incident reports for multiple incident types, we will default to listing the incident types in alphabetical order.

  • The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters. and the table list from the report. (See image: Print View Demographics Totals)

TOD Admin Reports-Demographics: Students

User Story

As an admin, I want to see the frequency and type of incidents happening at different times of day so that I can share data with the state and make a plan to reduce the number of incidents.



  • User selects View by Time of day.



  • To select the days of week information, user clicks on Occurrences

Acceptance Criteria

  • If the user selected a Saturday or Sunday when creating an incident report, then the occurrence drop down will contain that day. (See: Create Report)

  • The Occurrences drop down is a single select with a default setting of All days

  • The default filter for Occurrences contains the following:

    • All days of week

    • Monday

    • Tuesday

    • Wednesday

    • Thursday

    • Friday



User Story

As an administrator I want to filter the student population so that I can see more specific information about frequency, type, and times incidents are happening on a selected day so that I can make data driven decisions that promotes equity.



  • To view a detailed report for a specific time, user clicks or hovers on a bar in the graph.

  • To remove the detailed report, user clicks on the X in the upper right hand side of the report.



  • All selected tags will show on the top of the report.

  • The report will be a table list with the specific student names, number of incident reports and incident type for the given selections.

  • To export the report, user clicks on Export.

  • To print the report, user clicks on Print.



  • If the user clicks on Print, a PDF preview screen will open to show the Print view of the report.



Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a user has hovered or clicked on a bar in the graph for a specific time, the report containing the results of their filtering selections (Occurrences: All days of week) will show for that time. (See image: Report view)

Report Content (See image: Report View)

  • The report title reads: Incident Report: [time user hovers/clicks]. (See image: Report view with the title- Incident Report: 7:00 am -7:59 am)

  • Given user has selected a date range, then the date range is included on the upper right side of the report and the results of the report include data collected from that date range.

  • Given filter selections have been made for any of the following: Grade, Incident, Location, Action, EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, Occurrences then the report will show the tag selections at the top left in the above mentioned order.

  • Given a filter selection was not made, then the tag will not show on the report.

    • Given a filter selection was not made, then the report contains the results of the default setting for that filter.

  • See: EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, GIEP for filter contents and default settings.

  • Given more tags were selected than what can be shown on the first line of the report, then we will show the additional tags selected in a second and if necessary third line.

  • We will show the specific students, number of incident reports, and the incident types in a table list view. (See image: Report view)

  • Given a student had multiple incident reports, we will show the number of incident reports and the incident types in the table from the student with the highest number of incident reports to the student with the lowest number of incident reports.

  • Given more than one student has the same number of incident reports for the given selections, the students will be listed in alphabetical order.

  • The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters. and the table list from the report. (See image: Print View TOD Demographics Students)

TOD Admin Reports-Demographics: Totals

User Story

As an administrator I want to filter the student population so that I can see more specific information about frequency, type, and times incidents are happening on a selected day so that I can make data driven decisions that promotes equity.



  • When admin click on the Incident Reporting section in the demographics tabs, and selects Time of Day from the drop down, they will now see EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, Occurrences filters added to the Demographic: students and Demographics: Totals pages



  • To view a detailed report for a specific time, user clicks or hovers on a bar in the graph.

  • To remove the detailed report, user clicks on the X in the upper right hand side of the report.


  • All selected tags will show on the top of the report.

  • The report will be a table list with the number of incident reports and incident type for the given selections.

  • To export the report, user clicks on Export.

  • To print the report, user clicks on Print.


  • If the user clicks on Print, a PDF preview screen will open to show the Print view of the report.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow same rules for filters and reports as above for Time of day.

  • Given user has hovered over or clicked on a time of day and is viewing the report, they will see the title showing: Demographics: Totals (See image: View Report TOD Demographics Totals)

  • We will show a table of the list for the number of incident reports for an incident type in the given time frame and filters selections.

    • Incident types with the highest number of incident reports will be on the top of the list and the incident types with fewer incident reports will be on the bottom of the list according to numerical order.

    • Given there are the same amount of incident reports for multiple incident types, we will default to listing the incident types in alphabetical order.

  • The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters, and the table list from the report. (See image: Print View TOD Demographics Totals)


Other Graph Selections

User Story

As an administrator I want to filter the student population so that I can see more specific information about frequency, type, and times incidents are happening on a selected day so that I can make data driven decisions that promotes equity.



Demographics Students

  • The user selects a graph to view:

    • View by Grade

    • View by Gender

    • View by Race / Ethnicity

    • View by Education Classification

    • View by Day of Week

    • View by Time of Day

  • The user selects View by Gender.


  • The user hovers or clicks on a bar in the bar graph to view a detailed report.


  • All selected tags will show on the top of the report.

  • The report will be a table list with the specific students, number of incident reports, and incident type for the given selections.

  • To export the report, user clicks on Export.

  • To print the report, user clicks on Print.


  • If the user clicks on Print, a PDF preview screen will open to show the Print view of the report.



Acceptance Criteria

Demographics Students

  • We will add a View by field that contains the following:

    • View by Grade

    • View by Gender

    • View by Race / Ethnicity

    • View by Education Classification

    • View by Day of Week

    • View by Time of Day

  • The graphs for View by Grade, View by Gender, View by Race/Ethnicity, View by Education Classification will follow the same pattern for when the user clicks or hovers on a bar on the bar graph to view the report for demographics students and demographics totals.

View By Gender Example:

Report Content (See image: View Report, Gender, Female)

  • The report title reads: Incident Report: [time user hovers/clicks]. (See image: Report view with the title- Incident Report: Gender, Female)

  • Given user has selected a date range, then the date range is included on the upper right side of the report and the results of the report include data collected from that date range.

  • Given filter selections have been made for any of the following: Grade, Incident, Location, Action, EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, Occurrences then the report will show the tag selections at the top left in the above mentioned order.

    • Given a filter selection was not made, then the tag will not show on the report.

      • Given a filter selection was not made, then the report contains the results of the default setting for that filter.

    • See: EP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, IEP, GIEP for filter contents and default settings.

  • Given more tags were selected than what can be shown on the first line of the report, then we will show the additional tags selected in a second and if necessary third line.

  • We will show the specific students, number of incident reports for the student, and the incident types in a table list view. (See image: View Report, Gender, Female)

  • Given a user hovers or clicks on another bar on the bar graph, then the report will show the students for the view by gender for the bar they selected and the filters selected.

  • Given a student had multiple incident reports, we will show the number of incident reports and the incident types in the table from the student with the highest number of incident reports to the student with the lowest number of incident reports.

  • Given more than one student has the same number of incident reports for the given selections, the students will be listed in alphabetical order.

    • The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters. and the table list from the report. (See image: Print View TOD Demographics Students)

View by Grade

  • Follow same rules for filters and reports as above.

  • We will show the specific students, number of incident reports for the student, and the incident types in a table list view.

  • The report will include the selected grade that the user hovers/clicks on in the bar graph and the student names for that specific grade and filter choices.

  • Given a user hovers or clicks on another bar on the bar graph, then the report will show the students for the view by grade for the bar they selected and the filters selected.

  • Given a student had multiple incident reports, we will show the number of incident reports and the incident types in the table from the student with the highest number of incident reports to the student with the lowest number of incident reports.

  • Given more than one student has the same number of incident reports for the given selections, the students will be listed in alphabetical order.


View By Race / Ethnicity

  • Follow same rules for filters and reports as above.

  • We will show the specific students, number of incident reports for the student, and the incident types in a table list view.

  • The report will include the selected Race / Ethnicity that the user hovers/clicks on in the bar graph and the student names for that specific Race / Ethnicity and filter choices will show in the table view.

  • Given a user hovers or clicks on another bar on the bar graph, then the report will show the students for the view by Race / Ethnicity for the bar they selected and the filters selected.

  • Given a student had multiple incident reports, we will show the number of incident reports and the incident types in the table from the student with the highest number of incident reports to the student with the lowest number of incident reports.

  • Given more than one student has the same number of incident reports for the given selections, the students will be listed in alphabetical order.

View by Education Classification

  • Follow same rules for filters and reports as above.

  • We will show the specific students, number of incident reports for the student, and the incident types in a table list view.

  • The report will include the selected Education Classification that the user hovers/clicks on in the bar graph and the student names for that specific Education Classification and filter choices will show in the report table view.

  • Given a user hovers or clicks on another bar on the bar graph, then the report will show the students for the view by Education Classification for the bar they selected and the filters selected.

  • Given a student had multiple incident reports, we will show the number of incident reports and the incident types in the table from the student with the highest number of incident reports to the student with the lowest number of incident reports.

  • Given more than one student has the same number of incident reports for the given selections, the students will be listed in alphabetical order.


  • For all View by graphs: The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters, and the table list from the report.


Demographics Totals

  • Follow same rules for filters and reports as above.

  • Given user has hovered over or clicked on a time of day and is viewing the report, they will see the title showing: Demographics: Totals

  • For all View by graphs, we will show a table of the list for the number of incident reports for an incident type in the given time frame and filters selections.

    • Incident types with the highest number of incident reports will be on the top of the list and the incident types with fewer incident reports will be on the bottom of the list according to numerical order.

    • Given there are the same amount of incident reports for multiple incident types, we will default to listing the incident types in alphabetical order.

  • The PDF print view of the report will include the RethinkED logo, time frame/date range, the selected filters, and the table list from the report.

Save for Future Development

Classroom Reports

User Story





Acceptance Criteria


Student Reports

User Story





Acceptance Criteria