We need to provide a way for users to select or record de-escalation strategies they used to minimize the impact of a student incident.
Incident Report
User Story:
As a teacher or administrator who is responsible for providing incident information to the student’s guardian, I need a way to select de-escalation strategies so that I can provide documentation that shows the full picture of how we responded to the incident.
User sees the de-escalation strategies drop down field.
To pick or custom enter de-escalation strategy (ies), the user clicks on the drop down arrow and clicks inside the box next to their selection(s).
To custom enter a de-escalation strategy, the user clicks in the box next Other and types their entry.
To de-select a de-escalation strategy, the user clicks on the box next to their choice a second time.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given a user clicks on the drop down arrow in the De-escalation field, the list of choices and a box to custom enter a de-escalation strategy will show.
We will provide a list of de-escalation strategies. (Content team and coming soon).
Given the user selects multiple boxes next to desired de-escalation strategies, we will include them all as part of the incident report. (See:
There is no limit to the number of de-escalation strategies a user can select.
De-escalation strategies are part of Incident Settings and are by default required fields but can be removed.
The drop down for the De-escalation strategies (See image; De-escalation strategies drop down) contains the following:
Manage proximity
Increase monitoring
Answer straight-forward student questions
Address basic needs
Provide information to orient/remind student (e.g., to the schedule, to the current task, to expectations for what comes next)
Ignore challenging statements and refocus to topic
User Error Correction statements
Nonverbal redirection (e.g., pointing, tapping desk)
Listen to student perspective and summarize
Check for student understanding of the situation
Empathize and label/identify inappropriate behavior
Allow student to share emotions privately/vent
Verbal redirection (e.g., using student name to interrupt behavior)
Communicate limits (e.g., If-then, reminder of class rules/expectations and what happens when followed)
Present alternative behaviors/options
Present options to regulate
Present options to take a break or take space
Present options for how to communicate
Access counselor for support/intervention
Access security for support/intervention
Access colleague for support/intervention
Remove other students from room/area
Remove potentially dangerous objects from environment
Incident Settings
User Story:
As administrator who is responsible for selecting the fields for the standard incident report for the district or organization, I need a way to select or unselect de-escalation strategies from the settings area.
User sees the checked de-escalation field below the incident field
The user can unselect if they do not want to include de-escalation strategies in the incident report
Acceptance Criteria:
Given a role 7 user or highest district user clicks on the incident settings, the user will see the checked de-escalation strategies below incident field and will see the field in the Create or View incident report
Given a role 7 user or highest district user clicks on the incident settings and unchecks de-escalation strategies below incident field, the field will be removed from the Create or view versions of the incident report
View/Print Incident Report
User Story:
As a user with permission to view/print report, I need a way to share the de-escalation strategies used during an incident
User sees the de-escalation strategies below the frequency field in the view/print report if remains checked in settings and the user added strategies to report
Acceptance Criteria:
Given a user with permission to view report has de-escalation strategies that have been added to the incident report, the user will see de-escalation strategies in the view/print report version