My Training | Add Whil as Rethink Ed Product

We need to add a new training series called Mindfulness. This is where we will house Whil content for educators. It should be available to customers who have access to Whil Professional Development.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to access mindfulness trainings, so I can work on building resilience skills as an educator to combat work-related stress

  • As a user, I want to know which trainings I have already viewed, so I can keep track of what I’ve already completed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an educator with access to Mindfulness PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will see the Mindfulness series

  • Given I am an educator WITHOUT access to Mindfulness PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will NOT see the Mindfulness series

  • Given I have not been unassigned from any module and have completed 1 Mindfulness training, I will see 1/20 trainings completed

  • Given I have added a Mindfulness training to my training plan, I will see that training listed under My Training Plan

  • Given I have clicked on the Mindfulness training series, I will see all trainings I am assigned to

  • Given I have not started a given training module, I will see the start button and a status of not complete.

  • Given I have started a training module but have not completed it, I will see the view training button and a status of not complete

  • Given I have viewed a training module in it’s entirety, I will see the view training button and a status of complete.


Add Training Block


  • In My Training, we will add a block called Mindfulness

Business Rules

  • Any user with access to Mindfulness Professional Development will have access to this series

  • Total of 20 trainings

Main Training Display


  • On the main training display, we will list the name of all trainings by week

  • Assign and Add to Training Plan will function as they do for other series

  • If the user clicks Start/View Training, they will see a video


  • Once the user has completed a video in it’s entirety, we will mark the training as complete. All videos not completed will show a status of Not Complete (NOT NEEDED FOR MVP, BUT WOULD BE NICE IF IT’S QUICK TO DO)

Business Rules

  • Users assigned to a training from Mindfulness will count against Mindfulness Professional Development licenses

  • Videos must be watched in their entirety to be considered complete

  • Start Training shows if the user has not clicked on the training before

  • View Training shows if the user has clicked on the training before

  • Modules can be completed in any order