My Training | Add Whil as Rethink Ed Product
We need to add a new training series called Mindfulness. This is where we will house Whil content for educators. It should be available to customers who have access to Whil Professional Development.
User Stories:
As a user, I want to access mindfulness trainings, so I can work on building resilience skills as an educator to combat work-related stress
As a user, I want to know which trainings I have already viewed, so I can keep track of what I’ve already completed.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am an educator with access to Mindfulness PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will see the Mindfulness series
Given I am an educator WITHOUT access to Mindfulness PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will NOT see the Mindfulness series
Given I have not been unassigned from any module and have completed 1 Mindfulness training, I will see 1/20 trainings completed
Given I have added a Mindfulness training to my training plan, I will see that training listed under My Training Plan
Given I have clicked on the Mindfulness training series, I will see all trainings I am assigned to
Given I have not started a given training module, I will see the start button and a status of not complete.
Given I have started a training module but have not completed it, I will see the view training button and a status of not complete
Given I have viewed a training module in it’s entirety, I will see the view training button and a status of complete.
Add Training Block
In My Training, we will add a block called Mindfulness
Business Rules
Any user with access to Mindfulness Professional Development will have access to this series
Total of 20 trainings
Main Training Display
On the main training display, we will list the name of all trainings by week
Assign and Add to Training Plan will function as they do for other series
If the user clicks Start/View Training, they will see a video
Once the user has completed a video in it’s entirety, we will mark the training as complete. All videos not completed will show a status of Not Complete (NOT NEEDED FOR MVP, BUT WOULD BE NICE IF IT’S QUICK TO DO)
Business Rules
Users assigned to a training from Mindfulness will count against Mindfulness Professional Development licenses
Videos must be watched in their entirety to be considered complete
Start Training shows if the user has not clicked on the training before
View Training shows if the user has clicked on the training before
Modules can be completed in any order