Print Student Credentials (Admin UI)

We need to create a way for admins to print student credentials for a list of students.

User story: As an admin, I want to print a list of student login credentials, so I can distribute the list to my staff.


  • On the Students page, the user will click an icon to print student credentials

Business Rules

  • This icon will show on the admin view of Students page

  • When the user clicks this icon, they will be prompted to enter their username and password

  • The username and password must be entered in order to access the student credentials

  • The user will first select a region and/or building


  • Region will only show if the user has access to regions

  • If a region is selected, we will only show buildings in that region in the building filter

  • We will only show the regions and buildings the user has access to

  • A building must be selected before classroom and team member filters will show

  • The user will next select a classroom or team member


  • We will show the classrooms and team members that belong to the selected building

  • Once the user selects a classroom or team member, they will click the print button

  • The print button will only become accessible once a classroom or team member has been selected

  • This will open the PDF of the student credentials

  • The PDF will reflect the selections made in the filter