Time Observed Input | Behavior Tracking | RethinkEd Mobile App


The Time Observed input field needs to be added to the RethinkEd mobile app behavior tracking data collection types to reflect the web platform functionality. This will ensure accurate data collection between the web and mobile platforms.




Feature 191563: New Behavior Tracking Types

User Story

As a RethinkEd mobile app user, I want to log and analyze the total time I observed the students so that I can monitor their behaviors.

UI Description

  • Time Observed:

    • A custom input field with two scroll options:

      • First Scroll: Allows selecting a number.

      • Second Scroll: Allows selecting "sec," "min," or "hour."

    • The field should open a native component on the mobile device.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Time Observed:

    • The time observed input field should open a native component on the mobile device.

    • The first scroll should allow selecting a number, with the following maximum limits:

      • Seconds: Maximum input is 86,400.

      • Minutes: Maximum input is 1,440.

      • Hours: Maximum input is 24.

    • The second scroll should allow selecting "sec," "min," or "hour."

      • “min” is the default selection

  • Time Observed Input field does not apply to Behavior Tracking - Interval data collection method.

    • ‘Total Time Observed’ for an Interval Behavior Tracking is the amount of time for the intervals added together.

Workflow Description

  1. Select Student:

    • The user selects a student by tapping on the corresponding tab at the top of the screen.

  2. Track Behavior:

    • The user views the behavior tracking item they want to update.

  3. Select Location:

    • The user taps the location dropdown and selects the appropriate location.

  4. Select Time Observed:

    • The user uses the custom input field to select the appropriate time observed.

  5. Record Tracking details

  6. Add Notes

  7. Save by Done button or kebab menu on program