PRODUCT BACKLOG ITEM: 223533 Goal Tracking and Analytics | Classroom | Add Goals and Analytics Menu Option
User Story:
As a teacher, I need to access my Classroom’s “Goals and Analytics” page from my Classroom Dashboard so I can see a list of all of my student’s goals.
Acceptance Criteria:
Add label within left hand navigation entitled: “Goals & Analytics”
Upon clicking “Goals and Analytics”, teacher will be able to be brought directly to the classrooms list page where they can see in the UI a table showing list of “Students”, “Goals” associated with each student, “Data Last Collected” for each relevant goal and “view” hyperlink to take them directly to “Goals and Analytics” Landing Page.
Figma: Classroom Dashboard
Project: 205670
UI Description: What’s New
Goals and Analytics Added to Left Hand Navigation at Classroom Level for Teachers:
Goals & Analytics link
located in second slot; under Intervention Plans
User Interaction and Validation Notes: What’s New
User clicks on hyperlink via “Goals and Analytics” label (above image 1)
User brought to “Goals and Analytics” Classroom Page upon clicking label (above image 2)
Workflow Description
User begins with Login to Dashboard with Classroom selected in the top navigation
User accesses classroom
User selects “Goals and Analytics” label from left hand navigation