Goal and Analytics Classroom List Page (Overview)

User Story

As a special education teacher or school administrator, I want to view and manage the Goals and Analytics for students in my class, so that I can track student progress and adjust instruction based on their performance.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Dashboard View:

    • Display the number of total skills being tracked in the class (e.x., "20 Skills") at the top.

    • Provide a searchable list of students in the class with the following columns:

      • Student Name: Display full names (e.x., "Cameron Davis").

      • Number of Goals: Show the count of goals for each student.

      • Data Last Collected: Display the last date when data was collected for the student.

      • View Button: Include a clickable "View" button that allows the user to view detailed data for that student.

  2. Search Functionality:

    • Allow the teacher to search for specific students by typing into the search box, filtering results based on the input.

  3. Download & Print Options:

    • Include a download and print icon at the top-right corner of the student list. When clicked, it should allow the teacher to export the data or print the page.

  4. Pagination:

    • Provide pagination control at the bottom of the list (e.g., rows per page).

Figma: Classroom Goals & Analytics


Screenshot (119).png


Project: 205670


UI Description:


“Classroom Home” back button

  • Link to Classroom home page

Download icon

  • image representing action to download page contents

Print icon

  • image representing action to print page contents

Drop down

  • text: “Goals and Analytics”

Title of page

  • text: “Goal and Analytics”


Large Overview visualization:

  • Skills with total count of current Skills goals

Chart Headings:

  • Student Names

  • Number of goals

  • Data Last Collected

View button

  • View button is included for each student on the list


User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New

  • Classroom Home back button

    • Clicking on it takes User to the Classroom Dashboard Home page

  • Goals and Analytics selection

    • Drop down selection opens the selected classroom’s Goals and and Analytics page

  • Download Icon

    • Clicking icon downloads the contents of the page

  • Print Icon

    • Clicking icon prints the contents of the page

  • Large Overview Visualization

    • Skills contains a total count of goals from all Skills Libraries (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics) with status of ‘Current’ for students within the selected Classroom

  • Chart Headings with values

    • “Students” heading contains values of an alphabetical list of students by Last Name but shown as First Name, Last Name for the selected classroom

      • All students within the selected classroom are include

    • “Number of Goals” heading contains a count (integer) of current goals a student has for Skills which includes all Skill Libraries (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics)

    • “Date Last Collected” heading contains value of MM/DD/YYYY representing the most recent date a data entry been made for each of the Goal Types. (TBD)


View Button


Workflow Description

  1. Goal and Analytics Page is reached in a variety of paths:

    1. Admin Flow through Program Tools and Classroom Selection

    2. Teacher Flow through Program Tools and Classroom Selection

    3. Para-professional through Classroom Selection

  2. User clicks on 'View 'button to view a specific student’s Goal and Analytics Page.