Enforce Minimim Trials

We need to enforce the minimum number of trials entered in Data Express and in the Mobile App.

Data Express

Opportunity Based without prompts


  • When a user enters trials in the text box, they must adhere to the minimum number of trials.
  • If the user enters less trials than specified in the mastery criteria and then clicks "save," they will see the following message "Please enter at least INSERT TRIAL NUMBER trials" and the data will not save.

Business Rules

  • A user cannot enter less trials than the mastery criteria specifies. Meaning, if the mastery criteria states a minimum of 5 trials, the numbers typed into the text box for correct/incorrect must add up to at least 5.
Opportunity Based with prompts


  • When a user enters trials in the text box, they must adhere to the minimum number of trials.
  • If the user enters less trials than specified in the mastery criteria and then clicks "save," they will see the following message "Please enter at least INSERT TRIAL NUMBER prompt attempts" and the data will not save.

Business Rules

  • A user cannot enter less trials than the mastery criteria specifies. Meaning, if the mastery criteria states a minimum of 5 trials, the numbers typed into the text box for correct/incorrect must add up to at least 5.

Mobile App

Opportunity Based without prompts


  • When a user enters trials in the text box or uses the + and - buttons to record trials, they must adhere to the minimum number of trials.
  • If the user enters less trials than specified in the mastery criteria and then clicks "sync," they will see the following message "Please enter at least INSERT TRIAL NUMBER trials" and the data will not sync.

Business Rules

  • A user cannot enter less trials than the mastery criteria specifies. Meaning, if the mastery criteria states a minimum of 5 trials, the numbers typed into the text box for correct/incorrect must add up to at least 5.
  • When a user clicks sync and error message is produced, no skills/behaviors will be synced. Once the user corrects the issue and hits sync again, we will sync all of the data.
Opportunity Based with prompts


  • When a user enters trials in the text box or uses the + and - buttons to record trials, they must adhere to the minimum number of trials.
  • If the user enters less trials than specified in the mastery criteria and then clicks "sync," they will see the following message "Please enter at least INSERT TRIAL NUMBER prompt attempts" and the data will not sync.

Business Rules

  • A user cannot enter less trials than the mastery criteria specifies. Meaning, if the mastery criteria states a minimum of 5 trials, the numbers typed into the text box for correct/incorrect must add up to at least 5.
  • When a user clicks sync and error message is produced, no skills/behaviors will be synced. Once the user corrects the issue and hits sync again, we will sync all of the data.
Continue Session Mode


  • If a user logs out of the app without syncing and then logs back in, they will see two options:
    • Continue
    • New Session
  • If the user selects continue, they will see the data as they previously entered it. They must adhere to the minimum number of trials (same as above).
  • If the user selects New Session, the data will sync and the user will begin a new session. However, if the user has a skill that previously did not meet the minimum number of trials, they will be redirected to the continue session screen and will see the error messages mentioned above for any skill that does not meet the trial minimum.

Business Rules

  • If a user recorded less than the minimum number of trials for any skill, they must add additional trials before they can sync. They cannot sync the data if the minimum number of trials was not met.
  • New Session Selected
    • If the skill has a minimum of 5 trials and the user previously entered 2 trials, they will see the 2 trials previously entered and the applicable error message (i.e. Please enter at least 5 trials)
  • A user cannot enter less trials than the mastery criteria specifies. Meaning, if the mastery criteria states a minimum of 5 trials, the numbers typed into the text box for correct/incorrect must add up to at least 5.
  • When a user clicks sync and error message is produced, no skills/behaviors will be synced. Once the user corrects the issue and hits sync again, we will sync all of the data.
Offline Mode


  • If a user is offline and clicks the Sync button and has not met the minimum number of trials for any skills, they will see the same error as mentioned above.
  • If a user is offline and clicks the Sync button and has met the minimum number of trials for all skills, they will see the same offline message as shows today.

Business Rules

  • A user cannot enter less trials than the mastery criteria specifies. Meaning, if the mastery criteria states a minimum of 5 trials, the numbers typed into the text box for correct/incorrect must add up to at least 5.
  • If any skills do not meet the minimum number of trials, the error message will show.