Update Student Dashboard | Self-Monitoring | Behavior Suite
We need to update the Student Dashboard to reflect the addition of the Self-Monitoring tool as used for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.
User Stories:
As a teacher I need to access Self-Monitoring l so that I can create a a tool for my tier 2 student to help them to manage their own behavior.
As a teacher of a Tier 3 student I need to create a Self-monitoring tool to help my student to be successful with their behavior plan.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a teacher with access to the Student Dashboard and permission to create a self-monitoring plan for my tier 2 or 3 student(s), I can click on the box containing Self-Monitoring and be taken to Student Reports.
Given I am a teacher with access to the Student Dashboard and permission to create a self-monitoring plan for my tier 2 or 3 student(s), I can click on the side navigation to be taken to Student Reports.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16662%3A190815
For Tier 2 and Tier 3 in Behavior Support for a student, we need to add Self-Monitoring
If the user clicks View monitoring, they will be taken to the student monitoring report
Clicking on Create tool in the student dashboard will take the user to the Create Self-Monitoring screen for the student
Business Rules:
If either the point system or incident reporting (and no other tools) have been used for a student, that student will show as being at Tier 1.
If behavior tracking (not behavior plan), behavior contract, or self-monitoring have been used for a student, that student will show as being at Tier 2.
If a behavior plan has been started for a student, that student will show as being at Tier 3.
Selecting View monitoring takes user to Student Reports. (See image: Student’s Self-Monitoring Report).
Selecting Create new tool takes user to Create self monitoring tool (See image: Create Self-Monitoring).