Update Student Dashboard | Self-Monitoring | Behavior Suite

We need to update the Student Dashboard to reflect the addition of the Self-Monitoring tool as used for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher I need to access Self-Monitoring l so that I can create a a tool for my tier 2 student to help them to manage their own behavior.

  • As a teacher of a Tier 3 student I need to create a Self-monitoring tool to help my student to be successful with their behavior plan.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a teacher with access to the Student Dashboard and permission to create a self-monitoring plan for my tier 2 or 3 student(s), I can click on the box containing Self-Monitoring and be taken to Student Reports.

  • Given I am a teacher with access to the Student Dashboard and permission to create a self-monitoring plan for my tier 2 or 3 student(s), I can click on the side navigation to be taken to Student Reports.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16662%3A190815


  • For Tier 2 and Tier 3 in Behavior Support for a student, we need to add Self-Monitoring


  • If the user clicks View monitoring, they will be taken to the student monitoring report


(Student Self-Monitoring Report)
  • Clicking on Create tool in the student dashboard will take the user to the Create Self-Monitoring screen for the student






Business Rules:

  • If either the point system or incident reporting (and no other tools) have been used for a student, that student will show as being at Tier 1.

  • If behavior tracking (not behavior plan), behavior contract, or self-monitoring have been used for a student, that student will show as being at Tier 2.

  • If a behavior plan has been started for a student, that student will show as being at Tier 3.

  • Selecting View monitoring takes user to Student Reports. (See image: Student’s Self-Monitoring Report).

  • Selecting Create new tool takes user to Create self monitoring tool (See image: Create Self-Monitoring).