Update Classroom Dashboard | Self Monitoring | Behavior Suite

We need to make changes to the menu in Classrooms to include Behavior Tools which when selected will take the user to the Behavior Tools screen that includes the behavior tool Self-Monitoring.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher with my own classroom, I need to have access to the Self-monitoring tool so that I may better support my students toward their academic and behavior goals.

  • As a teacher with my own classroom, I need to see a list of students who are using a Self-monitoring tool so that I can determine if they are having success with tool and meeting their goals.

  • As a classroom teacher I need an intervention tool for my Tier 2 student so that I may create a self-monitoring support to help that student meet their behavior goals.

  • As a classroom teacher with a student who has a Tier 3 Behavior plan, I need to create a Self-monitoring tool to help that student manage their behavior and complete their behavior plan successfully.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a users has permission to View classrooms, they will now see Behavior Tools as part of the left side navigation.

  • Given the user clicks on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation, they will be taken to the Behavior Tools screen which contains Self-Monitoring as one of the behavior tools.

  • Given the user clicks on the filter, the options to filter will be active for their corresponding settings of past 7 days, past 14 days, past 30 days, past 90 days past year.

  • Given the user specifies the duration filter and has more students with Self-monitoring plans the Load More button will appear and will load more students when selected.

  • Given the user selects Create a Self-Monitoring tool, the Create a self monitoring tool will open.

  • Given the user selects View, the user is taken to the view screen for self-monitoring tools competed by that student.

  • Given the user clicks on Behavior tools they will see the new behavior tools area within classroom where Self-monitoring is listed as an option for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16725%3A196920


Main Classroom Screen


  • When user click on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation they are taken to the Behavior Tools screen which houses Self-Monitoring as an option.


  • When users click on Behavior tools they will see the new behavior tools area within classroom where Self-monitoring is listed as an option for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.



Once they click on View monitoring in Tier 2 or Tier 3, they will see the Self-Monitoring list. See more in Self-Monitoring List



  • User selects Create new tool to open Create Self-monitoring screen.




  • User selects Record Self-monitoring to trigger pop-up selection of student and location for recording.


  • With selection of student or student and location if student has more than one self-monitoring tool, user is taken to Record self monitoring on Student’s behalf.



Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View classrooms will now see Behavior Tools as part of the left side navigation.

  • Users who click on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation are taken to the Behavior Tools Screen (section 2)

  • From the Behavior Tools screen, the Self-Monitoring menu item takes the user to view a list of students using Self-monitoring tools.

  • Student list in dropdown is in abc order by last name

  • Selecting Load More, loads more students for that filter condition.

  • Selecting View monitoring takes user to Self monitoring List. (See image: Self-Monitoring List)

  • Selecting Create a Self-Monitoring tool opens the Create screen for a new Self-Monitoring tool. (See image: Create Self-monitoring)