Connect MTSS Plans to SEL Lessons

We need to create a way to connect users who have purchased SEL from the MTSS Plan to SEL assignments. Linking users from a plan documenting SEL goals for students to the SEL lessons and associated progress is a key differentiator for us in the MTSS space. This serves to save educators time and reduce the number of vendors a district needs to partner with in order to fully implement MTSS in their district.

User Stories:

  • As a user creating a SEL MTSS Plan, I want to select SEL assignments for my student, so that I do not have to go searching for SEL lessons for my student.

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to modify the SEL assignment, so I can ensure my student’s needs are met.

  • As a user viewing an assignment for SEL that is connected to an MTSS SEL Plan, I want to view the plan, so I can make any modifications to the plan and assignment.

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to view my student’s score on the SEL assignment, so I can assess if my student if making progress.

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan that is not connected to a SEL assignment, I want to enter a score,so I can justify student progress.


User Story

  • As a user creating a SEL MTSS Plan, I want to select SEL assignments for my student, so that I do not have to go searching for SEL lessons for my student.


  • The user will click the Add SEL Assignment button




  • This will open a modal allowing the user to search for a related SEL assignment

  • The user will click the next button to advance to the create assignment screen

  • Assignment modal will work as it does today when creating an assignment from student-specific lesson library for SEL with the exception that we will update the label No Assignment to the Item Name (true when assigning from Lesson Library as well)

  • Clicking Cancel or X will close the modal and return the over to the search assignment screen

  • Clicking Save will save the assignment and return the user to the MTSS Plan.

  • The MTSS Plan will now show the connected assignment.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with access to SEL Lessons, I will see the Add SEL Assignment button

  • Given I am a user without access to SEL Lessons, I will not see the Add SEL Assignment button

  • Given I have saved an assignment, the assignment will be created for the student and will show in Manage Assignments and the Student Center.

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to modify the SEL assignment, so I can ensure my student’s needs are met.


  • The user will click Manage Assignment next to the lesson name

  • This will open the edit assignment modal

  • This will work as it currently does

  • Moving an item to the unassigned column will produce a confirmation message.

  • If user confirms, the assignment will be removed and the modal will close, returning the user to the plan.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I have edited the assignment details and clicked Save, the assignment logic will be updated for this item for this student.

  • Given I have confirmed removal of this assignment, the assignment will be unassigned from the student and will no longer show on the MTSS Plan.

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to view my student’s score on the SEL assignment, so I can assess if my student if making progress.


  • When viewing the MTSS Plan, the average score will show next to each connected SEL assignment


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a student has completed a scorable assignment (i.e. quiz), we will display the student’s score on this assignment as of date/time the user is viewing the plan.

  • Given a student has completed a SEL assignment that is not scorable, we will display N/A as the score.

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment that does not have a score, I want to view the assignment, so I can assess how my student is doing.


  • When viewing the MTSS Plan, the average score will show next to each connected SEL/Wellness assignment

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a student has completed a scorable assignment at least 1 time in SEL/Wellness Lesson Library, we will display the student’s average score on this assignment as of date/time the user is viewing the plan.

  • Given a student has completed an SEL/Wellness assignment that is not scorable, we will display N/A as the score.

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link, then they will be taken to the specific assignment to view.

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan that is not connected to a SEL assignment, I want to enter a score, so I can justify student progress.


  • When viewing the MTSS Plan without any connected lessons, the user should be able to enter a score for other assignments for each goal.

  • The user clicks Add assignments.


  • User sees options to select from: SEL/Wellness assignment or Other




  • The user will select Other and then input lesson name and score and click save


  • The score with then show in other assignments

  • Users can click edit to view the Add Other Assignment modal with inputted lesson name and Student score. The user can make changes and save


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am viewing a plan without any connected assignments, I should see the option to add “other” assignments.

  • Given I am a user who has clicked “Other” to add an assignment, I will be able to enter the lesson name and student score manually.

  • Given I am a user who has entered an “Other” assignment manually, then I will click Save to save the assignment to the MTSS Plan.

  • If the user clicks Save on the manually entry, then they will see a card/table labeled “Other Assignments” added to the MTSS Plan.

    • The saved assignment manually entered by the user will be visible on this card/table.

  • Given I am a User who clicks Edit on the manually entered Other Assignments, then I will be able to edit the lesson name and student score.

User Story

  • As a user viewing an assignment for SEL that is connected to an MTSS SEL Plan, I want to view the plan, so I can make any modifications to the plan and assignment.

  • As a user viewing the Manage Specific Assignment Screen, I want to unassign an assignment to one or more of my students so that I can update the intervention plan to best meet my student’s needs.


  • When the user views the Manage Specific Assignment Screen, we will show all assignments that are not completed with the red circle icon under the Unassign/Reassign column.


  • To see the Unassign pop-up message for a student’s intervention plan, the user clicks on or hovers over the red circle icon.

  • To remove the assignment attached to the intervention plan, the user clicks on Unassign button from the pop-up.

  • To cancel the request and keep the assignment attached to the intervention plan, the user clicks on Cancel.


  • To view the Unassign All Pop-up, User clicks on Unassign All button.


  • To unassign the assignment attached to the intervention plan, the user clicks on the Unassign button in Pop-up.

  • To cancel the request, the user clicks on Cancel from the Unassign Pop-up.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am viewing the Manage Specific Assignment Screen and a student has been assigned the item via an MTSS Plan, I will be able to unassign this item here.

  • Given an assignment is not completed, the red circle icon will show in the Unassign/Reassign column in the same row to which it pertains. (See image: Red circle icon)

  • Given an assignment is completed, the red circle icon will not show in the Unassign/ Reassign column.

  • Given the user clicks on or hovers over the red circle icon for specific assignment and that assignment is part of an MTSS Intervention Plan, then the Unassign pop-up will show. (See image: Unassign Pop-up)

  • Given the user clicks Unassign from the Unassign pop-up then the assignment is removed from the Create Assignment screen. (See: Create/Edit Plans)

  • Given the user clicks cancel from the Unassign pop-up, then the request is cancelled and the assignment remains attached to Intervention Plan.


Unassign All Pop-up

  • The pop up contains all of the students who have assignment(s) attached to MTSS Intervention Plans that have not yet been completed.

  • Given a student has an assignment that is part of an MTSS Intervention Plan but it has been completed, the student’s name will not show on this list.

  • Given a student has multiple assignments attached to an MTSS Intervention Plan that have not yet been completed, then their name will only appear once on the Unassign All Pop-up.

  • Given the Unassign button is selected from the Unassign All pop-up, then all of those assignments will be removed from the Intervention Plan for the respective students contained on that list.

  • Given Cancel is selected from the Unassign All pop-up, then the request is canceled and the assignments(s) remain attached to their respective Intervention Plan(s).