Legacy Skills Questions

Classroom Goals and Analytics Page

Note: the premise of this page is to include all goals from all areas in one location for a selected classroom.

This is a new page for Legacy Skills customers and MTSS customers. Since Legacy Skills Product remains intact for existing customers, do we need tabs within Classroom Goals and Analytics Page for Legacy Skills clients and also for MTSS Customers (with/without Skills)? This might make turning on/shutting off components easier.

Legacy Skills

  • Include Tabs for Skills Library and Behavior Plans since those are the components Legacy Skills customers have?


  • Include tabs for Intervention Plans, Behavior Tools and Skills Library?

Example images: Link





(MTSS with Skills)



Student Goal and Analytics Page: Behavior Tools

How much will we be doing for Behavior Tools and Behavior Goals?


  • There are different ways to set up Self-Monitoring, Contracts, Behavior Tracking and making one consistent way to create a goal is difficult. Will Students' Goal an Analytics page just be a way to track Behavior Tools goals and User must go to the specific tool to set it up?

    • What will the left side look like for Behavior Tools?

      • Behavior Tracking already has tracking established with some of the data settings (Opportunity Based, Frequency, etc)-so this can be applied easily. Apply same data settings used here to other goals that are within the Behavior Tab for MTSS Goal-Intervention Bank?

      • Self-Monitoring is student tracked; will we pull the goal from the Self-monitoring create screen? Should we include it at all since Teacher doesn’t track? Self Monitoring also has some data settings already established.

      • Contracts have no tracking at all; will we pull something from contracts and turn it into a goal to be tracked? They will have to establish the Collection type while creating the Contract so Contracts would need some updates in order to track items within it.

From the MTSS side, Behavior Intervention Plans allow User to attach a Behavior Tool (Behavior Tracking, Self-Monitoring, Contracts, Behavior Plan). Will we need to distinguish Behavior Tools attached to an Intervention Plan and those that are outside of an Intervention Plan?

From the Skills side, Only Behavior Tool they have is Behavior Plan (containing Behavior Tracking).

Combining Skills within MTSS, If MTSS customers will get the Skills libraries, what library (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic, Custom) is considered “Behavior”?




Goal-Intervention Bank

Will Legacy Skills Customers be getting the Goal-Intervention Bank? Will it include Goals or Goals and Interventions?


  • The Goal-Intervention Bank is accessed through Intervention Plans (Tier 2/Tier 3) which are not part of Legacy Skills

    • Where will we house goals from the Goal-Intervention Bank? Skills Custom Library?

  • Goal-Intervention bank does not contain system targets

    • Will Legacy Skills customers be expecting System Targets or will they be okay creating their own targets using Goals from Goal and Intervention Bank?

  • Legacy Skills have many data Collection types. Will we include all of the data collection types for Goal-Intervention Bank items: ELA/Math/SEL?

    • Behavior tools (Behavior Tracking, Self-Monitoring) have limited choices for Collection types.

Example images:



Legacy Skills Contents

What parts of Legacy Skills will MTSS Customers have? Will everything stay intact for MTSS Customers? Lesson Goals/Objectives, Lesson Plans, Lesson Materials, Standards?

  • Can we move items around to make the Legacy Skills libraries have a more consistent look for what is built for Goal-Intervention Bank?

    • Will we have descriptions for Lesson Plans and Lesson Materials?: These may require extra work from the content team. Is this within scope?



Escalation Paths: Gifted IEPs / Enrichment / Tier 1/Pre-Intervention Plan/ Skills goals to Intervention Plans

Are Escalation Paths within the scope? Option to track Tier 1 goals from Goal-Intervention Bank? What escalation paths seem most likely?

  • From MTSS side: To harness escalation paths for goals, we may need to establish tracking outside of an Intervention Plan for goals coming from the Goal-Intervention Bank, thus a Tier 1 “try out” before escalating to a Tier 2 support. This could also ‘capture’ a student for enrichment which is what competitors are looking into so they have something for all student not just students in need of supports.

  • From Skills side: Skills libraries have the option of just tracking and we would need to allow Skills items to be part of an Intervention Plan for an escalation path.

Legacy Skills Library Tab

Will the Legacy Skills Library tab remain?

For Legacy Skills customers, will we keep the access to the library here or will we move it to a selection options within the Students' Goal and Analytics page? Moving it makes the flow more similar to the access Users have for Goal-Intervention Bank. Will current Legacy Skills customers object to the new access point? Is there benefit to keeping both access points?


The proposed path is +Add goal, then select the Library (Skills or Goal-Intervention), then set up the criteria for the goal within the Students' Goal and Analytics page.



Notice the above image has taken pieces of Legacy Skills Content (Library Tab select at the top, Goals with Goal text, the Lesson Name, and the Domain) and placed them here so that the functionality is similar to Goal-Intervention Bank currently in production.

Skills Only vs. Upgraded Skills vs MTSS Customers with Skills (Suggestions)


Skills Only:

Retain current Skills Libraries (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic, Custom) and functionality for tracking.

--Nothing changes.

Feature Requests

  • Ability to Add/Remove prompts while tracking for Skills Libraries (salesforce request)

  • Customize a Goal Name (edit Skills Lesson Name: salesforce request)

Upgraded Skills:

Everything from Skills Only plus:

  • Goal-Intervention Bank with Goals Only?

  • Classroom Goals and Analytics page

    • includes Skills Goals, Goal-Intervention Bank Goals and Behavior Tools (Behavior Plan only: Behavior Tracking?) for selected Classroom and direct access to Student’s Goal and Analytics page

  • Upgrade Student’s Learning Plan to Student’s Goal and Analytics page

    • access Skills Libraries within page

    • access Goal-Intervention Bank showing Goals Only?

Setting up/ Editing Goal Criteria

  • Emphasis on Student Goals rather than Lessons within Student’s Goals and Analytics page:

    • Streamlined tabs: Current and Inactive (Future, Archived, Mastered)

      • ability to move goals from statuses: Current, Future, Archived, Mastered (Salesforce request)

        • consider mastering/unmastering objectives out of order since skills objectives don’t have prerequisite dependencies?

        • good time to consider a “Maintenance Status”?

    • attach tags indicating: IEP, 504, Behavior Plan

    • Limited Goal Escalation paths for Goals from either Skills Libraries and Goal-Intervention Bank (TBD):

      • Tracking → Behavior Plan → IEP

    • Upgraded view of standards with editing options (Skills Libraries)

    • Materials links to PDFs (Skills Libraries)

      • Lesson Plans title and summary (need content team to write summary)

      • Additional activities with title and summary (need content team to research and write these)

      • Ability to upload additional items for activities.

Data Express Tracking

  • Date express comes to the User within the Student’s Goal and Analytics page for Skills Library and Goal-Intervention Library

    • New printable notes section?

MTSS Customers with Skills:

Everything from Skills Only and Upgraded Skills plus:

  • Goal-Intervention Bank with Goals and Interventions

  • Classroom Goals and Analytics page

    • Behavior Tools is expanded to ALL Behavior Tools (future development?)

  • Student’s Goals and Analytics page

    • access Goal-Intervention Bank with Goals and Interventions

    • access Behavior Tools criteria

Setting up / Editing Goal Criteria

  • Emphasis on Student Goals across all Goal creation areas within the Student’s Goal and Analytics page:

    • Additional tags for TBD: recommend: Tier 1 Tracking, Tier 2 Intervention Plan, Tier 3 Intervention Plan, Gifted IEP, Behavior Tools identification

    • Expanded Goal Escalation paths for goals from Skills Libraries and Goal-Intervention Bank and Behavior Tools?

      • Tier 1 Tracking → Tier 2 Intervention Plan → Tier 2 Intervention Plan → 504 → IEP

      • Tier 1 Behavior Tracking → Tier 2 Behavior Intervention Plan (with Behavior Tracking) → Tier 3 Behavior Intervention Plan (with Behavior Tracking) → formalized BIP → IEP

      • Tier 1 Tracking (ELA/Math at/above grade level) → GIEP

Data Express Tracking
