Empty State | First Time Use of Student's Goals and Analytics Page
Create a entry screen to introduce User to the Student’s Goals and Analytics page. One button begins the procedure for selecting a goal for the first time and takes the User to the Select Goal Library Modal. Once the User has recorded the first data entry for a goal, then this page no longer appears.
User Story
As a Teacher or Admin who is selecting a goal for the first time for a specific student, I need an easy way to get started so that the process does not become overwhelming.
Figma: Empty State
Project: 205670
UI Description
Back Button
Text depends on the path to the Student’s Goal and Analytics Page
From Student Dashboard, text reads: ‘Student Dashboard’
From Classroom Dashboard, text reads: ‘Classroom Home’
From Program Tools, text reads: ‘Classroom Home’
First Drop Down
Shows name of selected student
Second Drop Down
reads: Goals and Analytics
Add Goal Button
Blue button that reads: +Add Goal
Welcome to Goals and Analytics Text
text reads: To begin, start by adding your first goal for [student’s first name].
User Interactions and Validation Notes
Back Button
Admin Flow and Teacher Flow from Student Dashboard: back button reads ‘Student Dashboard’ and takes User to the Student Dashboard
Admin Flow and Teacher Flow from Classroom Dashboard: back button reads ‘Classroom Home’ and takes User to the Classroom Dashboard
Admin Flow and Teacher Flow from Program Tools/Home Screen: back button reads ‘Classroom Home’ and takes User to Classroom Dashboard
Second Drop Down
This is empty state page shown for each student. Once the first goal has initial data collected, this empty state goes away. It is replaced by the Student’s Goal and Analytics Page
Add Goal Button
Clicking +Add Goal button shows the ‘Select Goal Library Modal’
Functionality of the Empty State Page
The Empty State for the Student’s Goals and Analytics page disappears after the first goal’s criteria has been created and an initial data entry has been entered.
The first goal can be from any Library
There is an Empty State for each student within the specific Student’s Goals and Analytics page
Welcome to Goals and Analytics Text
Include the students first name within the text to read:
To begin, start by adding your first goal for [student’s first name].
Workflow Description
User clicks on ‘+Add Goal’ button.
User is taken to ‘Select Goal Library’ modal.