Approval Process | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

Start Date: 2.14.22 End Date: 2.25.22


Incident Reports need to be approved by users with permission before they can be shared with parents. This is a layer of protection districts are looking for as consequences are included.

User Stories:

  • As an admin, I want to know which incident reports need to be reviewed so that I am aware of which incidents need my attention

  • As an admin, I want to be able to edit the incident reports and save my edits to the report so that the incident report will be appropriate for parents and students to view

  • As an admin, I want to be able to request changes from the owner of the incident report and discuss the changes that are needed so that I can ensure that all the facts of the incident are included in the report

  • As an admin, I want to know what the status is of each incident report so that I can communicate clearly and quickly with the owner of the incident report

  • As a admin, I want to be able to print so that I can reference it later

  • As a admin, I want to be able to approve the incident report and an automatic notification be sent to the owner of the doc so that I can ensure timely feedback to the owner of the incident report

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an admin, I will be able to review the incident report by clicking View report or review report in Docs for review

  • Given I am an admin, I will be able to edit the report and save my changes

  • Given I am an admin, I can save my work after I edit the incident report

  • Given I am an admin, I will be able to request changes from the owner of the incident report through the chat

  • Given I am an admin, I will be able to save the doc to my file cabinet, print, or export the report to my computer when I am in the View state of the report

  • Given I am an admin, I will be able to see the status of each incident report

  • Given I am an admin, I will see the empty state of the Notification list if there are no reports for a given time frame


Admin Receives Message


  • On the main dashboard, the user will see the inbox modal popup when they first login and it will remain open until closed by clicking the X

  • Unread messages will have a red dot to show that they have not been read. Once the user clicks to view the report, the red dot disappears

  • The user will also receive an automated email if they have not opted out of it in the settings stating:


1 or more team members need your approval on an incident report for a student. Please log in to your Rethink Ed account and view your alerts in order to approve the report. If no active alerts are showing, one of your colleagues has already approved the report.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a great day!



The Rethink Ed Team


  • If the user clicks on View report in inbox, they will be taken to incident report


Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Approve Reports (Under Incident Reports) will see this message in their inbox

  • The red dot in the inbox will only show if incident alert is pending approval.

  • Once the user approves or views the report, the red dot is removed

  • The automated email will go out nightly as a scheduled job to any user with a pending incident report to users who have not opted out of the email in the settings

  • Any incident report with a status of Pending Approval will be calculated in the Behavior alerts

  • We will show the name of the team member who submitted the report for approval.

Admin Reviews/ Edits


  • Upon clicking on the View in their inbox or review in Review in the Docs for Review, the user will see incident report viewer

  • The doc can be printed

  • If they click approve, they will see a warning message: You are about to approve this incident report. This action cannot be undone. If you approve, the teacher can send the incident report to the parent.

  • If they click approve the report will be approved

  • If they click cancel or x, the status will not change


  • If the user clicks edit, they will be able to make change to the report if they desire


  • Upon clicking approve, the user will see a message that says, “You have approved the Incident Report for Team Member name”


  • Once saved, the tag Approved, will display on the View report page


  • Once the admin closes out of the incident report they will remain wherever they were

  • If they were in docs for review any report that has been approved or deleted by the user during this session will show an undo button. Clicking undo will return the report to a status of pending approval.


Business Rules

  • Only those incident reports that have not yet been reviewed will show with a red dot in the inbox

  • We will show the first and last name of the team member who submitted the report.

  • Once approved, the report status is updated to Approved and cannot be undone

  • Print is enabled during the review in the View report mode but not in edit mode

  • Once the building is selected, the role 7 user will be able to select the students in that building only.

  • The rest of the roles (except the parents) will see the students that they have permission to see


  • Once approved, the owner of the doc will be notified that the report was approved


  • When they click on View Report they will see the report

  • Once they click close they will see whatever they saw before clicking View report from inbox or from their docs list


Business Rules

  • Once approved, the teacher will receive a message in their inbox about the status of their incident report

  • View report will take the user to the report


Teacher Share


  • The owner of the Report can share the document with the parent and student if they choose once it has been approved.



  • The user will see the a share dropdown with all the students and family members connected with the students included in the incident report

  • The student/s are listed first in abc order by last name and then the connected parents of the students listed below in abc order by last name

  • Once a student is checked only the parents of that student remain active while the rest of the students and parent change to an inactive state. The same report that is being sent to the student can be sent to their parents.

  • The only name that can be seen is the selected students name or the name of the student whose connected parents were selected




  • If the parent is selected first, only the connected parent and student remain active and Students involved name showing matches the student name

  • The user can uncheck the box to return to the beginning dropdown state



  • Once shared, it will share to selected student or parent inbox in RethinkEd.

  • When students or parents click on View report in their Rethink inbox, they will see the incident report with only their name or their child’s name in the students involved section


Business Rules

  • Once the incident report has been approved, the teacher can send the incident report to involved student or parents or the involved students

  • Student names will be redacted so parents and students will only be able to see their name or their child’s name

  • Students will be listed first in abc order by last name followed by parents in abc order by last name

  • Only the parents of the student involved and the student should see their name in the Students involved section of the report- Any other names have been redacted from the Students involved section

  • Once the student is checked, only the parents of the student remain active and can be checked in the dropdown

  • Once the student is checked, only their name remains in the Students involved section

  • If the parent is checked first, only the student related remains active and can be checked in the dropdown

  • If the parent is checked first, only the name of their child remains in the Students involved section




  • If the owner of the report or admin wants to chat with another team member they can click the add button to search or find the team member name in the dropdown from the View report screen


  • Once they click on the name, it is added to the chat

  • They can click the x to remove the name if they have not started chatting to the person. Once the chat has begun, the X will be removed and the team members can no longer be removed from the chat


  • If they add a second name it just adds next to the other name

  • Once the second name is added, the add button is deactivated unless they remove one of the names before the chat starts.

  • If the name is longer than 22 characters, we will show an ellipsis at the end and the user can hover to see the rest of the name


  • Once a message is typed in, the names tagged in the chat will be notified via inbox


  • If the user has sent more than 1 message, that the receiver has not viewed (not clicked View from the inbox or viewed from Docs list), they will see : Team member has sent you messages with a incident report.

  • The date and time will update to the last messages date and time


  • If the user clicks hide the chat will be hidden from view

  • The user can chat again by clicking unhide and see the same chat from last chat period


Business Rules

  • The owner of the report will be notified if the admin/ other team member writes a message and the admin/team member will be notified if the owner of the report writes a message

  • This doc/chat will function similarly to the student area chat and perhaps could access this same area or URL

  • The team member list should be limited to the team members that the person has access to in the building or in the district for admin

  • Only two team members can be added to the chat

  • A member can be added at anytime in the discussion

  • Messages will be grouped into one unread notification in the inbox.

  • If the user has sent more than 1 message, that the receiver has not viewed (not clicked View from the inbox or viewed from Docs list), they will see : Team member has sent you messages with a incident report.

  • The date and time will update to the last messages date and time


Team Member Submitting Report is Updated on Outcome


  • Once a report has been approved or deleted, the user who submitted the report will see an alert letting them know the report was approved or a message was sent.


Business Rules

  • The team member who submitted the report for approval will receive this alert once a report has been approved or if a message was sent.

Admin checks Documents for Review


  • If the user clicks on the Docs for Review in the header they will see the list of incident reports to review and their status


  • The oldest unread review will show at the top and will have a red circle indicating it is unread

  • Read reviews will not show the red dot as they have been viewed

  • Users can click the review button to open the document in the document viewer

  • If the report has been approved, it will show “approved” next to the Review button

  • If the report has not been reviewed or has not been approved, the “Pending Approval” status will show next to the review button

  • If there are no reports to review for a given time frame, then the admin will see the empty state


Business Rules

  • Default time is 7 days

  • The time frames in filter 14 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months

  • The Oldest unread review will display at the top to the newest unread review and then oldest read review to the newest read review will show

  • User can filter by Pending Approval or Approved

  • The status will update to approved once the admin approves

  • An approved report cannot be unapproved once approved