Create Report | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

Users will have the ability to create a formal incident report based on the template settings.


User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to create an Incident Report, so I can document a major behavior incident for my students.

  • As a team member, I want to easily be able to edit an incident report so that I can make sure that the details are accurate and appropriate.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user viewing the Behavior Area and I have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will have access to the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing the Behavior Area and I DO NOT have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will NOT have access to the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a non-admin user who has clicked on Record Incident from the Behavior Area, I will see an alphabetical drop-down list of all classrooms to which I am currently assigned

  • Given I am an admin user who has clicked on Record Incident from the Behavior Area, I will need to type in the name of a classroom to search for any classroom I currently have access to

  • Given I am a user viewing a Classroom Dashboard with access to Behavior and who has permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will see the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing a Classroom Dashboard WITHOUT access to Behavior and who has permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will NOT see the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing a Classroom Dashboard with access to Behavior and who DOES NOT HAVE permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will NOT see the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing a Student’s behavior area and I have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will see the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing a Student’s Behavior area and I DO NOT HAVE permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will NOT see the Record Incident button

  • Given a field is marked as required on the incident report template, that field will be required when I create an incident

  • Given I have clicked to record an incident from either the Behavior Area or a Classroom, I will see a list of students currently in the selected classroom

  • Given I have clicked to record an incident from an individual student’s behavior area, I will not see the student list

  • Given I have clicked to record an incident from either the Behavior Area or a Classroom, I will not be able to change the selected classroom

  • Given I have clicked to record an incident from an individual student’s behavior area, I will have the option of selecting a classroom both the student and I currently have access to

  • Given I am a user with permission to Approve reports, I will see the option to save & approve the report

  • Given I am a user WITHOUT permission to Approve Reports, I will see the option to submit for approval


Go to Incident Reports to Create report


  • There are 3 ways to navigate to Incident Reports:

    • From Behavior

      • The user will click on Record Incident on the Tier 1, 2, or 3 screens.

      • Team members with permissions to regions will need to indicate which region, building, and classroom they would like to create the incident report for from a selector once they click on Record incident

  • Team members with permissions to multiple buildings will need to indicate which building they would like to create the incident report for from a selector once they click on Record incident



  • Team members with permissions to classrooms will need to indicate which classroom report that they would like to record an incident for


  • All fields are required in the popup once they click Record Incident report

  • All regions that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Record incident report

  • All buildings that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click Record incident report

  • All classrooms that a user has permission to see should show up in the dropdown in the popup that shows when they click record incident report




  • From a Classroom

    • From the classroom page, the user will select “record an incident” from the left-side navigation menu.


  • From My Students - Behavior Support

    • On any Tier, the user may click Record an incident


    • Alternatively, the user may click Incidents under recommended tools


      • From here, the user will click Record incident


Business Rules

  • Behavior Section:

    • Any user with permission to Edit Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record incident button.

    • All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to

    • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

  • Classroom/Group Section:

    • Any user with permission to Edit Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record an incident link.

  • Students Sections:

    • Any user with permission to Edit Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to Record Incident button.


Create Incident Report- From Behavior Dashboard


  • We will now see the Record Incident modal

  • This screen will show us all of the fields included in the incident report settings

  • Clicking the X will close the modal without saving changes.

  • Clicking Save will save the changes and bring the user to the report.

  • Team members can chat with other team members through the chat feature. See more about Chat feature in the approval process


Business Rules

  • The fields will be displayed based on the Incident Report settings

  • The required fields (cannot be blank) are:

    • Date

    • Select Students

    • Incident Type

    • Frequency

    • Action Taken

    • Any other fields marked required on template

  • Items will show based on their location on the template unless otherwise specified below. Meaning, if it is the first item on the template, it will show at the top. If it is the last item on the template, it will show at the bottom.

Building Name and Student Age


  • These fields will not show on the record incident screen, but will show on the report.

  • Title of person will show if included in incident report settings


Business Rules

  • If these fields are included on the currently active template, they will show on the report but not on the record screen.


Reported by


  • When the user clicks to record the incident report, the user’s name will automatically generate on the report.

  • The name will appear after Reported by

  • The name will appear in first name last name format


Business Rules

  • This is required information that can not be removed or modified

  • The reported by name will generate once the user clicks the Record incident button


Job Title


  • If the job title is left on the incident report settings, it will display when creating the incident report

  • After the user types in the job title, it will how automatically the next time that they fill out an incident report

Business Rules

  • This not a required field by default

  • This functions as a fill in the blank

  • The text limit is 56 characters

  • Will prefill once user types in response the first time but can be changed if necessary




| Select the Date


  • When the user clicks the word Today, a calendar will open.

  • Once the date is selected, that date will show in place of the word Today (unless today’s date was selected)

Business Rules

  • The user may not select a date in the future

  • The date field will always show in this location, even if it has been moved farther down the report template.

  • This is a required field

  • The calendar will only show 9 months earlier than Today’s date

| Select the Time


  • When the user clicks the time, a time menu will open.

  • Once the time is selected, the menu will close and that time will show.

Business Rules

  • This field will show if Time is included on the currently active template.

  • The time field will always show in this location, even if it has been moved farther down the report template.




  • The user will select a classroom from the drop-down menu


  • The Classroom field will fill be automatically filled with the name of the classroom if the user clicked record incident from the classroom and can not be changed


Business Rules

  • If the user entered via My Students, we will show all classrooms both the student and user currently belong to (admins will see all classrooms the student currently belongs to). This is not required.

    • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

  • If entering via Behavior or Classroom, we will default to the classroom selected. This cannot be changed, so no other classrooms will show & no need for selector arrow or dropdown.

  • Only one classroom can be selected.

  • This field will show if Classroom is included on the currently active template.

  • The incident report will be saved to the classroom that the user was in before clicking Create incident report



Select Students


  • The non-admin’s or admins with a class of assigned students will show in the list

  • The user will use the slider to select which student(s) to include in the report.

  • If the user clicks to add a second student, the user will see a warning popup that will say: All students involved must have engaged in the same incident type(s). If not, create separate incident reports for the other students.

  • The user must click okay before the second student slider will select the student

  • The user will only see this message when they click on the second student and will not see it with additional students on the same report


  • The user may search for a student by name

  • The Student Name, ID (if there is one), grade, and school will display for the users

  • We will show the number of students selected


  • If the user selects Add other student, they will be able to search for other students in the building

  • Once the user types the name, the results will show for the name

  • The user can double click the student name result or they can click on the kabob menu to select the student and move the name to the Additional students involved section

  • If the owner of the report with a class clicked create incident from the student dashboard, the student’s name from the dashboard will show up automatically in the students involved. This name can not be removed from the report.


  • If the admin user clicked create incident from the student dashboard, the student’s name from the dashboard will show up automatically in the students involved. This name can not be removed from the report.

  • Admin will be able to search for the students involved in the search field

  • Once the admin have entered a name in the search field, they will choose from the closest matched names and distinguish the child from the ID, grade, and school

  • The admin can select the student double clicking the student name or by clicking on the kabob menu and clicking on Select student

  • If the admin adds a second student, they will see the same warning message

  • The user must click okay before the second student slider will select the student

  • The user will only see this message when they click on the second student and will not see it with additional students on the same report


  • The indicator will update to match the number of students selected

  • The admin can search for another names and add another student by double clicking the student name or by clicking on the kabob menu


  • If the admin user clicked create incident from the student dashboard, the student’s name from the dashboard will show up automatically in the students involved. This name can not be removed from the report.



Business Rules

  • This section will show if the user entered via Behavior section or Classroom/Group. If the user entered via My Students, this section will not show as we have already selected a student (i.e. if we enter from John’s Behavior Support section, John is the selected student).

  • This is a required field.

  • We will show all students currently assigned to the classroom/group.

  • Multiple students can be selected.

  • The student name from the student dashboard can not be removed from the report.

  • The student name from the dashboard shows up automatically.

  • The grade and ID if there is one shows up in the same row as well

  • The rest of the Students involved section works the same as when entering from the behavior dashboard

  • The student name from the student dashboard can not be removed from the report.

  • The student name from the dashboard shows up automatically.

  • The grade and ID if there is one shows up in the same row as well

  • The rest of the Students involved section works the same as when entering from the behavior dashboard

  • This section will show if the user entered via Behavior section or Classroom/Group. If the user entered via My Students, this section will not show as we have already selected a student (i.e. if we enter from John’s Behavior Support section, John is the selected student).

  • This is a required field.

  • Admin can search for any student in the building

  • Admin with multiple building permissions can search for any student in the building indicated on the behavior dashboard selector before entering the incident report modal

  • Admin with a class will see the teacher toggle setup if they have set up a class

  • Multiple students can be selected.

  • The student name will be listed with their ID if there is one and grade

  • Users with permission to Approve Report (under Behavior Support) will see the save and approve button. Clicking this button will save the incident and mark the report as approved.

  • Users with permission can save their work and find the unapproved report in the Docs for Review

| Location


  • The user will select a location from the drop-down menu

  • If the user selects Other from the list, they will need to enter the name of the incident into the box.

Business Rules

  • This is not a required field by default

  • This field will show if Location is included on the currently active template.

  • The user will see a list of default locations based on location settings for the account.

  • Users can only select one location

| Incident


  • The user will select an incident from the drop-down menu


  • If the user selects Other from the list, they will need to enter the name of the incident into the box.


  • If the user clicks Add additional incident, they may add another incident to the report.


  • The user may click the X to remove an incident from the report.

Business Rules

  • This is a required field.

  • The user will see the incident types set in Account Settings.

  • We will not allow multi-select

  • At least 1 incident must be added to the report

| Frequency


  • The user will select or enter the number of times the behavior (incident type) was observed


Business Rules

  • This is a required field

  • We will default to 1

  • Can be set to any whole number greater than 0 and less than 101

  • The frequency will apply to the incident it is next to.

| Action Taken


  • The user will select an action from the drop-down menu


  • If the user selects Other from the list, they will need to enter the name of the action into the box.


  • If the user selects one and clicks away, the action will display in the dropdown box


  • If the user clicks multiple actions, they will display in a box below. If the user wants to remove the action, they can click the X. The scroll bar appears when there are more than 5 actions selected.


  • When there are multiple actions selected, in addition to a written in Other inputted action, the inputted action will also show at the end of the list


If the user selects In-school suspension, the question of how many days of in-school suspension will show below action taken



If the user selects Out-of school suspension the question of how many days of out-of school suspension will show below the Action Taken


Business Rules

  • This is a required field

  • We will allow multi-select

  • The actions will show based on the Account Settings

  • If the user adds a new action, this new action will be added to the list for the classroom selected. If no classroom has been selected, it will not be saved for future use.


Possible Motivation

  • The user will type in the text box



Business Rules

  • This is not a required field by default

  • This field will show if Possible motivation is included on the currently active template.

  • Users can type in the space the size of the text box allows


Was anyone physically harmed?


  • The user will select yes or no

Business Rules

  • This is not a required field unless specified on custom template

  • This will show if this field is included on the currently active template

  • We will default to No

| Name of Witnesses



  • The user will type in the name(s) of any witnesses to the incident

  • The user can select the individuals by double clicking on the name or by clicking on the kabob menu and clicking on select individuals

  • The grade and student number if there is one will show so that the user can distinguish the students from other students with matching names

  • Team members will not have IDs or grades


  • Once the individuals have been added, they will show up in the selected individual section below

  • The user can click the x to remove the student from the list

  • The number of selected individuals will show above the names


Business Rules

  • This is not a required field unless specified on custom template

  • This will show if this field is included on the currently active template

  • Witnesses can be students or team members

  • Team members will show in the list without ID or grade

| Notes


  • The user may type in the box to enter any additional notes.

Business Rules

  • This is not a required field unless specified on custom template

  • This will show if this field is included on the currently active template


| Custom Short Text Field


  • Any custom short text field will show the custom label name above a blank box.

  • The user may type in the box.


Business Rules

  • This is not a required field unless specified on custom template

  • This will show for each custom short text field included on the currently active template

| Custom Long Text Field


  • Any custom long text field will show the custom label name above a multi-line blank box.

  • The user may type in the box.


Business Rules

  • This is not a required field unless specified on custom template

  • This will show for each custom long text field included on the currently active template

| Custom Checkbox Field


  • Any custom checkbox field will show the custom label name above a checkbox.

  • The user may check the box.


Business Rules

  • This is not a required field unless specified on custom template

  • This will show for each custom checkbox field included on the currently active template



  • Once all fields are completed, the user will click one of the following buttons:

    • Submit to Admin

    • If the team member selects save + close, the status of the report in the classroom area will show the Not submitted status


  • After clicking the submit button and the Save + Close button, the record incident modal will close.


  • Once all fields are completed, the admin will click Save and Approve or Save + Close


  • Clicking Save + Close will save the changes and bring the user to the view report with the Approve button

  • Save + Approve will save the changes and bring the user to view the report.

  • After clicking Save + Close, the draft of the report is moved to Docs for Review with a Need to Review status

  • Clicking the X will close the modal without saving changes.


Incomplete Required Fields

  • If User clicks on Save+Approve or Save+Close button but has not completed all the required fields, they see the pop-up message telling them which field(s) they did not complete.



Business Rules

  • Users without permission to Approve Report (under Behavior Support) will see the submit for approval button. This will save the incident report and mark it as pending approval.

  • If the User does not complete a required field, they see the pop-up message telling them which fields are incomplete.

    • Pop-up message(s) appear at the top and at the bottom of the page.