Permissions | Incident Reports | Behavioral Suite

Start Date: 2.28.22 End Date: 3.11.22


We need to make changes to permission settings to accommodate the changes to incident reporting.


User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to understand which roles have permission to which components of Incident Reports, so I can ensure users have the proper level of access

  • As a user, I want to select which permission settings users assigned to a custom role have, so I can ensure users have the proper level of access

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 7, I will have permission to edit report, view report, edit settings, view settings, approve reports, and receive alerts

  • Given I am a user assigned to roles 5 or 6, I will have permission to edit report, view report, view settings, approve reports, and receive alerts

  • Given I am a user assigned to roles 5 or 6, I will not have permission to edit settings

  • Given I am a user assigned to lead teacher, multi-account lead teacher, or case manager, I will have permission to edit reports, view reports, view settings, and receive alerts

  • Given I am a user assigned to lead teacher, multi-account lead teacher, or case manager, I will not have permission to edit settings or approve reports

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will have permission to edit reports, view reports, and receive alerts

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will not have permission to edit settings, view settings, or approve reports

  • Given I am a paraprofessional, I will have permission to view reports

  • Given I am a paraprofessional, I will not have permission to edit reports, edit settings, view settings, approve reports, or receive alerts

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that previously had permission to view incident tracking, I will have permission to view reports

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that previously had permission to edit incident tracking, I will have permission to edit reports

  • Given I am a family member, I will only have access to view an incident report once it has been shared with me. I will not have permission to access anything else.

Staff Permissions


  • Remove Incident Tracking from permission settings.

  • Under Behavior Support, add:

    • View Settings

    • Edit Settings

    • Approve Report

    • Receive Alerts

    • View Reports

    • Edit Reports


Business Rules

  • Edit Report allows users to edit or delete a previously created Incident Report for all students they have access to

  • View Report allows users to view a previously created Incident Report for all students they have access to

  • By default, Role 7 will have permission to:

    • Edit Reports

    • View Reports

    • Receive Alerts

    • Approve Reports

    • Edit Settings

    • View Settings

  • By default, all other default administrative roles (5 & 6) will have permission to:

    • Edit Report

    • View Report

    • View Settings

    • Approve Report

    • Receive Alerts

  • By default, Lead Teachers, Multi-Account Lead Teachers, and Case Managers will have permission to:

    • Edit Report

    • View Report

    • View settings

    • Receive Alerts

  • By default, Teachers and Multi-Account Teachers will have permission to:

    • Edit Report

    • View Report

    • Receive Alerts

  • By default, Paraprofessionals will have permission to:

    • View Report

  • Any custom role currently set with permission to view incident tracking will have permission to:

    • View Report

  • Any custom role currently set with permission to edit incident tracking will have permission to:

    • View Report

    • Edit Report

    • Receive Alerts

  • As a note, family members (parents) will only be able to view reports once a user has shared it with them. They will have access to nothing else at this time.