Goals and Objectives Panel | Student Goals & Analytics Page


Create a panel to include all of the Goals and Objectives information. The panel includes the option to edit and add criteria. Intervention Strategies with Details button (if selected) are included within the Materials section. The contents of the panel include:

  • Goal

  • Objectives (optional)

  • Materials

  • Standards

  • Notes


User Story

As an Admin or Teacher who is viewing a a goal on the student’s Current tab I need to see the criteria I established so that I can ensure that the Goal, Materials, Standards and Notes are all up to date.


Project: 205670

UI Description:

Goals and Objectives Panel:

  1. Middle panel housing multiple sections for goal information


Goal and Objectives Section

  • Title: Goal

    • Contains text of the goal selected

  • Pencil icon (Edit)

    • denotes functionality to edit the text of the goal selected

Materials Section:

  • Intervention Strategy

    • Shows selected Intervention Strategy

  • Anything else? Can User upload additional materials?

    • Description TBD

  • Pencil icon (Edit)

    • denotes functionality to edit materials

Standards Section:

  • Text: Nothing to show

    • default text

  • + Add

    • denotes functionality to add standards

Notes Section:

  • Text: Nothing to show

    • default text

  • + Add

    • denotes functionality to add notes