Messaging Center

We are adding a Messaging Center to allow users to collaborate, share information, provide feedback, and create PLCs.  The messaging center is crucial in order to remain competitive with PBIS data & communication systems.The main areas of the messaging center are:

  • Messages
  • Announcements
  • Discussions



  • In Account Setup - Manage Roles, we need to add the following permission settings:
    • Messaging Center - View
    • Messaging Center - Read/Respond
    • Messaging Center - Create New Messages
    • Messaging Center - View Announcements
    • Messaging Center - Create District/Building Announcements
    • Messaging Center - Create Classroom Announcements
    • Messaging Center - Discussions
    • Messaging Center - Delete Other's Comments

Business Rules

  • These permission settings will be added as an option for all roles.
  • By default, we will check the box and enable the following permissions:
    • View - All preset roles
    • Read/Respond - All preset roles
    • Create New Messages  - Roles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Multi-account teacher, multi-account lead teacher, case manager
    • View Announcements - All preset roles
    • Create District/Building Announcements - Role 5, 6, 7
    • Create Classroom Announcements - Lead Teacher, Multi-Account Lead Teacher
    • Discussion - Roles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Multi-account teacher, multi-account lead teacher, case manager
    • Delete Other's Comments - Roles 5, 6, 7

Left-Hand Navigation


  • There will be an icon for the messaging center on the left-hand navigation menu

Business Rules

  • The Messaging Center will be visible to all user roles
  • Clicking the message icon will open the messaging center.
  • The messaging center will show Inbox, Announcements, and Discussions
  • This icon will be visible for all users with the permission setting of Messaging Center - View



  • There will be three sections on the screen:
    • The left-hand panel will show the menu:
      • Inbox
        • number of unread messages will show to the right
      • Announcements
      • Discussions
      • Pinned Discussions
    • The middle panel will show:
      • Search box
      • create new message icon
      • Previous conversations
        • Blue dot will indicate an unread message
        • Conversation highlighted in blue indicated current conversation
    • The right-hand panel will show the current conversation:
      • Name/role of individual a user is messaging
      • Time stamp of last message sent or received
      • Conversation
      • Message text entry field
      • Attach file button

Business Rules

  • This is the default view when opening the messaging center.
  • All users with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Read/Respond will have access to this area.
  • The default view for the inbox will show the most recent conversation highlighted in middle panel and open in right-hand panel. If no messages have been received, the default view will be new message screen.
  • Search Box
    • Allows users to type in key words to search conversations by name of contact or by content of message.
    • Search results auto-filters the list of conversations.
  • Create New Message Icon
    • This button will be visible and accessible to users with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Create New Message
    • Clicking this button will display the Create New Message Screen

Create New Message


  • Users will click the create message icon
  • Users will then begin typing in the name of the user(s) they wish to send a message to.
  • User suggestions will appear on the screen and display the user name and role
  • If the user clicks Cancel, he will return to the main inbox screen
  • Users will type their message in the text box
  • Users may click the Attach button to attach files to the message
  • Users will click the send button when they are ready to send the message

Business Rules

  • This is only accessible to users with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Create New Message
    • Users may send a message to any other user with access to the messaging center (read/reply)
  • When a user begins to type a name in the search box, we will see a list of users who match that name
    • Only users with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Read/Reply will appear in this list
  • Clicking on a user adds the person to the message
  • Users may send to more than one person at once (group message)
    • Once a group message has been sent, users are unable to add additional recipients to the message
  • Users may attach one file at a time, but may send multiple messages that each contain 1 file



  • We will see a list of groups announcements can be posted to
  • The feed will display all announcements for the selected group
  • Users will click the create new announcement button to post a new announcement
    • Design changes needed
    • Users will select which building(s) they wish to post the announcement for
    • Users will also select which user roles can view the announcement
    • Users will type the announcement in the text box & attach any needed files
    • Users will click the post button to publish the announcement in the feed
    • Users may delete previously published announcements

Business Rules

  • Users with the permission setting Messaging Center - View Announcements will have the ability to view announcements that have been posted to their respective building(s)
  • Users with the permission setting Messaging Center - Create District/Building Announcements will have the option to send an announcement to all buildings they have access to
    • Users with access to the parent account (i.e. role 6/7) will have the option to send the announcement to the entire district
    • There should be an option to select which roles see this announcement
      • All roles that exist on the account should be shown, including custom roles.
      • Multiple roles can be selected
      • Default is all roles
  • Users with the permission setting Messaging Center - Classroom Announcements will have the option to send an announcement to any classroom the user has access to
    • There should be an option to select which roles see this announcement
      • All roles assigned to the classroom (including students) should show
      • Multiple roles can be selected
      • Default is all roles
    • Announcements sent to students will show in the Student Center
  • Announcements cannot be replied to
  • Announcements can include attached files, media, and links
  • Users may delete their own announcements.
  • Need to fix classrooms for this to work

Student Center


  • There will be a section for announcements in the Student Center
  • We will flag this section if new announcements exist
  • Design Needed

Business Rules

  • Students can see announcements, but cannot respond



  • Left-side
    • Green dot next to pinned discussions with a new comment
  • Main Panel
    • Users can search for discussions
    • Users can pin discussions for quick access later on
    • We will show a green pin next to discussions the user has previously pinned
    • Display
      • Discussion topic
      • Comments
      • Last Update
      • Author (consider symbol next to name for top influencer, contributor, new user, etc. Need to define this. What are the business rules?)
    • Users will click the Create new discussion button to begin a new discussion thread

Business Rules

  • This is visible and accessible to any user with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Discussions
  • By default, we will show the most recently updated topics at the top of the list
  • The search bar allows users to search by content or topic
  • Discussion topic will display the topic title for each thread
  • Comments will display the number of comments on the thread
  • Last update will display the date and time the last comment was posted to the thread
  • Author will display the first and last name of the user who created the thread
  • Clicking the pin icon will turn it green and add the topic to the list of pinned discussions

Create New Discussion


  • Users will type a discussion topic title
    • As a user types in a title, any related threads will appear as suggestions.
    • The related threads are will display
      • Discussion topic
      • Comments
      • Last Update
      • Author
  • Users will type in a comment to begin the discussion
  • Users will click start discussion when they are ready to post their discussion topic
  • A user can click cancel to return to exit the create new discussion screen and return to the list of discussions

Business Rules

  • Users with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Discussions will have access to this area
  • When a user begins typing a topic, any existing topics that match will display under the section titled "wait, have you seen these related discussions?"
  • A topic and a comment must be added before the start discussion button can be pressed
  • Start discussion published the topic and comment
  • Cancel exits without saving

Discussion Details


  • Users will click the button with 3 horizontal lines to return to the discussion list view.
  • Users will see a shortened list of discussion topics and may click on any topic to access the discussion
  • Discussion looks like a text message conversation, with each message next to user name in a bubble
  • Users will see the date/time the last message was received
  • Users may click the pin icon to save the thread to their pinned discussions
  • Users will type their comment in the text box, and may attach files if they'd like
  • Users will click the comment button to post their comment
  • Users may delete comments after they have been posted

Business Rules

  • This area is accessible to any user with the permission setting of Messaging Center - Discussions
  • The icon with the 3 horizontal lines will return the user to the full list of discussions and will close the discussion details
  • Users may click on other discussions from the shortened panel to quickly access them
  • Once a discussion has been pinned, the "pin this discussion" icon turns green and the discussion is added to the list of pinned discussions
  • A delete button should be visible next to each comment
    • Users may delete their own comments
    • Users with the permission setting Messaging Center - Delete Other's Comments will have the ability to delete comments from other users.