Add Interactive SEL Activities

We need to create interactive SEL activities that students can complete in the Student Center. Once the student has completed an activity, educators need to be able to view the activity and send the student feedback.

User Stories:

As a teacher, I want to view worksheets my students completed and provide them with feedback, so I can ensure they are strengthening their SEL skills.

As a student, I want to complete my worksheet online and submit to my teacher, so I do not have to print out the assignment and deliver to my teacher.

General Concept


  • SEL activities, videos, and quizzes will continue to be assigned as they are now

  • In the student center, SEL activities will now appear with tools to complete the activity

  • After the student completes an activity, they will hit a submit button

  • The teacher will view all submitted activities in the new Manage Assignments area

  • From here, the teacher may send the student feedback using a simple messaging tool

  • The student will see the feedback in the student center and may respond

Business Rules

  • Printable PDFs of the activities will remain available in the library and resources areas

  • We will convert activities in batches, meaning some activities will show as static PDFs while others will be fillable


Student Center
Manage Assignments
Feedback Loop