Custom Lesson Title | Feature Requests

User Story

As a Teacher or Admin User, I need to edit the name of the lesson and store it in my Custom Lessons Library so that I have a record of the modifications I made to a lesson to better meet the needs of my student(s).

Overview (Deliverable)





UI Description: What’s new

Edit field

  • Text entry field to edit the name of the lesson

Pencil Icon

  • Indicates an editable field for the Lesson Name

Confirmation box

  • Contains a check mark and an X for the Edit field



User Interaction and Validation Notes: What’s New

Edit Field

  • Activated by clicking on Pencil Icon

  • Removes the default lesson name and shows an empty text entry field

  • User text enters the new lesson name

  • Edit Field expands as the User types

  • Limit: 75 characters

Pencil Icon

  • Clicking on Pencil Icon makes the Edit Field Active

  • Pencil Icon always remains, unlimited opportunities to edit lesson name for all lessons and all statuses of lessons (Current, Future, Archived, Mastered)

Confirmation Box

  • Appears as User selects the Pencil Icon and Edit Field becomes active

  • Selecting the Check Mark confirms the new text entry, updates to the new entry, and closes editing

  • Select the X cancels the new text entry, returns the initial Lesson Name, and closes editing


Custom Lesson Library

  • Lessons that have an edited lesson name are stored in the Custom Lesson Library



Workflow Description

  1. User selects Lesson

  2. User select Pencil icon from Goals and Objectives

    1. Need Student Individual page to show this happening.

  3. User clicks on Pencil icon next to the name of the lesson(#1)

  4. User text enters custom lesson title (#2)

  5. User selects check mark to confirm custom lesson title or x to remove and re-start the text entry (#2)

  6. User sees their custom lesson title. (#3)

  7. User can view their newly named lesson within the Custom Lesson Library.





Is more needed to complete the flow?

  • Do we need the first split screen for the student’s individual Goal and Analytics Page?

    • Left side-icons and functions decided? Can the updates be included in this path?

    • Still going to be called Lessons--change to Goals?

  • What rules will apply for Custom rename of Lesson:

    • Lives in User’s Custom Library-do we need a screen?

    • Users can rename the following?

      • Current Lessons-prior to data collection or during also?

      • Future lessons?

      • Archived/Mastered Lessons?

      • Limit the number of characters for the custom name?