Lesson Domain - SEL Students

Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/5d92g3sqYVqLkS2rVkEovo/PowerBi-Reporting?node-id=1028-6951&t=0i4RD9pFYvzSCQyZ-0


  • When a user navigates to ‘Lesson Domains’ within the EDU Platform Dashboards, the ‘SEL Students’ tab will be the users landing page. It provides detailed information on the Completion of SEL items for students.

UI Description:

User Interaction and Validation:

  • Tabbed Navigation:

    • Users should be able to switch between SEL/LSW, Mental Health, and Skills to view different Lesson Domain Data.

    • SEL should be the landing page for users.

  • Date Picker:

    • Users should be able to utilize the date pick to select the date range of data they want to see.

  • Report Toggle:

    • Users should be able to select with report they want to view for SEL, Student Report, or Educator Report.

  • Graph

    • User should have a graph populated with lines for each domain.

    • Each domain line should have a plotted point for the combined count of Quizzes, Interactives, and Videos completed by students depending on the Interval chosen.

    • Users should be able to change the interval of the graph by select the Day, Week, Month or Year options.

  • Search Bar and Filters:

    • Users can refine the data displayed in the table by typing in the search bar or selecting options from drop down filters available

  • Data Table:

    • Data table information should populate with the data in the date range selected.

    • Default columns include Building, Videos, Quizzes, Interactives, and Total.

    • User should be able to drill down into a building to view the Grade Levels within each Building

    • Users should be able to drill down into each grade level to view each student and their completed items.