Lesson Domain - Skills Educator

Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/5d92g3sqYVqLkS2rVkEovo/PowerBi-Reporting?node-id=1054-10170&t=MDQ3C2DrscDll0vk-0


  • When a user navigates to ‘Lesson Domains’ they will be able to navigate to the Skills - Educator tab. It provides detailed information on the views of Skills items by educators.

UI Description:

User Interaction and Validation:

  • Tabbed Navigation:

    • Users should be able to switch between SEL/LSW, Mental Health, and Skills to view different Lesson Domain Data.

  • Date Picker:

    • Users should be able to utilize the date pick to select the date range of data they want to see.

  • Report Toggle:

    • Users should be able to select with report they want to view for Skills. Student Report or Educator Report.

  • Graph

    • User should have a graph populated with lines for each domain.

    • Each domain line should have a plotted point for the combined count of each column in the data table

    • Users should be able to change the interval of the graph by select the Day, Week, Month or Year options.

  • Search Bar and Filters:

    • Users can refine the data displayed in the table by typing in the search bar or selecting options from drop down filters available

  • Data Table:

    • Data table information should populate with the data in the date range selected.

    • Default columns include Building, Lesson Videos, Lesson Plans, Lesson Materials.

    • User should be able to drill down into a building to view the Grade Levels within each Building

    • Users should be able to drill down into each grade level to view each student and their completed items.