We need a way for Admin users to see a complete view of the district and also be able to drill down to see the specifics of a selected student in the areas of Reading, Math, SEL, Behavior Scores and information so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district.
User Story
As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to see an overview of all percentages of Tier 2 and Tier 3 student percentages in each building for all subject areas within the district so that I identify which buildings are most in need of support.
The user clicks MTSS in the side bar navigation menu to see the MTSS Dashboard.
The default view will be Group by Building and Overview
Admin can view the report by Building by clicking on Group by Building in dropdown below graphs.
The user will see the Buildings in alphabetical order.
The user will type in the Search bar to find a specific building.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given a student has taken a specific test multiple times with the ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate, we will use the most recent testing data for that student.
Students will only have one set of data per test and testing window.
See Assessment Integration for mapping of Student Identifier, Renaissance and Powerschool.
For more information, see Renaissance for ELA (Star Reading, Star Early Literacy), and Star Math mapping information for contents of graphs.
The overview shows the most recent testing season.
To see a cumulative view of content areas, user clicks on Tabs. ( See: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance)
See also: Cut Scores in Settings
Given highest level admin has made changes to Tier levels for academic areas in settings, those edits will show throughout the MTSS Dashboard in identification of Tier Levels for At / Above, On Watch, Intervention, Urgent Intervention.
Behavior Settings can be either integrated from Powerschool or users can have our Incidents Product.
Need to consider if users may start with integration and part way through the school year want to change to our product.
of content areas, user clicks on Tabs. ( See: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance)
Drop Downs/Search Bar/Filters
School year drop down contains the school year(s) for which we have data.
Given we have more than one school year’s worth of data, the drop down will contain each of the years in descending order from the most recent school year as the default setting and subsequent years listed from most to least recent.
All Tiers drop down default setting is All tiers.
Mapping and calculations for Tiers
See each content area for calculating Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3, : Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math
Drop down contains the following:
All Tiers
Filtering results show all students in all Tier levels.
Tier 3
Filtering results show all students in Tier 3 only
Tier 2
Filtering results show all students in Tier 2 only
Tier 1
Filtering results show all students in Tier 1 only..
Search Bar contains a list of school building for which the Admin has access.
Overview View By Drowpdown:
Region (If District has regions)
How it works
The overview tab contains the most recent testing season.
Mapping: Please see the following fields to determine testing seasons by dates and name: ScreeningWindowStartDate, ScreeningWindowEndDate, ScreeningWindowPeriodName
These fields are present for Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math.
Attendance Graph
The Attendance Graph will show the Attendance Graph with the default view of Absences selected.
See Attendance Hover in section below for more information.
User Story
As a district level admin I need to see the specific settings of the tests so that I have a more complete view of the data shown to me.
As a district level admin I need to see the specific number of students that have an intervention plan and those that don’t within each tier group so that I will have a clear picture of the level of services we have in place.
Tier Settings Hover
To view the Tier settings for each of the graphs, the user clicks on or hovers over the test name.
To remove the information box, the user clicks on Close.
Student Intervention Plans Hover
To view the number of students with and without intervention plans, the user clicks on or hovers over the Tier Level or graph color.
To remove the information box, the user clicks elsewhere or moves away.
To view the graph for Absences or Tardies on the Attendance tab, the user clicks on the Absences or Tardies tab within the graph.
The user then clicks on or hovers over the selected Tier level to see the number of Absences or Tardies.
To remove the information box, the user clicks elsewhere or moves away.
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have hovered over a tier 2 or 3, I will see the number of students with or without a plan for Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have hovered over tier 1, I will NOT see the number of students with or without a plan for Tier 1.
Tier Settings Hover
The Tier setting information comes from the Cut Scores | Settings | MTSS Report.
Tier Settings dialog boxes are included for each of the Assessed Areas (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Attendance) See image: ELA Same Tiers.
Given settings for Star Early Literacy and Star Reading are different, then we need to show this in the hover box. See image: ELA Different Tiers.
Tier Settings dialog boxes are shown at each user levels: District View, Classroom View, Student View in the Overview section and also in the Tab Selections where these graphs are shown.
Student Intervention Plans Hover
What about intervention plans that we suggest as a Tier 2 but the user disagrees and creates a Tier 3 plan instead? Do we count it as Tier 2? Student has a plan and it shows up in many places with a Tier 3 icon.
This item would need to update daily to reflect the additions of new intervention plans being created.
The hover will show for the following graphs: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL.
Given the user clicks on or hovers over the graph color representing a Tier level or clicks on or hovers over the Tier name, then we will show the Student Intervention Plan totals for that Tier. (See example: Tier 3 Math)
We show the number of students within that tier that have an intervention plan in the In-Progress or Pre-Planning Statuses.
We show the number of students within that tier that do not have an intervention plan in the In-Progress or Pre-Planning Status.
Attendance Hover
There currently is no intervention plan for Attendance.
The hover will show for Attendance (Absences and Tardies) but will only contain the number of students that make up that tier.
We default showing the Absences internal tab selected. (See image: Absences Tier 3 Selected)
Given the user selects Tardies from the internal tab, then the graph will show the results for Tardies.
User Story:
As a district level admin who would like to investigate further into a specific building’s data, I need a quick way to navigate to the building of my choice.
To view a specific building, user hovers over and then clicks on the row within the chart.
Acceptance Criteria:
Not seen in this image but will be included in the final image: Column Filters.
Building Filter
Default is alphabetical order from A to Z.
Filter changes alphabetical order from Z to A.
Tier Level Column Filters (ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, Absences, Tardies)
Highest percentage to lowest percentage.
Lowest percentage to highest percentage.
As user hovers over the list in the chart, we will highlight the row where their cursor is located.
Given user clicks on the highlighted row, then they are taken to the selected school building for highlighted row.
We will include this functionality throughout MTSS Dashboard in the District, Building, Grade, Classroom, Student Views.
We will show columns for Tier 2 and Tier 3 for both Absences and Tardies that remains consistent regardless of what tab is selected on the Attendance graph.
Given that the chart is too large horizontally to include all of the columns, then we will provide a scroll bar to view the entire chart.
The chart will move with the scroll, the view of the graphs remains still, the filters remain still and the first column with the Building name remains still.
Subject Tabs
User Story
As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to be able to see how each of my buildings is doing in the area of ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and attendance.
The user can click on the ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, or attendance tabs
The information will be narrowed to only show the information for that given subject area. See ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and attendance for more information.
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have clicked on the ELA tab, I will see the percentage of students who fall into each tier for ELA.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have clicked on the Math tab, I will see the percentage of students who fall into each tier for Math.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have clicked on the Behavior tab, I will see the percentage of students who fall into each tier for Behavior.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have clicked on the SEL tab, I will see the percentage of students who fall into each tier for SEL.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I have clicked on the attendance tab, I will see the percentage of students who fall into each tier for attendance.
Tab selector defaults to Overview which shows all of the content areas including:
Selecting Tabs
Given user has selected a Tab (ELA, Math, SEL) then we will default the user to the most recent testing results. (See example: ELA)
Given the graph for a specific season is selected, then the user will see the data in the chart for the selected season. (See image: Show ELA-Winter in Chart)
Assessment Graphs with Tiers are shown with the most recent assessment first (Far left)
Since there are hover/clicks within the graphic showing tier levels and student counts for intervention plans, should we put a View Chart beneath the graphic so user can change up the graph easier?
User Story
As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to be able to filter the tier percentages by Tier, grade filter, gender, race, IEP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, and EP.
The user clicks each filter and selects from the dropdown. To date, we have only allowed users to select one instead of multiselect. Ideally, we would allow users to select more than one option per filter. Each selection is show on each chip below filter.
The user can select from multiple filters: Tier, Grade, Gender, Race, IEP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, and EP.
Once selected the chip displays [filter type: selection]
The filter can be removed by X
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I am viewing the Building overview, I will see the filter chip(s) with the filter type(s) and selection(s) that I selected.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I am viewing the Building overview, I will see accurate percentages in the circle graphs and chart details for each building update based on the filters that I select.
Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I am viewing the Building overview, I can remove the filter by clicking the X on each chip.
Filters include:
Tier: All Tiers, Tier 3, Approaching Tier 2, Tier 2, At risk for Tier 3, Approaching Tier 1, Tier 1, At risk for Tier 2.
Grade Filter: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, …12th Grade
Gender: Female, Male, Non-binary, Unspecified
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, White
IEP: All Statuses, All General Ed, All IEP (Special Ed and Gifted), IEP (Special Ed), GIEP (Gifted)
FRL: All Statuses, FRL, Non-FRL
Housing Status: All Statuses, Homeless, Not Homeless
504: All Statuses, 504 Plans, No 504 Plan
EP: All Statuses, Fluent (Non-ELL Student), All ELL Student, Entering (Low Beginner), Emerging (High Beginner), Developing (Low Intermediate), Expanding (High Intermediate), Bridging (Proficient)
Filter Information: Student Information
Group by Dropdown
User Story
As a district level admin overseeing multiple buildings I need to be able to select and view by different groupings (region (if I have regions), buildings, grades, classrooms, and students
Building Selected From View by Drop Down
The user clicks MTSS in the side bar navigation.
The default is Group by Building and displays all buildings that are included in the district.
If the user is in a district with Regions, Group by Regions will be the default view.
The user views the Tier 2 percent and Tier 3 percent for each subject for each building.
The user clicks on a Building Name to view the Grade levels that are in the specific building.
Grade Selected from Grouping Drop Down
Admin can view the report by grade by clicking on a building from the building view or by clicking on dropdown below graphs and selecting Group by Grade
If the building is selected, the building will show as a breadcrumb after the District
If the Grade is selected, the grade will show as a breadcrumb after the district
User can click on district to see default view of either region (if it exists) or building
The user clicks the dropdown and selects Group by Grade to view grade levels and data for all of district.
To select view by criteria, user clicks on graph dropdown down arrow and makes a selection.
Students Selected from Grouping Drop Down
The user selects Group by Student from the Group by dropdown.
Students will show as a breadcrumb after the district and can be clicked to return to this student list
The list populates a list of students in alphabetical order from all buildings in the district.
The user can click anywhere in the row of a specific Student name to be taken to the Student Dashboard to view the data and information.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given Group by Building is selected, then we list the buildings in alphabetical order. (See image: View By Building)
The user clicks the Building name to see the Grade levels and data overview for each grade level.
Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I am viewing the Building overview, I will see the total percentage of students who have measured at the Tier 2, or Tier 3 level based on the cut score settings on the details below the graph for the given areas for the selected time frame
Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I am viewing the Building overview, I will see the total percentage of students who have been flagged for absences and/or tardies based on the cut score settings on the details below the graph for the given areas for the selected time frame
Given the user clicks the specific Grade level, then they will view the classrooms for that specific grade level in that specific building
Given the user clicks a Classroom in the list, they will be taken to the Classroom dashboard for the specific classroom.
Given Grade is selected, we will list the grade levels in chronological order with Kindergarten first and continue in grade level order up to 12 grade.
Grade level data is collected for each tier level at each grade, then averaged together and converted into a percent which shows on the graph
Given the user selects view by Grade on the MTSS Dashboard, they will see the Grade levels and data for the whole district. (See image: District view by Grade)
Given the user clicks the specific Grade level, then they will view the classrooms for that specific grade level in the district.
Given the user clicks a Classroom in the list, they will be taken to the Classroom dashboard for the specific classroom.
Given the user clicks Building name > Grade level from the list, the user will see the building name in the breadcrumbs and a list of the Classrooms and corresponding data for the selected grade level. (See image: Building Grade Levels)
Given the user clicks the specific Grade level, then they will view the classrooms for that specific grade level in the selected building.
Given the user clicks a Classroom in the list, they will be taken to the Classroom dashboard for the specific classroom.
Group by Student
Given Student is selected, we will list the students in alphabetical order by last name but appearing on the list as First Name, Last Name.
Given there are students with the same first and last names, we will look for a middle name as the determining criteria for alphabetical order.
Given there are students with the same first and last names and the middle name is not included, then we will sort those students by grade level. (See above for Grade selected.)
Students Selected From Grouping Drop Down---This needs more work and maybe a different space.
How it works-Colored Boxes and alert symbols.
Colored boxes and Alert symbols will appear together.
Given an intervention plan is created for the student, then the colored box and the Alert symbol is removed.
Intervention Icons replace the color box and alert symbol. (See below for How it works-Intervention Plan icons)
Given a box is red with a red alert symbol, then the score is within the Tier 3 range and the student does not have an intervention plan.
Given a box is yellow with an orange alert symbol, then the score is within the Tier 2 range and the student does not have an intervention plan.
How it works-Up and down Arrows
Given a green up arrow is shown, then the student’s score is within 2 percentiles from the higher category level.
Given a red down arrow is shown, then the student’s score is within 2 percentiles from the lower category level.
Mapping rules: See Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math for the formula that calculates the presences of an up or down arrow.
How it works-Intervention Plan icons
Given there is a red T3 icon, then the student currently has a Tier 3 Intervention Plan in the In-progress or Pre-planning Status.
Given there is a red T2 icon, then the student currently has a Tier 2 Intervention Plan in the In-Progress or Pre-planning Status.
Given a student has an intervention plan, then the box is no longer colored nor contain an alert symbol.
The intervention created for the student does not need to match our suggest tier.
Drop Downs/Search Bar/Filters
Overview Group by dropdown:
Region (If there are regions in the district)
Student (REMOVE)
Single Building
User Story
As a building level admin user I need to see an overall picture of my building’s strengths and needs so that I can effectively lead the staff towards implementation of the most appropriate MTSS Supports for our students.
The building admin user clicks MTSS in the side bar navigation menu.
The default view is the selected Group by Grade which shows a list of all Grade levels in the school building.
The ELA and Math graphs will display the most recent assessment data.
Behavior, SEL, and Attendance graphs will display data from the school year.
need updated photos
Admin can view the report by classroom by clicking on a Grade from the Grade view or by clicking on dropdown below graphs and selecting Classroom
If the user clicks on a Classroom, they are taken to the Classroom dashboard to view the list of students in the classroom.
The user types in the Search box to find a specific student.
If there are no students in the classroom that match the search query, the user will see a message.
The user clicks on a Student name to be taken to the Student dashboard to view the specific student data and information.
The admin user clicks the Breadcrumbs at the top to navigate to the previous screen view.
Acceptance Criteria:
Used for determining the classroom; We are having trouble finding the best field for this within the Renaissance data set.
See District or Multi-Building Admin for more rules on Mapping, Drop Downs/Search Bars, Filters, Tabs.
Given I am a building admin, I will see the name of the school in the top left corner and above the MTSS graphs.
Given I am a building level admin, the default will be Group by Grade showing the list of grade levels in the building
The list of Grade levels will be in chronological order beginning with Kindergarten.
Given the building admin wants to view more information about the students in the classroom, they will click on the classroom name.
Given the building admin clicks on a Classroom Name, then they will navigate to the Classroom dashboard view that shows the list of students in alphabetical order.
Given the admin wants to view the data by Grade or Student, they will select the Group By from the dropdown selection.
Drop Downs/Search Bar/Filters
Overview Group By Dropdown:
Filters include:
Tier: All Tiers, Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1
Grade Filter: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, …12th Grade
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, White
IEP: All Statuses, All General Ed, All IEP (Special Ed and Gifted), IEP (Special Ed), GIEP (Gifted)
FRL: All Statuses, FRL, Non-FRL
Housing Status: All Statuses, Homeless, Not Homeless
504: All Statuses, 504 Plans, No 504 Plan
EP: All Statuses, Fluent (Non-ELL Student), All ELL Student, Entering (Low Beginner), Emerging (High Beginner), Developing (Low Intermediate), Expanding (High Intermediate), Bridging (Proficient)
Filter Information: Student Information