Overview | MTSS Dashboard Report

We need to add an overview tile for MTSS that when clicked will lead to the MTSS admin reports.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=890%3A11301&t=gZ0MRuyBexikC5Y0-1


User Story

  • As an administrator, I want to know how the percentage of kids that are on Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL. and Attendance for my district or building(s).


  • When admin users with MTSS Interventions component login on to the admin report they will have a new overview tile for


Business Rules

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component, I will see the new MTSS tile

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I do NOT MTSS Intervention component, I will not see the new MTSS tile

  • Given I am a user without permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component, I will NOT see the MTSS tile

Mapping Academic Areas:

  • This level includes the results of testing data throughout the year and calculates the results of all the students in all the building to give a district wide view of the tier categories. See: Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math for calculating Tier Levels and mapping fields.

    • Star Early Literacy and Star Reading are combined in one graph.

  • This level includes the results of all testing throughout the year. All testing data is grouped by season (Fall, Winter, Spring) and shows the user the most recent assessment results as an overall picture.

    • Example: Given the overview graph is showing Fall test results and the district’s students have taken a Winter test, then the Winter test results will replace the Fall test results in this view.


Mapping Non-Academic Areas (Behavior, SEL, Attendance:


Behavior Without RethinkEd Incidents Component

Behavior Without RethinkEd Incidents Component

  • Given the district/school is using RethinkEd Incidents Component to collect behavior data, then we will collect data from Incident Reports in graphs. See updates to Incident Reports that include Major and Minor Incidents and De-escalation Strategies.




User Story

  • As an administrator, I want to see all the areas of MTSS that I have purchased about ELA, Math, Behavior, attendance, and SEL or Wellness if I have purchased it


  • User will see ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL or Wellness (if purchased) and Attendance



Business Rules

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I do not have the SEL-SEL component I will not see the SEL graph

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I have the Wellness component I will see the wellness label on the graph instead of SEL

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I do not have the Wellness component I will not see the wellness graph

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I have the Life Skills and Wellness component I will see the Life Skills and Wellness label on the graph instead of SEL

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I do not have the Life Skills and Wellness component, I will not see the wellness graph


User Story

  • As an administrator, I want to be able to click to learn more details about my district by building


  • Users can click learn more to see the information by building. They will land on the overview tab of the MTSS dashboard and their building or buildings will show


Business Rules

  • Given I am a admin with permission to View Admin Dashboard with multiple buildings and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I click view more, I will see my buildings listed on the MTSS dashboard

  • Given I am a admin with permission to View Admin Dashboard with one building and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I click view more, I will see classrooms listed for the given building on the MTSS dashboard