Overview | Classroom View | MTSS Dashboard Report

We need a way for Admin and non-admin with permission to view reports users to see a view the classroom report by overview of ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior, and attendance so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district. We need to make sure that if the admin has clicked on a classroom from the admin dashboard that they can easily return to the report that they were looking at before they selected the classroom.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=2919%3A25809&mode=design&t=KdA8GoER9IcP1hWe-1


Note: See this document on How to Deal with Missing Renaissance Benchmarks (also called Category Ratings) in Product. It covers questions of how specific areas of the product should handle the missing data, which is missing for students in kindergarten and in grades 4 and up for the Star Early Literacy assessment. It also states that for older students who took both the Star Early Literacy and the Star Reading assessment, we would be showing results for the Star Reading assessment only as one way to mitigate the issue of missing benchmarks.


User Story

As a district/building level admin overseeing building(s) or a non-admin with permission to View Reports with the MTSS Interventions component, I need to be able to view graph and details of the classroom overview of total number of students at each tier for overview, ELA, Math, SEL, behavior, and attendance from the admin reports.


  • Admin can view the report by classroom by clicking on a Grade from the Grade view or by clicking on dropdown below graphs and selecting Group by Classroom



  • Admin and non-admin with permission to View reports can see the classroom report from [Classroom- Reports- MTSS]

  • Then they can see the Overview report for that given classroom in the Classroom Dashboard.




  • If there is no data for a given subject area, then the user will see the empty state for each area




Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given a student has taken a specific test multiple times with the ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate, we will use the most recent testing data for that student.

    • Students will only have one set of data per test and testing window.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I click anywhere on the classroom row from the admin report, I will see the classroom report for the selected classroom.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I am viewing the classroom report, I will see the total number of student who have measured at the Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 level based on the cut score settings on the graph for this given area for the selected time frame

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I am viewing the classroom report, I will see the total number of student who have measured at the Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 level based on the cut score settings on the details below the graph for this given area for the selected time frame

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I am viewing the classroom report, I will see the all the students who are a part of the classroom in alphabetical order by last name

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I am viewing the classroom report that does not have data for one or more areas, I will see an empty state for each area that does not have data

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component but I do not have SEL component, I will NOT see the SEL graph, tab, and SEL columns

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component but I have purchased Wellness, I will see wellness instead of SEL in the graph, tab, and SEL columns

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component but I have purchased Life Skills and Wellness, I will see Life Skills and Wellness instead of SEL in the graph, tab, and SEL columns

Default Landing

  • The assessment titles and table headers will reflect the time periods set by the user in the Define School Year Settings.

  • Given the user has selected Seasons in the Define School Year Settings, there are 3 seasons for ELA (Star Early Literacy, Star Reading) and Math (Star Math)

    • The order of the seasons is Fall, Winter, Spring. (Winter shown in image)

    • Mapping: See CompletedDateLocal column and each student is identified StudentUserID column from Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math to determine the title of the graph and the contents within.

  • We will show the most current assessments upon entry to this page.

Calendar Selection

  • Follow same functionality rules as District Level Admin and also Building Level Admin for selecting a specific year.



Year Selection

User Story:

As a district/building level admin overseeing building(s) or a non-admin with permission to View Reports with the MTSS Interventions component, who is viewing the classroom, I need to be able to view the results based on the school year selected.


  • Once there is more than one school year of data in the system for a given classroom, the user can select from the dropdown to see a previous school years data




Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View Reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to view and select a past school year and see the data for that given school year



Future Iteration - Not to be included now

Given I am a user who selects a school year, I will see secondary selection options based on the Define School Year settings.

  • Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4

    • Fall YEAR, Winter YEAR, Spring YEAR, Summer YEAR

    • Semester 1, Semester 2

    • Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3

    • Grading Periods…


Tab Selection

User Story:

As a district/building level admin overseeing building(s) or a non-admin with permission to View Reports with the MTSS Interventions component, who is viewing content specific graphs, I need to analyze how each student did on previous test(s) so that I can determine if the intervention plans we have put in place are working.


  • The user can click on ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, or attendance to view more information based on subject for the given classroom







Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View Reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to click on ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and attendance and back to Overview to learn more information.

Please see ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance for more information


  • The default setting is the current school year.

  • Given there are multiple tests for the year, we will order them according to the settings established in the Define School Year settings.

  • The default list of tabs are:

    • ELA

      • Given the classroom is grade K-2 for the school year selected, they will see ELA graphs for Star Early Literacy

      • Given the classroom is grade 3 or higher for the school year selected, they will see graphs for Star Literacy.

      • Given the classroom is multi-grade containing both students in grades greater than or equal to third grade, then they will see graphs for both Star Early Literacy and Star Literacy.

      • Given the user selects a previous school year in which the student was in grades K-2, they will see the Star Early Literacy until they change the school year selection to a year when the student was in grades 3+ to see Star Literacy.

Tier Levels

  • Tier 3

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 3 only

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for Approaching Tier 2, then we will show the up arrow next to the student’s name.

    • We will show the red attention icon for a Tier 3 student who does not have an intervention plan for a given subject area.

  • Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 2 only

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for Approaching Tier 1, then we will show the up arrow next to the student’s name.

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for At risk for Tier 3, then we will show the down arrow next to the student’s name.

    • We will show the yellow-orange attention icon for a Tier 2 student who does not have an intervention plan for a given subject area.

  • Tier 1

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 1 only.

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for At risk for Tier 2, then we will show the down arrow next to the student’s name.

  • At Risk for Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 1 but within 2 percentiles from Tier 2 cut off. The down arrow shows for each of these students.

  • At Risk for Tier 3

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 2 but are within 2 percentiles from Tier 3 cut off. The down arrow shows for each of these students.

  • Approaching Tier 1

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 2 but are within 2 percentiles from the Tier 1 cut off. The up arrow shows for each of these students.

  • Approaching Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 3 but are within 2 percentiles from the Tier 2 cut off. The up arrow shows for each of these students.



User Story:

As an admin user, I need to be able to get back to the last reports that I was viewing in the admin dashboard before I selected a classroom.


  • The user can see the breadcrumbs showing the last reports that I was viewing before visiting the specific classroom ← Will there be a back arrow navigation on the Classroom Dashboard page?

  • I can click on the previous reports breadcrumbs to be taken to the same reports with the filters still selected




Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to see the breadcrumbs showing the last reports viewed

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I can click on the breadcrumb links to view the report previously viewed with the filter selection still intact.


Filtering Criteria

User Story:

As a teacher or admin user, I need to see the list of students that is generated from my filtering criteria so that I can plan the next steps for students with similar needs.



  • I can filter the classroom names by Tier, Gender, Race, IEP, FR (Free and Reduced Lunch), Housing status, 504, and EP (English Proficiency)


  • If the user selects filter criteria that no students in the classroom match, they will see the error message





Acceptance Criteria

  • See specs in Student Information for contents of drop downs.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to select from one or more of the dropdown filters to select the filter criteria that I would like to apply and the search results should dynamically update to display only the students who match the selected criteria.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see which filters have been selected and the students that match the filtering criteria below

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I can deselect or clear the filters and the results revert to displaying all student


Tier: All Tiers, Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1

Grade Filter: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, …12th Grade

Gender: Female, Male, Non-binary, Unspecified

Race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, White

IEP: All Statuses, All General Ed, All IEP (Special Ed and Gifted), IEP (Special Ed), GIEP (Gifted)

FRL: All Statuses, FRL, Non-FRL

Housing Status: All Statuses, Homeless, Not Homeless

504: All Statuses, 504 Plans, No 504 Plan

EP: All Statuses, Fluent (Non-ELL Student), All ELL Student, Entering (Low Beginner), Emerging (High Beginner), Developing (Low Intermediate), Expanding (High Intermediate), Bridging (Proficient)


Intervention Plan In-Progress

User Story:

As a teacher or admin user, I want to know which students have in-progress intervention plans for each area.



  • The user will see a Tier 2 plan button next to the suggested tier level if the user has set up a in-progress Tier 2 intervention plan for that given area

  • The user will see a Tier 3 plan button next to the suggested tier level if the user has set up a in-progress Tier 3 intervention plan for that given area



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see students who have an in-progress Tier 2 plan with a Tier 2 button that will take me to the intervention plan home for that student

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see students who have an in-progress Tier 3 plan with a Tier 3 button that will take me to the intervention plan home for that student

  • Given I am Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see students who are highlighted in orange for Tier 2 and red for Tier 3 if they do not have a plan in progress and we are suggesting that they receive Tier 2 or 3 supports based on the data


  • Given user has clicked on an intervention plan button, they will be taken to view the intervention plan.

  • There will not be any plan buttons for the Attendance (Absences/Tardies) tab, only the attention icons.

  • 8 Tier Button variations include:

    • T2 and T3 Plan-Pre Planning

    • T2 Plan and T3 Plan In -Progress

    • T2 Plan T3 Plan -Archived

    • T2 Plan and T3 Plan- Mastered

  • Given a student has the same intervention plan in the same status (Pre Planning, In Progress, Mastered, Archived) that extends into another time period (as defined in Define School Year Settings), then we show the same button twice-once in the previous time frame and once in the current time frame.

    • Given the user changes the status of the plan within the current testing season, we will update the button to reflect the change thus showing only one button with the most current updated status.

  • The appearance and updates of the Intervention Plan Tier Buttons follows the dates included in the intervention plan and the dates in the Define School Year settings.

    • We only show one Intervention Plan Tier Button (updates to the intervention plan means updates to the button thus T2 Pre-planning can be replaced with T2 In-Progress) for changes made during the specific date ranges.

      • Given the date range/time period has passed, then the button in shown in it’s final variation for that time period.

      • Only one Intervention Plan Tier button will be shown at a time for each given subject area.

  • Given there are multiple plans in different statuses, the most recent Intervention Plan will be shown according to the date.

    • If there is an Archived plan and a user begins a new plan that is in Pre-Planning, the Pre-Planning Intervention Plan will be shown instead on the table.

    • If there is an In-Progress Plan, this plan will be shown by default.


Tier Levels

  • Tier 3

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 3 only

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for Approaching Tier 2, then we will show the up arrow next to the student’s name.

    • We will show the red attention icon for a Tier 3 student who does not have an intervention plan for a given subject area.

  • Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 2 only

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for Approaching Tier 1, then we will show the up arrow next to the student’s name.

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for At risk for Tier 3, then we will show the down arrow next to the student’s name.

    • We will show the yellow-orange attention icon for a Tier 2 student who does not have an intervention plan for a given subject area.

  • Tier 1

    • Filtering results show all students in Tier 1 only.

    • Given a student’s score meets the criteria for At risk for Tier 2, then we will show the down arrow next to the student’s name.

  • At Risk for Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 1 but within 2 percentiles from Tier 2 cut off. The down arrow shows for each of these students.

  • At Risk for Tier 3

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 2 but are within 2 percentiles from Tier 3 cut off. The down arrow shows for each of these students.

  • Approaching Tier 1

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 2 but are within 2 percentiles from the Tier 1 cut off. The up arrow shows for each of these students.

  • Approaching Tier 2

    • Filtering results show all students who are in Tier 3 but are within 2 percentiles from the Tier 2 cut off. The up arrow shows for each of these students.


Intervention Buttons

User Story

As an admin user who is considering creating a new intervention plan, I need to view current and past intervention plans so that I can assess the effectiveness of past supports to help me determine the best course of action moving forward.


  • To view an intervention plan, the user clicks on the Intervention Plan button and is taken to view the intervention plan.

  • The user will see the T2 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 2 plan in pre-planning


  • The user will see the T2 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 2 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Archived button for a tier 2 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T2 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 2 plan that is mastered

  • The user will see the T3 Plan Pre-Planning button for a tier 3 plan in pre-planning

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - In Progress button for a tier 3 plan in progress

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Archived button for a tier 3 plan that is archived

  • The user will see the T3 Plan - Mastered button for a tier 3 plan that is mastered


Acceptance Criteria

  • Intervention Buttons are included on Star Early Literacy (SEL), Star Reading, Star Math, Behavior, SEL.

  • Given user has clicked on an intervention plan button, they will be taken to view the intervention plan.

  • 8 Tier Button variations include:

    • T2 Plan Pre-Planning (yellow)

    • T2 Plan In Progress (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Archived (yellow)

    • T2 Plan Mastered (green)

    • T3 Plan-Pre Planning (red)

    • T3 Plan In -Progress (red)

    • T3 Plan -Archived (red)

    • T3 Plan- Mastered (green)

  • A plan that has the status of In Progress will be the priority to show to the user

  • Given the there is a Plan in Pre-Planning and a Plan In Progress for the student, we will show the In-Progress Plan button for the specified tier level.

  • Given a student has the same intervention plan in the same status (Pre Planning, In Progress, Mastered, Archived) that extends into another testing window, then we show the same button twice-once in the previous testing season and once in the current testing season.

    • Given the user changes the status of the plan within the current testing season, we will update the button to reflect the change thus showing only one button with the most current updated status.

  • Given there is no intervention plan in place when an assessment is integrated and a user creates an intervention plan before the next assessment is integrated, the plan created will show in the Plan column even if it was after the dates.

    • The intervention plan will show in two rows if no other intervention plan is created when the next assessment is integrated.

  • The appearance and updates of the Intervention Plan Tier Buttons follows the dates included in the intervention plan and the dates in the Define School Year settings.

    • We only show one Intervention Plan Tier Button

    • If there is an update to the intervention plan, the intervention plan button is updated (T2 Pre-planning can be replaced with T2 In-Progress) for changes made during the specific date ranges.

      • Given the date range/time period has passed, then the button in shown in it’s final variation for that time period.

      • Only one Intervention Plan Tier button will be shown at a time for each given subject area.

  • Given there are multiple plans in different statuses, the most recent Intervention Plan will be shown according to the date.

    • If there is an Archived plan and a user begins a new plan that is in Pre-Planning, the Pre-Planning Intervention Plan will be shown instead on the table.

    • If there is an In-Progress Plan, this plan will be shown by default.


Highlight No Plan

User Story:

As a teacher or admin user, I want to know if there are students who do not have a intervention plan who are Tier 2 or Tier 3 in an area.



  • The user will see Tiers highlighted for students in a given area if there is no intervention plan for the student and the student is a Tier 2 or Tier 3 in a particular area for the most recent assessment.

  • If the student has an intervention plan but it is for Tier 3 instead of Tier 2 or vice versa the field will not be highlighted.

  • The user will see an orange warning symbol for Tier 2 and a red warning symbol for Tier 3.

  • The highlight will be replaced by the Tier 2 or 3 plan button once in progress.




Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see students Tiers who are highlighted if they do not have a plan in progress and we are suggesting that they receive Tier 2 or 3 supports based on the data

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see students highlight replaced by a Tier 2 or tier 3 button once the plan is in progress

    • The button will take the user to the Student MTSS Dashboard view on the Intervention Plan tab.


Student Identifiers

User Story:

As a teacher or admin user, I want to know which students are ELL, have an IEP, 504, FRL, and are Homeless in the list.



  • The user will see identifiers below the student’s name.

  • The identifier of ELL will show if the student information indicates that the student is an ELL student, has IEP, FRL, 504, GIEP, or is homeless. If the student is not the identfied, they will not show.


  • The user can click on the name or identifier and be taken to the student dashboard where they can learn more about the student identifiers

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will see students who have an IEP. GIEP, 504, FRL, or area identified as homeless.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will hover over the student information to view the full title for the acronym.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will click the student information identifier to navigate to the student dashboard to view the student details.



User Story:

As an admin user, I need to see the list of students that is generated from my search criteria in the Overview, ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance tabs so that I plan the next steps for students with similar needs.



  • The user can type in a name and search process will begin once 2 letters are in the search

  • Users can clear search bar or click X to remove search results

  • The user will see an error message if they type a last name that is not in the current classroom for the selected year

  • The user erases the search to return to the list of students for the classroom


  • The user types the full last name of a student and sees the student name and information populate in the table list.



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I viewing a classroom, I will be able to search by student last name for a student for the selected school year.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I enter letters into the search field, I will see the search initiate once I start typing a 2 letters into the search bar.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I type a search query, I will see the search is case-insensitive, meaning it retrieves results regardless of the case used in the search query.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I type a search query, I will see a loading indicator or a progress bar during the search process if it is taking time to search for matching students.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I type a search query, I will see the search results with the closest matches first who match the query completely and other names that match the query partially

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and type a search query, I will see all students that share the same last name in the search query

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I type a search query with no students that match, I will see the message “No students in this classroom match the search query”

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I type a search query with no students that match, I see the search results updated dynamically as I type, without requiring a page refresh or manual submission.

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a nonadmin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I type a search query with no students that match, I can click "X" button or erase my entry to clear the search query

  • Given I am a user who types a search query, the results will populate in the table list only.

    • The student’s name will show in the table list if the last name matches the search query.

  • Given I am a user who types a search query, there will be no change to the graphs.