Checklist | Print Data Sheets

We need to show checklist with goal only and also with goal and objectives




Printing Data Sheets

User Story

As a teacher or admin user who does not have access to a computer or tablet, I need a way to print a student data collection tool on paper so that I will have a written record ready when I return to my computer.


  • To print data sheets, user clicks on Print Data Sheets button from Create Behavior Tracking.


  • User selects the type of sheets desired and the number of pages needed.

(Select data sheets)


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a User with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS Intervention (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to view Behavior Support> Add/Edit Behaviors I will see the print

Print data sheets button

  • The Print data sheets button becomes active when:

    • User has entered a behavior and a goal with no objectives

    • User has entered a behavior and a goal with objectives

Select Data Sheets

  • Functions the same way as is already built.


Goal only Data Sheet

User Story

As a teacher or admin user who does not have access to a computer or tablet, I need a way to record student data on paper so that I can transfer it into the computer at a later time.




  • Goal only data sheet contents



Acceptance Criteria

Goal Only Checklist includes:

  • Behavior Name as entered on Create Checklist.

  • Data Type: Checklist

  • Goal: Goal included from Create Checklist

  • Column headers for:

    • Date

    • Time

    • Location

    • Did the behavior occur?

      • Yes box

      • No box

    • Notes




Goal and Objectives Data Sheet

User Story

As a teacher or admin user who does not have access to a computer or tablet, I need a way to record student data on paper so that I can transfer it into the computer at a later time.



  • Goal and Objectives sheet contents

  • Abbreviated objective information comes from Create Checklist.


Acceptance Criteria

Goal and Objectives Checklist includes:

  • Up to 5 Objectives selected in Create Checklist with abbreviations for objective and partial criteria from objective statements (See image: 3 Objectives and From Create)

  • Goal: Goal included from Create Checklist

  • Column headers for:

    • Date

    • Time

    • Location

    • Did the behavior occur?

      • Yes box

      • No box

    • Notes