ABA Videos on Brightcove to Azure


We need to move videos from Brightcove to now be viewed on Azure. We need to include as much of the same functionality as possible so that user’s experience with the videos will not be compromised.

Examples of Azure videos can be found in Abilities Videos.

We will not have:

  • Playlist on the side BUT could have the titles of the segments of the videos on the side if they have been broken down.

  • Picture in Picture view

  • All of the “extras” in the closed caption sections BUT the necessary functionality is still there

  • The mute button BUT user can reduce the sound to 0 and mute icon shows.


Project needs:

  • Small re-design to look like the existing Azure videos

  • Ensure that the test operates and reports to user and admin as before.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?type=design&node-id=40863-2749&mode=design&t=Y63Nt6MkH2PS5UwY-0



Basic ABA Videos

User Story:

A a new or current user who uses the Basic ABA training series for Professional Development, I need to ensure that I have all the necessary learning by first watching the videos before taking the test so that I don’t miss out on the details contained within the videos.




  • User will see the button to take a test in the inactive state until the video has been watched on the training page.


Acceptance Criteria

  • User need to watch all parts of the video before the taking the test.

  • Users can replay previously watched parts of the video.

  • The Start Test button is inactive until the user completes all parts of the video.

  • Given the user has watched the video, then the Start Test button will become active.


Viewing the Basic ABA Training Videos

User Story:

As a new or current user who is viewing the videos for Basic ABA Training, I need to have the same functions from the video player as I did prior to transition to Azure so that my experience with the product will remain consistent.


Path to ABA Training Videos: Dashboard>My Training>ABA

  • User lands on training page with Basic ABA Training selected and Training Segments Listed


(Basic ABA Training Page)


  • User clicks on Watch Training button for the video they would like to see.



  • User sees the video begin playing upon clicking watch video button.



Acceptance Criteria:

  • The Basic ABA Training page retains the same look and functionality for selecting tabs (Basic, Advanced), Taking a Pre and Post Test, showing the scores, etc.

  • Given a video contains multiple parts/segments, and the user watches the video un-interrupted, then the video will play through from the first to the last video segment.



Viewing the Advanced ABA Training

User Story:

As a new or current user who is viewing the videos for Advanced ABA Training, I need to have the same functions from the video player as I did prior to transition to Azure so that my experience with the product will remain consistent.


Path to ABA Training Videos: Dashboard>My Training>ABA

  • To view the list of Advanced ABA Training, User clicks on the tab for Advanced ABA Training.



  • User clicks on Watch Training button for the video they would like to see.

  • User sees the video begin playing upon clicking watch video button.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • The Advanced ABA Training page retains the same look and functionality for selecting tabs (Basic, Advanced), Taking a Pre and Post Test, showing the scores, etc.

  • See ABA Advanced Training: Testing Below for questions that are embedded in the videos.



Testing: ABA Basic Training

User Story:

As a new or existing user who is gauging their learning by using pre-tests, post-tests and / or tests specific to a video selection, I need to retain those options with Azure so that I can evaluate my growth in these content areas.


  • Users see options to take pre and post tests for the Basic Applied Behavior Analysis Series.

  • Users see option to Take test after each video for the Basic Applied Behavior Analysis Series.


Video Tests

  • To take a test for a video, the user clicks on start test button and selects begin.

  • User sees each the test question they are on and the number of test questions along with a timer that counts down from 30 minutes.

  • To select an answer, user clicks on the box next to their answer choice.

  • To de-select an answer, user clicks on the box next to their answer a second time.


  • To view the test results on an unfinished test, user clicks on the View Test results button.

  • To return to the training page, user clicks on close X in upper right corner.


  • To see the results in email---this is a picture of email user gets.


Acceptance Criteria:

Testing options include:

  • Pre-Test for Basic and Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis Series

  • Post-Test for Basic and Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis Series

  • Specific Video testing for Basic and Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis

Earning a Certificate

  • Given user scores 90% or higher on all video tests, then they will earn a certificate for Basic and/or Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis.

Video Tests

  • Given user selects Start Test button, then we show the message detailing the testing parameters and the name of the test. (See image: Generalization Video Example)

  • Parameters for taking video tests includes a 30 minute time limit that starts when the user clicks begin. (See image: Generalization Video Example)

Testing Framework (See image: Testing Framework)

  • We will show a timer that counts down from 30 minutes.

  • We will show the question number the user is currently working on.

  • User’s can select/ unselect items by clicking on the box next to the item

  • We allow multi-selection.

  • We will show the Next Button if there are more questions to answer.

    • Given the user selects the Next Button, then we will show that change reflected in the Test question number by moving the blue circle one item to the right.

    • Given user selects the Next Button, then we show the next question.

  • We will show a Previous Button if there are questions presented early regardless of the user making a selection.

    • Given a user selects the Previous button, then we will show that change reflected in the Test question number by moving the blue circle one item to the left.

    • Given user selects the Previous button, then we will show the previous question.

  • Given a response has been made for all of the questions, then we will show an active Finish Button.

  • Given a response has not been given for all of the questions, then we will not show an active Finish Button.

  • Given the user selects the Finish Button within the 30 minute time period, then we will calculate the percentage correct and show it on the Training Page. (See image: Training Page)

  • We will send a notification of the testing results to the email account associated with the user’s account.

  • Given user does not select the Finish Button with the 30 minute time period, then we show the message: Your time is up. (See image: Time is up)

    • We also show the View Test Results button.

    • Given user select View Test Results, they will see the results of what they completed.

  • Given user does not finish the test or finishes the test but does not select Finish button, we will calculate the percentage correct and show it on the Training page. (See image: Training Page with Unfinished Test).



Testing: ABA Advanced Training

User Stories:

As a new or existing user who is gauging their learning by using pre-tests, post-tests and / or tests specific to a video selection, I need to retain those options with Azure so that I can evaluate my growth in these content areas.

As a new or existing user who is gauging their learning by using the tests embedded within the videos, I need to still be able to use this functionality with Azure so that my experiences remains the same with all of the content for ABA Advanced Training.



  • Users see options to take pre and post tests for the Basic Applied Behavior Analysis Series.

  • Users see option to Take test after each video for the Basic Applied Behavior Analysis Series.

Tests embedded within Videos

  • Upon completion of viewing a segment of a video, the user may see questions embedded within the video.

  • User sees Part 1 Video Questions embedded within the video.

  • To answer the question, user clicks on the box next to their selection.

  • To move to the next question, user clicks on Continue button.

  • If question is answered incorrectly, user makes additional choice(s) until they get the correct answer.

  • When final question is answered, the user selects the Close video button takes the user back to either the next part of the video or if all embedded questions are complete for all parts of the video, then the training page.

  • User sees training page with the Start Test Button available.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Follow same as section: Testing: ABA Basic Training for taking end of video tests.

Tests embedded within Videos

  • Given the part(s) of the video module contains embedded questions, then we will keep them the same with the same functionality for answering them as we had with Brightcove.

    • Given user answers the question(s) correctly, then we will show the feedback: Awesome, You got it! (See image: Correct Feedback)

    • Given user answers the question(s) incorrectly, then we remove the incorrect response from the list of choices and show the feedback: Whoops. That’s not it. Keep trying!

    • User clicks in box to select another choice until they get the correct answer and the correct feedback is shown.

    • Given user has completed all of the embedded questions for a part of the video, then selecting Close video button takes user to the next part of the video and begins playing.

    • Given user has completed all of the embedded questions for all parts of the video, then selecting Close video button takes the user to the training page where they see the Start Test button in blue. (See image: Start Test)


Admin Reports

User Stories:

As an Admin user who is keeping track of the trainings my staff is currently taking, I need to see their progress for the Basic Training and Advanced Training ABA series so that I can keep up-to-date on their Professional Development needs.


  • Admin user sees progress of staff on both the Basic and Advanced ABA reports.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • The reports to the Admin need to be un-interrupted and function the same way for collection and reporting of data.

  • Given the change over from Brightcove to Azure occurs when users are partially through a training series, the admin user will continue to see test progress as they did before the change over.