Jrich: Start New School Year

We need to add a way for parent level admin to advance students to the next grade level and to unassign all assignments.

User Stories:

  • As an admin, I want to be able to advance students to the next grade level so that I do not have to manually move each student

  • As an admin, I want to unassign all assignments to clear the assignments so that students can start with a clear student center every year

  • As an admin, I need a warning prompt containing the most recent date the settings have been changed so that I don’t change the settings multiple times.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am the admin of the parent account, I will see a Start New School Year button and upon click, I will see a dropdown with Delete classrooms, Advance student grade levels, Unassign assignments, and Reset licenses

  • Given I am the admin of the parent account who has confirmed that they would like to advance all students to the next grade level, all students will be moved to one grade level higher than they were at at the decision point

  • Given I am a student in grade 12 , my grade will change to N/A once the parent admin has confirmed the advancement of grade levels

  • Given I am the admin of the parent account who has confirmed that they would like to unassign all assignments, the assignments will no longer show in the student center for all students

  • Given I am the admin of the parent account who has confirmed that they would like to unassign all assignments, the manage assignments page will also reflect these changes and will be empty in all accounts

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/AqvDSky0IEzjlYNdTcPpVJ/OLD-Member-Site-UX?type=design&node-id=22811-200934&t=uLnntRlKp5Ra1bsH-0



  • When users visit the account information in Jrich, they will see a Start New School Year button replacing the old delete all classrooms button

  • When the user clicks on the Start new school year button they will see a dropdown.



  • User clicks item(s) in item drop down to select it.



Business Needs

  • The dropdown selections will be in the following order:

    • Delete classrooms

    • Advance student grade levels

    • Unassign assignments and reset licenses

  • We will combine reset licenses and unassigned assignments into one category calling it Unassign assignments and reset licenses.

  • Unassign assignments and reset licenses will:

    • remove any assignments and self-assessments from SEL and Mental Health.

    • reset SEL Rating Scale so that we don’t loose history BUT not count the license until information from the upcoming new school year is entered

  • VP Map will be left out and reset manually by request.

  • Skills Assessment will be left out and reset manually by request.


Delete classrooms


  • When users click delete classrooms, they will see the same confirmation messages that they see currently

  • User clicks on box next to items to select them.



Business Needs

  • Delete classrooms will now be found in the dropdown once the user clicks Start New School Year

  • The date within the sentence: “This action was last performed on Month-Day-Year.” will update to reflect the most recent date the action was performed. (View pop-ups)

  • Clicking cancel button will cancel the selections made and return the user to the screen beneath it.

  • Clicking delete button will delete the selection(s) made.

Advance student grade levels


  • If the user clicks Advance student grade levels, the user will see the following message: Warning: This action will move all students to the next grade level in the Rethink Platform. It cannot be undone. Would you like to proceed?

  • If the user clicks cancel, the message will close and the action will not happen

  • If the user clicks confirm, all students will move to the next grade level



  • Once they select confirm, they will see the following message:


Business Needs

  • If the user confirms that they would like to advance all students to the next grade level, all students will be moved to one grade level higher than they were at at the decision point

  • If a student is in grade 12 , their grade will change to N/A

  • Only the parent admin will see this option and be able to make this change

  • The date within the sentence: “This action was last performed on Month-Day-Year.” will update to reflect the most recent date the action was performed.

  • Clicking Confirm button confirms the action and moves all students to the next grade level.

  • Clicking Cancel button returns user to the screen beneath it without making any changes.

Unassign assignments


  • If the user clicks Unassign assignments and reset licenses, the user will see the following message: Warning: This action will unassign all assignments and remove all self-assessments. It cannot be undone. Would you like to proceed?

  • If the user clicks cancel, the message will close and the action will not happen

  • If the user clicks confirm, all assignments will be unassigned from all student accounts



  • Once they select confirm, they will see the following message:



Business Needs

  • If the user confirms that they would like to unassign all assignments, the assignments will no longer show in the student center for all students

  • If the user confirms that they would like to unassign all assignments, the manage assignments page will also reflect these changes and will be empty in all accounts

  • Only the parent admin will see this option and be able to make this change

  • The date within the sentence: “This action was last performed on Month-Day-Year.” will update to reflect the most recent date the action was performed.

  • Clicking Confirm button confirms the action and unassigns all assignments and removes all self-assessments in student accounts.

  • Clicking Cancel button returns user to the screen beneath it without making any changes.

Behavior Tools-Future Development

User Story

As an admin user who is responsible for setting up the new school year in RethinkEd, I need a way to archive all behavior tools (Intervention Tracking, Point System, Incident Tracking, Behavior Contract, Self-Monitoring, Behavior Tracking/Behavior Plans) from the previous year(s) so that my team can view a history of supports given to the student(s).








  • User selects Archive existing Behavior Tools from drop down.

  • User sees pop-up message.

  • To confirm Archiving Behavior Tools, user clicks on Confirm.

  • To cancel, user clicks Cancel.


Acceptance Criteria

  • All behavior tools either standing alone or are contained within an Intervention Plan (Behavior Tracking, Behavior Contract, Self-monitoring, Behavior Plans) that have the status of Archived or Mastered at the time Start New School year is performed, will retain that status.

  • All behavior tools either standing alone or are contained within an Intervention Plan (Behavior Tracking, Behavior Contract, Self-Monitoring, Behavior Plans) that have the status of Active or Draft will be moved to Archived at the time Start New School year is performed.

Remaining Behavior Tools

Intervention Tracking

  • Need to think about this one-currently Intervention plans that are mastered and archived cannot be re-activated like the other behavior tools-just viewed.

  • Given an intervention plan is Mastered or Archived at the time Start of New School Year is performed, it will retain that status.

  • Given an intervention plan is in Pre-Planning at the time Start of New School Year is performed, then the status will remain in Pre-Planning

  • Given an intervention plan is in the In-Progress Status at the time Start of New School Year is performed, then the status will remain In-Progress.

Intervention Tracking-Math/Reading Tabs with Vizzle Connection


  • What happens to the Math/Reading Content? -- Suggest having a list of content completed (Name of the item in Vizzle that was completed and the score) from previous year. ---mastered or archived

    • What happens at the end of the year for Vizzle? Ask Sam.

    • What about pre-planning or in progress


Intervention Tracking-Social Tab with SEL Content Attached

  • What happens to the SEL content attached?-Name and score of the lesson would be able to be seen for archived or mastered.

  • If in progress or pre-planning-

  • We need to see what assignments were completed from previous years.

  • Filter will a date range for Student Self-Assignment-design needed.

What happens in the student center? If an item is archived or mastered (SEL) then it does not show in the student center--maybe put this in connect to SEL? I think those items just stay so child can replay them (Ask Alex)

  • Suggestion: If there are intervention plans for SEL that have been archived or mastered, then they do not show in the student center for the start of the school year.

  • In manage assignments now they will be able to view only previous assignments from the last year.

Point System

  • Need to think about Point System-right now Points are counted indefinitely over years. Do we want to put a hard stop as the new year begins? Point system does not have statuses like other behavior tools.

  • User can filter a data range for now-

  • All points, positive or negative, are saved as a view-only document for that school year at the time Start of New School Year is performed-Dev can’t do this right now with the current logic.

Incident Tracking

  • All incidents for that school year are saved as view-only documents at the time Start of New School Year is performed.

  • Filter to see previous years.