Behaviors (Family Portal)

We need to create a simplified view of behavior support for parents. This area will show simplified information on the behaviors being worked on and access to printable materials. The idea is to keep parents informed & provide them with resources, without overwhelming them. When the user navigates to this area, they will see an option for Behavior Plans and an option for Materials.

Behavior Plans


  • The user will see a description at the top of the page that reads “Looking to learn more about your child’s behavioral goals at school? Click View to read up on their current plans!”

  • We will show the number of behavior plans for the student and a link to behavior materials

  • If the user clicks the print button, they will open a PDF of the behavior plan list

  • If the user clicks the home button, they will return to the dashboard.

  • If the user clicks on the student’s name, they may switch to the lesson list for another student (if applicable)

  • If the user clicks on Materials, they will go to the materials screen (see next section)

  • Below the description, the user will see a list of behavior plans and a view button.


  • When the user clicks the View button, a modal will show displaying the behavior plan details

    • Behavior plan name

    • Start date

    • IEP symbol (if applicable)

    • Name of behavior

    • Description of behavior

    • Behavior goal

    • Behavior objectives (if applicable)

    • Behavior Function(s)

      • We will show the statement “There is always a reason a child engages in a behavior. We call this reason the function of the behavior. We have concluded the function of this behavior is:”

      • Below this, we will list the functions the teacher has selected for this behavior

    • Antecedent (Proactive) Strategies

      • Replacement Skills

        • We will show a heading for each function and list the associate strategies below the heading

        • Clicking on the name of a strategy will open a window with the lesson details (same as it shows on the lesson area for What I’m Working On (click here for reference).

      • Adaptive Skills

        • We will show a heading for each function and list the associate strategies below the heading

        • Clicking on the name of a strategy will open a window with the lesson details (same as it shows on the lesson area for What I’m Working On (click here for reference).

      • Other Proactive Strategies

        • We will list all selected strategies from the other proactive strategies section

    • Consequence (Reactive) Strategies

      • When Problem Behaviors Observed

        • We will show a heading for each function and list the associate strategies below the heading

      • When Appropriate Behaviors Observed

        • We will show a heading for each function and list the associate strategies below the heading

    • Evaluate Plan

      • Start Date

      • Review Date

      • Persons responsible for implementing plan

      • Persons responsible for recording plan data

    • Notes

      • Date

      • Added by

      • Detail


Business Rules

  • Behavior Plans section will show if the family member user has permission to View Behavior Plans and if the student has at least 1 active behavior plan in behavior support.

  • Behavior Plans (not materials) is the default view on this screen

  • Any student assigned to the user with at least 1 active behavior plan will show in the student drop-down list

  • The user will see all active behavior plans

  • The start date will show the plan’s start date

  • The IEP symbol will show if the behavior has been marked as an IEP goal

  • We will only show the sections completed for the plan. For example, if antecedent strategies have not been added, we will not show this section.

  • Behavior objectives will show if the behavior has objectives. If the behavior does not have objectives, we will only show the goal.

  • Antecedent Strategies: We will only show sub-sections completed for this plan. For example, if no replacement skills have been added, we will not show this sub-section.

  • Consequence Strategies: We will only show sub-sections completed for this plan. For example, if no strategies have been added for problem behavior, we will not show this sub-section.

Behavior Materials


  • When the user clicks on Materials, they will see the behavior materials screen.

  • If the user clicks on the student’s name, they may switch to the lesson list for another student (if applicable)

  • If the user clicks the home button, they will return to the dashboard.

  • Clicking on Behavior Plans takes the user to the Behavior Plans screen (see above)

  • Under materials, we will show the following sections:

    • Visual Cues

    • Motivation Boards

    • Schedules

    • Contracts and Rewards

  • Clicking on one of these sections takes the user to that material category

  • We will show a description of: Visual cues, motivation boards, and visual schedules are all great resources you can use at home to help improve your child’s behavior. Click the View button to print any of these fabulous materials!
    Pro-Tip: Having trouble opening a material? Don’t forget to allow pop-ups from Rethink.

  • We will show all materials for the category selected with a view button

  • Clicking on View will open the PDF of the material


Business Rules

  • Materials section will show if the family member user has permission to View Behavior Plans and if the student has at least 1 active behavior plan in behavior support.

  • Any student assigned to the user with at least 1 active behavior plan will show in the student drop-down list

  • We will only show materials for the following categories:

    • Visual Cues

    • Motivation Boards

    • Schedules

    • Contracts and Rewards