Dashboard (Family Portal)

The main family portal dashboard will be comprised of 4 main areas:

  • Top Navigation
  • My Child Box
  • My Resources Box
  • My Training Box

Additionally, the screen will show:

  • School District Name
  • Good morning/afternoon, INSERT USER FIRST NAME
  • My Profile | Log out

Top Navigation


  • The top nav will show
    • Home
    • Resources
    • Training
  • Clicking Home will take the user to the main dashboard
  • Clicking Resources will take the user to My Resources
  • Clicking Training will take the user to My Training

Business Rules

  • Home will show for all users
  • Resources will show for all users with permission to View Resources and who belong to an account with Skills, Behavior, or SEL lessons allocated.
  • Training will show for all users with permission to View Training and who belong to an account with a training product allocated.
    • Basic ABA
    • Advanced ABA
    • Disability Awareness
    • Fundamentals of Special Education
    • SEL PD
    • Neurodiversity
  • Users will only have access to the training series allocated to their account.

Overview of My Child Box


  • On the main dashboard, the user will see a box for each student to whom they are assigned.
  • Here we will show the name of each student and the student's grade.
  • Below the Grade, the user will see a the following options:
    • What I'm Working On
      • Clicking this will take the user to the What I'm Working on Screen. If this screen is not yet built, this button will take the user to the student's Learning Plan.
    • Behaviors
      • Clicking this button will take the user to the Behaviors Screen. If this screen is not yet built, this button will take the user to the Active Behavior Plans in Behavior Support.
    • More
      • The user will see a down arrow. Clicking on this reveals a link to
        • Log into Student Center
        • View Student's Credentials
        • View Lesson Library
        • View Progress
        • View File Cabinet

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Students who belong to an account with student components allocated (either skills, behavior, or SEL lessons)  will see the My Child box. Here the user will see each student they are currently assigned to.
    • If the user is not assigned to any students, they will not see any students.
  • Navigation buttons are dependent on permission settings and components allocated.
    • What I'm working on will show if the user has permission to View Assigned Lessons or View Assignments and if the student has either lessons on the current learning plan OR at least 1 activity/quiz/video/assessment currently assigned in the student center
    • Behaviors will show if the user has permission to View Behavior Plans or View Behavior Materials and if the student has at least 1 active behavior plan in behavior support.
    • Log into Student Center and View Student's Credentials will show if the user has permission to View Student Center.
    • View Lesson Library will show if the user has permission to View Lesson Library or View Playlist and if Skills or SEL lessons have been allocated to the building the student belongs to.
    • View Progress will show if the user has permission to View Progress and if Skills, SEL, or Behavior has been allocated to the building the student belongs to.
    • View File Cabinet will show if the user has permission to View File Cabinet and if Skills, SEL, or Behavior has been allocated to the building the student belongs to.

Log into Student Center


  • Clicking Log into Student Center will log the user out of their account and into the student's account.
  • They will see exactly what the student sees.

Business Rules

  • This is an option if the user has permission to View Student Center

View Student's Credentials


  • Clicking on View Student's Credentials will reveal pop up asking the user to re-type their password

  • Once the user retypes the password, they will see the student's username and password.
  • If the user selects another student, they may print the username and password for all students selected.

  • Clicking Cancel will close the screen
  • Clicking Print will open a PDF with the username and password for the students selected.

  • Clicking Print All will open a PDF with the usernames and passwords of all students the user has access to.

Business Rules

  • This is an option if the user has permission to View Student Center
  • The user may select any student to whom they are currently assigned.
  • Print All will open a PDF of login credentials for all students to whom they are currently assigned.

View Lesson Library


  • Clicking on View Lesson Library will take the user to the Lesson Library.
  • Once in the Library, the user will see a tab for Lessons and a tab for My Playlist
  • Users will not see Activities tab
  • Lessons Tab
    • Users will not see Create Custom Lesson
    • Users will not have the option to assign a lesson, assign a quiz, assign a video, or customize.
    • Users will see Print, View, Prep, Teach, and Add/Remove from Playlist (dependent on permissions)

  • My Playlist Tab
    • Users will see Print, View, Prep, and Remove from Playlist (dependent on permissions)
    • Users will not be able to assign or customize

Business Rules

  • View Lesson Library will show if the user has permission to View Lesson Library or View Playlist and if Skills or SEL lessons have been allocated to the building the student belongs to.
  • Lessons Tab
    • Will show if the user has permission to View Lesson Library
      • Skills libraries (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic) will show as lesson type if Skills (student licenses) has been allocated to the building the student belongs to
      • SEL library as lesson type if will show if SEL lessons (student licenses) has been allocated to the building the student belongs to. The user will only see lessons for the student's grade level.
      • The student's grade level will be selected and the user will not be able to change the grade.
    • If the user has permission to View Lesson Library and Create Playlist, they will see the option to add/remove lessons to their playlist.
  • My Playlist Tab
    • Will show if the user has permission View Lesson Library and View Playlist
    • Skills libraries (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Academic) will show as lesson type if Skills (student licenses) has been allocated to the building the student belongs to
    • SEL library as lesson type if will show if SEL lessons (student licenses) has been allocated to the building the student belongs to. The user will only see lessons for the student's grade level.
    • The student's grade level will be selected and the user will not be able to change the grade.
    • If the user also has permission to Create Playlist, they will have the option to remove a lesson from the playlist.
    • If the user has permission to View Playlist but does not have permission to View Lesson Library, they will not see the lessons tab but will see My Playlist (this will be useful once we allow users to add to others' playlists).

View Progress


  • Clicking on View Progress will take the user to the student's View Progress area.

Business Rules

  • View Progress will show if the user has permission to View Progress
  • If the user belongs to an account that has student allocations for Skills, they will see:
    • Skill Acquisition
    • Abilities
    • Inclusion
    • Transition
    • Academic
    • Activities
    • Incident Tracking
  • If the user belongs to an account that has student allocations for Behavior, they will see:
    • Behavior
    • Incident Tracking
  • If the user belongs to an account that has student allocations for SEL Lessons, they will see:
    • Incident Tracking

View File Cabinet


  • Clicking on View File Cabinet takes the user to the student's file cabinet.

Business Rules

  • View File Cabinet will show if the user has permission to View File Cabinet
    • If the user has permission to download files, they may download a file from the file cabinet
    • If the user has permission to upload files, they may upload a file to the file cabinet.
    • Users will not have permission to add/edit folders, delete files, or move/copy files.

My Resources


  • The user will see a box for My Resources.  
  • The description on this box will read: Access a collection of resources that support and enrich the content and strategies your students are learning in school.
  • Clicking this box takes the user to My Resources.

Business Rules

  • Resources will show for all users with permission to View Resources and who belong to an account with Skills, Behavior, or SEL lessons allocated.

My Training


  • The user will see a box for My Training.  
  • The description on this box will read: Learn research-based strategies and complete trainings that empower you with tools to reinforce your students’ in school curriculum.
  • Clicking this box takes the user to My Training.

Business Rules

  • Training will show for all users with permission to View Training and who belong to an account with a training product allocated.
    • Basic ABA
    • Advanced ABA
    • Disability Awareness
    • Fundamentals of Special Education
    • SEL PD
    • Neurodiversity
  • Users will only have access to the training series allocated to their account.