Manage All Assignments
We need to add videos to the Manage Assignments area so that teachers can view which students have completed the videos.
User Story: As a teacher, I want to view which students have completed the videos, so I can ensure they are completing their assignments.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am viewing the Name column, I will see the name of each video assigned and/or completed by the students I currently have access to based on filter selections
Given I am viewing the Domain column, I will see the name of the lesson domain the video is associated with
Given I am viewing the Area column, I will see the name of the lesson area the video is associated with
Given I am viewing the Type column, I wills see the word Video
Given I am viewing the Grade column, I will see the grade of the lesson the video is associated with
Given I am viewing the Grade column, I will see the grade of the lesson the video is associated with
Given I am viewing the Tier column, I will see the Tier of the lesson the video is associated with
Given I am viewing the last assigned column, I will see the date this video was most recently assigned to any students I currently have access to, based on filter settings
Given I am viewing the have completed column, I will see the number of students who have completed the video
Given I am viewing the have not completed column, I will see the number of students who have not completed the video
Given I have entered a search term, any video names, domains, and areas that match the search will show on the list
General Concept
We will show any videos that have been assigned and/or completed by students on this screen
Business Rules
We will list all SEL/Mental Health videos where:
At least 1 student the user has access to is assigned the video within the date range (meaning, the item shows under due today within the date range) OR
At least 1 student the user has access to to has submitted the video within the date range
We will not show videos that have not been either assigned or completed by students the user currently has access to
Domain will show the lesson domain associated with the video
Area will show the lesson area associated with the video. For mental health items, this column will show NA.
Type will show Video.
Grade will show the grade associated with the video
Tier will show the tier(s) associated with the video. For Mental Health items, we will show NA.
Last Assigned will show the most recent date any student the user currently has access to was assigned the video. If the item has never been assigned, we will show --
Have Completed will show the number of students the user currently has access to who have submitted the video (clicked the “tell my teacher I’m done” button) within the date range
Have Not Completed will show the number of students the user currently has access to who are assigned the video but have not submitted the item within the date range