Admin Reports | MTSS Training | MTSS Suite

We need to include MTSS PD in the admin reports

User Stories:

  • As as admin, I want to know how many staff are accessing the MTSS PD modules, so I can ensure they are being used.

  • Asa an admin, I want to know the scores my staff received on MTSS PD modules, so I can ensure they understand the content.

Overview List


  • No change to UI

Business Rules

  • Unique Users will include the number of unique team members who accessed MTSS PD resources (training, test, materials) within the date range

  • Total activities will include the number of MTSS PD resources accessed within the date range

Overview Graph


  • We will add a new line to the graph and give it a label of MTSS

  • Hovering on a data point will reveal the number of unique users who accessed MTSS training content within the date range


Business Rules

  • MTSS will show if the district or any of the regions/buildings selected have been allocated MTSS Professional Development

  • We will count all users who viewed an MTSS PD screen or took a test

Training Center Activities


  • We need to add MTSS to the drop-down

  • We also need to include MTSS usage in the All Series option

  • When the user selects MTSS, they will see a report detailing the number of trainings available, training videos watched, modules completed, modules started, and modules not started for MTSS PD

Business Rules

  • MTSS will show if the user has access to MTSS Professional Development

  • Training Videos watched will include the number of MTSS video/HTML5 files accessed

  • Modules Completed will include the number of trainings with a passed test

  • Modules Started will include the number of trainings started but not completed (i.e. started video but did not pass test)

  • Modules Not Started will include the number of trainings that have not been accessed by users



  • We will add a new option in the drop-down menu for MTSS

  • Clicking on MTSS will display the # of unique users who have accessed MTSS PD

  • Hover on the data point will display the # of unique team members accessing training activities (i.e. 48 Unique Team Members)

  • The options for MTSS Training are:

    • View training video

    • View training activity

    • Take training test

Business Rules

  • MTSS will show as an option for users in accounts where MTSS Professional Development has been allocated

  • We will count the # of unique users who viewed something in MTSS PD series (training, test, PDF)

  • Video and HTML5 files will count as a training video

  • PDFs will count as a training activity

  • Tests will count as tests

Unique Users


  • We need to add MTSS to the drop-down

  • We also need to include MTSS usage in the All Series option

  • When the user selects MTSS , they will see a report detailing the number of users with trainings available, # of users with training videos watched, # of users who completed the series, # of users who started but did not complete the series, and # of users who have not started for MTSS Professional Development series

Business Rules

  • MTSS will show if the user has access to MTSS Professional Development

  • This will function as it does for the other training series

Utilized List


  • We need to add a column for MTSS Activities.

  • We will need to add a horizontal scroll on the screen if all trainings are available, but we should still print on one page for width

Business Rules

  • MTSS will show if the user has access to MTSS Professional Development

  • This will function as it does for the other training series

  • If a user has not accessed MTSS PD or any other PD series, they will show on the not utilized list



  • We need to add MTSS to the drop-down

  • When the user selects MTSS, they will see the scores for MTSS PD modules

  • The key will be broken out by main domain (i.e. MTSS, Coaching, Tier 1, etc)

  • We will provide a second filter to display only one domain at a time

Business Rules

  • We will default to All Domains

  • We will only show domains and topics allocated

  • The key can be collapsed/expanded