Overview Graph | Admin Reports | Intervention Tracking

We need to add Intervention Plans to the overview graph. This new section will detail # of students at Tier 1, 2, and 3 for each of the subject areas

User Stories:

  • As an administrator, I want to quickly see how many students are at each tier for each subject area, so I can keep an eye on student needs

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given that user has access to MTSS Interventions (all tools or Intervention Tracking enabled), then the circle graph will show the total students in each tier for the respective District, Region, Building, Role, Team Member within the subject area (ELA, Math, Behavior, Social Emotional) selected.

  • Given user is viewing intervention plan graphic, ELA is the default subject area shown.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16055%3A184037

General Concept


  • We will add a block for Intervention Plans

  • On this block, we will show a circle graph detailing # of students at Tiers 1, 2, and 3

  • The user may select which subject area they would like to view this graph for

    • ELA

    • Math

    • Behavior

    • Social Emotional

  • If the user clicks View More, they will be taken to the new Intervention Plans Totals report

Business Rules

  • This bucket will show if the user has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

  • We will default to ELA as the subject area

  • We will only count the Tier the student is at as of the last date of the date range. Meaning, if a student is in Tier 1 on Day 1 of our date range and Tier 2 on the last day of our date range, we will count the student as Tier 2

  • District

    • This box will show if the district has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

    • We will show the number of unique students in all child accounts who are labeled as Tier 1, 2, and 3 for the selected subject area at the end of our date range

  • Region

    • This box will show if the selected region has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

    • We will show the number of unique students in all of the region’s child accounts the user has access to who are labeled as Tier 1, 2, or 3 for the selected subject area at the end of our date range

    • Students will be counted under all regions they belonged to within the date range

  • Building

    • This box will show if the selected building has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

    • We will show the number of unique students in the building who are labeled as Tier 1, 2, or 3 for the selected subject area at the end of our date range

    • Students will be counted under all buildings they belonged to within the date range

  • Role

    • This box will show if the selected roles belongs to at least 1 account that has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

    • We will show the number of unique students assigned to users of the selected role in all accounts the user has access to who are labeled as Tier 1, 2, or 3 for the selected subject area at the end of our date range

    • Students will be counted under all roles for which they were assigned to a team member belonging to this role to within the date range

  • Team Member

    • This box will show if the selected team member belongs to at least 1 account that has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

    • We will show the number of unique students assigned to the selected team member in all accounts the user has access to who are labeled as Tier 1, 2, or 3 for the selected subject area at the end of our date range

    • Students will be counted under all team members they were assigned to to within the date range

  • Student

    • This box will show if the at least 1 of the selected students belongs to a building that has access to MTSS Intervention Tracking

    • We will show the number of unique students out of those selected who are labeled as Tier 1, 2, or 3 for the selected subject area at the end of our date range