Student Center - Overview



  • When a user navigates to the ‘Student Center’ within the EDU Platform, the ‘Overview’ tab will be the users landing page. It provides important, high level, information to the user at a glance.

UI Description:

  • Tabbed Navigation:

    • A tabbed interface that the user can click on and navigate to different sections of the Student Center Reporting. Tabs include ‘Overview, Login, SEL / Wellness, Mental Health, and Skills’.

  • Date Picker:

    • A date picker that allows users to determine the data range of data that they want to see.

  • Information Blocks:

    • Information Blocks that provide users high level information on key areas. Blocks include ‘Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’.

      • Unique Students Login: (Count of all Unique Students who have logged into the Student Center)

      • Utilization Percentage: (Unique Students who have logged in/Total Student Roster)

      • SEL Items Completed: (Count of all completed Worksheets, Videos and Quizzes for SEL)

      • Mental Health Items Completed: (Count of all completed Worksheets and Videos for Mental Health)

      • Skills Items Completed: (Count of all completed Worksheets for Skills)

  • Group By Area:

    • A filter that allows the user to change the groupings of data being presented in the table.

      • Group by, ‘Building, Classroom, Grade,’

  • Totals and Average Filter:

    • A filter that allows the user to change the data being presented in the table between Total Counts, and Averages.

      • Totals, Daily Average, Weekly Average, Monthly Average.

  • Totals and Average Description:

    • A brief description of the different Totals and Average Filters that will be displayed to the user.

  • Search Bar:

    • A search bar that allows for filtering within the data table rows.

  • Filters:

    • Filters that the user could use to narrow down data.

      • Grade, Genders, Race, IEP, FRL, Housing Status, 504, EP

  • Data Table:

    • A data table that shows key information to the user at a smaller level. Columns in the data table include, Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’.

    • Rows in the data table should correspond to the Group By Area.

User Interaction and Validation:

  • Tabbed Navigation:

    • Users should be able to switch between Overview, Login, SEL / Wellness, Mental Health and Skills tabs to view different content types.

    • The Overview tab should be the landing page when a user first navigates to the Student Center.

  • Date Picker:

    • Users should be able to utilize the date pick to select the date range of data they want to see.

    • The data in the table and information blocks should automatically update when a new date range is selected.

    • The default date range should include the last 7 days of data.

  • Information Blocks:

    • The information blocks should populate with the data in the date range selected.

      • Unique Students Login: (Count of all Unique Students who have logged into the Student Center)

      • Utilization Percentage: (Unique Students who have logged in/Total Student Count)

      • SEL Items Completed: (Count of all completed Activities, Videos and Quizzes for SEL)

      • Mental Health Items Completed: (Count of all completed Activities and Videos for Mental Health)

      • Skills Items Completed: (Count of all completed Activities for Skills)

  • Group By Area:

    • Users should be able to change the ‘Group By' filter to change the data present in the table and information block.

    • The default selection for when a user first visits this page should be ‘Group By Building’, which would show all schools within the district.

  • Totals and Average Filter:

    • Users should be able to change the ‘Totals and Average' filter to change the data present in the Data Table. ‘Totals’ should be the default filter.

      • Totals: Total Count of 'Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’ for the set date range.

      • Daily Average: Daily Average of ‘Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’ for the set date range. (Total Count of Field/Number of days in the date range)

      • Weekly Average: Weekly Average of ‘Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’ (Total Count of Field/Number of weeks in the date range)

      • Monthly Average: Monthly Average of ‘Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’ (Total Count of Field/Number of Months in the date range)

  • Totals and Average Description:

    • When ‘Totals’ is selected display the description:

      • “Total Count of each column in the table for the date range defined”

    • When ‘Daily Average’ is selected display the description:

      • “The Daily Average of each column in the table for the date range defined.”

    • When ‘Weekly Average’ is selected display the description:

      • “The Weekly Average of each column in the table for the date range defined.

    • When ‘Monthly Average’ is selected display the description:

      • “The Monthly Average of each column in the table for the date range defined.

  • Search Bar and Filters:

    • Users can refine the resources displayed in the table by typing in the search bar or selecting options from drop down filters.

    • The search function should validate input and return relevant results within the data table.

    • Filter selections must reflect accurately in the data table.

  • Data Table:

    • Data table information should populate with the data in the date range selected.

    • Data table should have its rows defaulted to the ‘Group By Building' (showing all Schools within the district) when first navigated to.

    • Columns in the data table include, Unique Students Login, Utilization Percentage, SEL Items Completed, Mental Health Items Completed, and Skills Items Completed’.

    • User should be able to click on a row in the data table to show the the same overview page, but for the row they have selected.

      • Information blocks should update to show the specific schools metrics.

      • Group by filter should be updated to ‘Group By Classroom’

      • Rows in the data table should be updated to show all Classrooms within the building selected.