Browse Skills Goals Library


Create a page for the Skills Goals Library with a tab selection revealing the Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, and Foundational Academics tabs for the existing Skills Library contents.

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to select a Skills goal from the Abilities, Inclusion, Transition or Foundational Academics Tab so that I can establish the Objectives and data collection criteria and begin tracking.

Figma: Browse Skills Goals

Project: 205670

UI Description


  • Tab selection reads: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics

Search Box

  • input text entry field

    • reads: Search for goals


  • drop down selector to filter results for:

    • Domain

    • Area

Goal List

  • List of goals resulting from Tab selection, search results and/or Domain and Area filtering

  • Headings show: Goal, Domain, Area with list of results below

  • Default upon entry shows results for:

    • Abilities tab with all Domains and all Areas showing in the order matching what is currently in production.

Create Custom Goal (need clarification)

  • Text button



Back Arrow

  • Navigation to previous screen: Select Skills Library

X (Close Pop-up)

  • UI to close the Skills Goals Library Modal

Cancel Button

  • White button with blue outline and blue text that reads: Cancel

Next Button

  • Blue button with white text that reads: Next


User Interactions and Validation Notes:



  • Upon entry, the Abilities tab is in the selected state with blue, underlined text

  • Tabs work as a toggle.

    • Clicking on a different tab changes the state from unselected gray to selected blue with underlined text.

Search Box

  • “Smart search” reveals list of potential matches with text entry of one word


  • Filtering results remain the same as it currently in Production where:

    • Area filtering results are dependent upon the Domain filtering results.

  • Default entry shows the Abilities Tab with filtering set to All Domains and All Areas

Goal List

  • Includes the results of Default entry/ Search / Filtering with corresponding Domain and Area of each goal within the list

Create Custom Goal

  • TBD



Back Arrow

  • Clicking on the back arrow returns User to Select Goal Library screen

X (Close Pop-up)

  • Clicking X closes the Skills Goals Library and returns User to Select Goal Library screen

Cancel Button

  • Clicking Cancel button closes the Skills Goals Library and returns User to Select Goal Library screen (Same function as X for Close Pop-up).

Next Button

  • Clicking next advances User to the Customized Goal Screen

    • Exactly one goal must be selected to make the Next button active.

    • If no goals have been selected, then the Next button is in an unselected state (grayed out)

Workflow Description

  • From the Empty State for the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add Goal blue button (temporary path) > Select Goal Library (Select Skills Goals) > Browse Skills Goals

  • From the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add goal link (replacement path after initial goal has been created and the initial tracking data entered) > Select Goal Library (Select Skills Goals) > Browse Skills Goals

  • User clicks on the desired Tab (Abilities/Inclusion/Transition/Foundational Academics) (#1)

  • User clicks on the desired Goal within the selected tab (#2)

  • User clicks on Next button

  • User advances to Customize Goal Screen