Data Collection Sheet | Print Version | CICO
The Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) Data Collection Sheet is a printable tool designed to assist educators in tracking students' CICO behavioral goals throughout the school week. This sheet allows for daily rating of target behaviors in various subjects or periods, with score ratings. At the end of the week, the total points can be calculated to assess if the student has met their behavioral goal.
Feature 224932: Print | Check In Check Out
User Story
As a user, I want to print a CICO data collection sheet, so that I can record and monitor a student’s behavior progress across different time periods throughout the week.
UI Description
Header Section
School Name: Populate School Name that the student attends where the placeholder text displays
Name Field: Populate the student first and last name in the name field container
Rating Scale Statement: Display description - ‘Rate in designated spaces for each behavior goal. Rating Scale: # - #’
Dynamically Populate Score Range from CICO Tool
‘Week of:’ Field: Display label ‘Week of:’ with a line so that the user can manually enter the dates for the week
‘Daily Goal:’ Field: Populate the ‘Daily Goal’ set in the Create CICO Tool Setup for the student’s CICO tool.
Target Behavior Section
Target Behaviors Label: Display a container with the text ‘Target Behaviors’
Behavior Goal Containers: Display a goal container for each behavior goal included in the Check-In/Check-Out tool that populates:
Goal # (Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 3)
Behavior Goal Text
Data Collection Grid
Time Period Labels and Containers: Each row represents a time period set in the student Check-In/Check-Out tool.
Dynamically populate the time period labels in the row containers using the time period labels set in the student Check-In/Check-Out tool.
Daily Score Columns:
Days of the Week: Display Days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) at the top of each column.
Single Behavior Goal: Dynamically populate the score range set in the student Check-In/Check-Out tool in the containers for each day and time period
Two Behavior Goals: Display two lines with the labels ‘Goal 1’ and ‘Goal 2’ below the lines, leaving space above the lines for the user to manually enter (write in) a number.
Three Behavior Goals: Display three lines with the labels ‘Goal 1’, ‘Goal 2’, and ‘Goal 3’ below the lines, leaving space above the lines for the user to manually enter (write in) a number.
Notes Section: Display ‘Notes:' label inside a container
Points and Goal Summary Section:
‘Weekly Points Earned:': Display text ‘Weekly Points Earned:’ with empty space to the right for the user to manually enter (write in) total points earned in the week.
‘Goal Met?’: Display text
RethinkEd Logo
Page Count: Display page count in bottom left corner when user prints multiple data collection sheets for a CICO tool (Example: 1 of 4; 3 of 4)
User Interaction and Validation Notes
Verify that the name of the school building automatically generates in the PDF Print Version, taking the place of the placeholder text ‘(Insert School/CICO Name)’
Verify that the first and last name of the student for the CICO tool displays in the ‘Name’ field.
Verify that the filled template dynamically updates the score range on the PDF Print Version using the user selected range in the Create CICO tool setup.
Verify that the filled template dynamically populates the daily goal set in the Create CICO Tool Setup on the ‘Daily Goal’ line.