Client Filing Cabinet for Supervisors.
The client filing cabinet is located within the client’s individual profile. The filing cabinet is a storage location for files created both on the Rethink platform and uploaded from a staff members personal files.
Access to a client’s filing cabinet requires a permission (VIEW)
How a staff member can engage with files within the Client’s filing cabinet are additional permissions
e.g., download files, upload files, delete files, etc.
The Client’s Filing Cabinet consists of ALL FOLDERS and SHARED FOLDERS
All Folders - Folders with files shared between staff members / staff who have access to the filing cabinet
The filing cabinet defaults to 4 Folders within the ALL FOLDERS section
More folders can be added if permissions allow
Shared Folders - Typically reserved for Contacts (parents/caregivers)
Folders can be added to this section if permissions allow
The folder is then assigned to the parent/contact within the Client’s profile
To add a new folder to the Filing Cabinet, select ADD NEW FOLDER
NAME the Folder and decide if it will be housed within the All Folders section or Shared Folders section
Some Folders will automatically be created following actions completed on the platform:
When Billable Session Notes are completed for a client, those will be saved in a new SESSION NOTES folder
When Non-Billable Session Notes are completed, those will be saved in NON-BILLABLE SESSION NOTES folder
When graphs are created in the Analyze Data tab of a clients profile and saved to filing cabinet, a CHILD PROGRESS folder will be created
When treatment reports are written within the Funder Report tab of a client’s profile and saved to the filing cabinet, a FUNDER REPORTS folder will be created
When Assessments are completed within the Assessment tab of a client’s profile and saved to the filing cabinet, an ASSESSMENT folder will be created
None of the above folders will be viewable until the action is completed.
Files can be uploaded to the folders within the Filing Cabinet
Uploading a file requires a permission
Files can be videos, word documents, PDFs, and images
Engaging with files may include VIEW, COPY, DOWNLOAD, DELETE, MOVE, RENAME, and/or TAG
What is available in the Actions section depends on Role permissions
COPY includes adding a copy of the file to another folder
MOVE includes moving that file to a different folder
TAG includes tagging the file How to Use File Cabinet Tagging.