How to Use File Cabinet Tagging.

Tag documents in both the staff and client file cabinets to add additional information so that you can better track and report these documents and/or the absence of certain documents.


Description and Images

Good to Know!


Description and Images

Good to Know!



Navigate to Settings>File Cabinet Settings to create global tags for both staff and client documents in both file cabinets.

Once you click on file cabinet settings, you will be able to add, edit, and delete custom tags to be used with documents in the staff and client file cabinets.

Adding Tags:

Click on the Add Tag button and you will receive a pop up that will allow you to add a new tag.

If you attempt to add a tag that has already been saved, you will receive a notification to to try again. If you don’t need to add a new tag, click on the X in the top right hand corner of the pop up.


Editing Tags:

  • If you click on the edit button with an existing a tag, edit the tag name, then the update will be reflected on all documents that previously had the edited tag.

  • If you don’t want to edit the tag, click on the X in the top right hand corner of the pop up.



Deleting Tags:

  • To delete a tag, click on the delete tag button on an existing document.

  • When deleting tags, you will be shown the total number of documents utilizing this tag.

  • If you delete a tag in Settings, this will delete the tag from all documents with this tag.

  • If you don’t want to delete the tag, click on the X button in the top right hand corner of the pop up.



  • Tag Character Limit: Each Tag has a character limit of 24 characters

  • Tag Limit:

    • There is no limit on the number of tags that can be added here


File Cabinet Tagging & Effective and Expiration Date

Role Permissions to tag documents in file cabinets:

The following permissions are needed to tag documents in the file cabinet for staff and clients: Move/Copy/Tag Files

Client File Cabinet Permissions:

Staff File Cabinet Permissions:

New Documents:

To add a tag to a new document that you are uploading, you will receive the following pop up when uploading where you can upload the document, add tags (up to 5), and add an optional effective and expiration date.

This upload file pop up is the same for both client and staff member file cabinet uploads. Once you have tagged a document, you will see the tag in the column titled “File Tags” in the File Cabinet.

Existing Documents:

The following can be completed when clicking on the tag button in the file cabinet on existing documents:

  • You can add, edit, and delete tags on an existing file.

  • You can add, edit, or remove and effective and expiration dates on existing files.


Copying Documents with Tags

*When copying a document from one folder to another folder that has already been tagged, the tag(s) will be copied as well.


  • Effective and Expirations Dates:

    • When entering an effective date and expiration date, the expiration date must be equal to or after the effective date. If it is not, it will be highlighted in red and a message will state “Must be on or after the effective date”.


Reporting with Data Warehouse

When using the document tagging and effective/expiration dates, the following reports/data can be generated from Rethink’s Data Warehouse:

  • Reports based on document uploaded date

  • Reports based on File Tag(s)

  • Reports based on Expiration date



Searching /Filtering documents in File Cabinet

When navigating to the File Cabinet area under the Staff or Client profiles, click on the Filter icon to display the following filters:

  • Keyword

  • Added By

  • Created Date

  • Tag

  • Tag Effective Date

  • Tag Expiration Date

Click on the Clear Filters icon to remove the previous filters in place.


When navigating to the File Cabinet area, by default the Date column will be sorted in descending order.

Filter by Keyword:

  • Results are be filtered down if the keyword is contained or equal to the folder name, file name or meets any of the above filters i.e. added by and tag.

Added By:

  • When using this filter you will be able to select one or more users. Results will be filtered based on the values selected and will be displayed in ascending order. Select the Clear button to remove the previously filtered values.


Created Date:

  • When utilizing this filter, you will be able to select a specific date or a date range. You are also able to search the filter value(s) within the filter selection. Use the filter button to clear the selected filter values.


  • Selecting this filter allows you to select one or more tags. Results will be displaced in ascending order. Use the filter button again to clear the filter values.  

Effective Date:

  • When utilizing this filter, you will be able to select a specific date or a date range. Results will be filtered based on the values selected. To clear the selected filter values, select the filter button.

Expiration Date:

  • When utilizing this filter, you will be able to select a specific date or a date range. Results will be filtered based on the values selected. To clear the selected filter values, select the filter button.

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