Mobile App- Clock In/ Clock Out Updates

Mobile App- Clock In/ Clock Out Updates


The following improvements have been made:

  1. Clock In and Clock Out buttons are more responsive and will allow users to easily see when they have clocked in or out.

  2. Added messaging will provide users who are clicking on the buttons multiple times the opportunity to cancel or continue resetting either their previous clock-in or out actions.

  3. Updated the color of the staff verify button to match the clock in and clock out color scheme.


Improved button responsiveness- Multiple Clock in/out attempts

After the user clocks in or out the following visual changes will occur to the respective buttons confirming the actions were successful:

  • The buttons will turn green

  • A checkmark will display inside the buttons

  • New text “clocked in” or “clocked out will display


Added Confirmation Messaging

  1. If the user clicks on the clock-in button after previously taking this action the following pop-up will appear:

  • Options No or Yes will be provided for user to choose

Good to Know: If there is an existing clock-out time and user chooses yes, then the clock-out time will be removed.

2. If the user clicks on the clock out button after previously taking this action the following pop-up will appear:

  • Options No or Yes will be provided for user to choose from.

Update to Verify Button Color


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