BACB Id Field: Staff Profile & RBT Training Certificate

BACB Id Field: Staff Profile & RBT Training Certificate



Good to Know!



Good to Know!

Staff Profile - BACB Id Field

  • You will now see a field titled, BACB Id in each staff members profile.

  • This field is required by the BACB if staff are completing the RBT Training in Rethink and plan to submit a certificate to the BACB.

  • BACB requirement information is shown by hovering over the question mark above the BACB Id field and includes the following:

This is a required field on all RBT training certificates submitted to the BACB.  It is recommended to fill out this field in a staff members profile so that it automatically populates on the certificate when completing Rethink's 40 hour RBT training. 
  • Once this field is completed in the staff profile, it will populate on a staff members certificate.

  • This field can be added at any point to a staff members profile and it will populate on the certificate

  • The BACB Id is not a required field in order to save a new staff members profile.

  • To locate your BACB Id field after registering an account with the BACB (BACB - Behavior Analyst Certification Board ), log in and go to My profile information and your BACB Id should be listed.

RBT Training Certificate

Once the BACB Id has been entered, it will be shown on the certificate below the staff members name on the far right hand side.




Staff will receive a notification prior to printing their certificate if they have not filled in this field in the staff profile.



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