Creating and Engaging with Posts and Comments

Creating and Engaging with Posts and Comments

How do I create a caregiver post to engage with caregivers? 

Creating a post for caregiver engagement allows for both written notes and/or attachments (pictures and videos) to be uploaded within the post. Providers can create and engage with posts. Caregivers can engage with posts. Examples of common posts may be:

  • Uploading videos of hard to capture behaviors from home to discuss in the next therapy session

  • Caregivers posting videos of them implementing at home for feedback

  • Caregivers providing feedback to the provider on what content is most helpful for them to be successful with their child

How to create a Post from the Mobile App: 


How to create a Post from the Web Platform:  


Note: supported formats include: .MOV, .MP4, .PNG, .JPG, and .PDF

Here is a quick video overview on how to create a post: Creating Posts

How do I comment back on caregiver comments?

When caregivers upload videos/photos and leave questions or comments on the Post thread, you will receive a notification. You can view the caregiver comments within the Timeline of an individual client’s profile and comment back.


What happens after I send a Post? 

After sending a Post, all caregivers associated with the client account receive a push notification (if they have chosen to enable push notification in their settings) and update email with a link to the Post. Caregivers can collaborate on a shared screen. Furthermore, you can view previous Posts under the client profile. 

How do I create a post and send it automatically in Rethink? 

In the client program, via the integration, you can save time and automatically send Goals, Objectives, and materials (video, PDF overview, PDF tools) to the parents with one click. 

This is a powerful upgrade because you can utilize your client programs and materials and send them as a post to the parent. Furthermore, if you would like to add custom videos, you can add them via a Post in TheraWe.


How do I delete a Post or an attachment from a Post?

In the event that you accidentally create a Post or attachment and need to delete it, then you can delete these at anytime. Please follow this process:

What is a tag on an attachment? 

In order to help with the search for caregivers and your fellow therapy providers, you can tag the attachments with additional meta descriptors. These tags show up the timeline for caregivers and your team, as well as are searchable.

What is the difference between classifying an attachment as “Coaching” vs. “General” in the Post? 

Please note there is currently NO difference between classifying an attachment as “coaching” vs. “general”. Both classifications will display on the client’s timeline.

How do I see how caregivers are engaging with my posts? 

Data tells the real story. TheraWe will show you how many views each attachment and comment has per session. This data is powerful because it can (1) provide you insights into which types of content are most compelling to the caregivers and (2) provide a coaching opportunity to caregivers on their role in home reinforcement. 

How do I access reporting? 

The best way to access reporting is to utilize the web portal at app.therawe.co, in the reporting you can see two important reports, the Leaderboard and Billing and Audit. You can export both to .CSV in the top right.

The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard will reflect the number of posts created this week vs. last week, and also the number of moments generated from providers viewing caregiver attachments and commenting on caregivers' attachments and questions. This tool is very important to review during the first 90 days of implementation to ensure that all of the staff are adopting the rate you would like for your practice. 

The Billing and Audit Report

The Billing and Audit report will record all interactions to support asynchronous and synchronous live video telehealth billing.

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