Post Goals and Objectives to Parents
Post Goals and Objectives to Parents
Promote parent engagement at home with Rethink’s newest feature that enables therapist’s to post a child’s program that parent’s can access on their TheraWe app.
Watch the master class to learn more about streamlining Caregiver Posts from the Rethink Client Library:
Read the step-by-step guide below to learn how to post child’s goals and objectives to parents.
Navigate to Client Profile > Client Program > Select a Program within the Current/ Future/ Mastered Tabs.
Click on the Post to Parent option under Goals and Objectives
3. Goals and Objectives successfully posted can be viewed in TheraWe by clicking on the View Post hyperlink.
4. Therapists can see the program materials as attachments within the Child Profile in TheraWe website and the app.
5. Parents can view program materials in the TheraWe app.